Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1993, p. 15

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Summer is soon te arrive and you're probably in the midst of planning a special vaction. But before you get completely lost in daydrcnms about Iazy, sun-filled afternoons at the cottage or camping in a wooded glen,' turn your thoughts homeward for a few minutes. Have you griven much thought te the security and general well-being of your home while you plan te be away? Have you arranged for someone to check the bouse, coliect the mail, water the flowers and mow the iawn? If you haven't, youlU be mnaking it clear te ail pnssers-by (including wouid-be thieves) that no one is home. By taking a few simple steps now and planning for the care of your home whiie you're away, youll rest much easier knowing that everything is taken care of and that your home will be safe and sound upon your return. Make a checkist A few weeks before your scbeduied vacation, it's an excellent idea te, make a comprehensive checklist of ail the arrangements that need te be made. First, be sure te cancel the delivery of ail newspapers and mail for the duration of your vacation. To make sure this occurs on target, you may want te cancel deliveries a couple of days before your actual departure. You may aise, wish services to resume the exact day of your return, or a day or two afterwards. In any case, be sure to give enough notice. Also arrange for a nearby friend or relative to look after your bouse, botb inside and out. You can ask them to mow the iawn and water your garden, and check your bouse every other day te spot any smali problems before they turn into bigger ones. Aiso ask them te, remove any advertising flyers or brochures that get left on the doorstep wbile you're away. These can pile up quite quickiy after a couple of weeks, and their presence is a clear indication that no one is home. It's aise advisable te, let your immediate neighbours know youll be away se tbey can be alert te any suspiclous actwvity around your home and report it te the police. Also be sure te, leave a phone number or contact point where you can be reached by the person who is looking after your homne. If you can't get someone you know to take on these duties, consider hiring a professional, bonded housesitter. Housesitters can be hired te either stay in your bouse or make periodic checks while you're gone. Although you'li have to pay for the service, it's worth the peace of mind. If your pets won't be accompaflylfg you on your vacation, make sure you make arrangements to have sonieone look after them or book thern into a boarding kennel. Keep in mind that some kennels get filled to capacity during peak vacation periods. To ensure that your pet gets into the kennel of your choice, book in advance. L y c Lights and curtains Be sure te put several lights in your home on timers se theyll *urn on and off at various times of the day. You may even want to consider leaving a radio playing to give the impression that someone is at home. Crime prevention authorities recommend that your friend or riousesitter do things te give your house a 'somebody's; home' look. These include opening and closing curtains and moving cars in and Dut of the driveway. You may even want te invite a rieighbour to park an extra car in your driveway while you're away. This furthers the illusion that somneone is home. It's also a good idea to remove valuables such as jewelry and important documents fromn your home. Put tbemn in a safety deposit box at your bank wbere youll know they can't be stelen. As well, be sure to check the status of wiadow and door locks, well in advance of your departure. That way, if you find a loose or faulty latch or lock, you'll have adequate time te get it repaired. You may also want to instal security bars on any windows that might provide a key point of entry for thieves. (In the event of fire, these bars can be swuag out of the way from the inside of your home.) Precuins fror te empty home this, suimer, ut'ossoaodidanttlev Itny tolsoiaygoin aodth eyard taytcouid eaiheroe tersd ten ol gain onr etoleyou oe (h, am er scrwdrvradho on).ers Kee ai aders sndely o)re aw ay; heeto, a be sed teaccy es pertoreys ofb ur h ome esupeiallys f yu main loor is well.fortified. items, sucb as lawnmowers and spreaders, stered safely, along with any bicycles or other sports or play equipment that could disappear if left unattended. If you're using a shed te store these items, make sure it's secured with a sturdy padlock and that the key is kept in a safe place. Dangerous materials Don't beave any bazardous materials lying around. (This applies to when you're at home as well.) Substances, such as varsol or gasoline, could faîl inte the wrong hands and cause serious damage and injury. Store them properly or dispose of them by taking them to a designated drop site for housebold hazardous waste. (Contact your local municipality for more information.) The same rule applies te pesticides and any other materials considered to be dangerous. By taking these simple precautions, you'il be able to sit back and enjoy your vacation te, the fuliest. This article is provided by local realt ors and tie Ontario Real Est ate Association (OREA) for thte benelit of consumers in t/he real estate market. Keep waterways dlean By Beaver Lumber Boating is one of the mnost popular pastimes ia Canada. Millions of Canadians paddle, row or metor on our lakes and rivers every y9ar. There are many tbings we can do to make sure our use of tbe waterways disturbs the environment as little as possible. First of aIl, neyer throw garbage overboard. Take it back to shore and dispose of it properiy. If you're driving a motorboat, be careful of the size of wake you create, not only for reasens of courtesy and safety for other boaters, but also because a big wake can cause shoreline erosion and that can disrupt fish and wildiife habitats. When filling up at the marina, avoid the temptation to fill your gas tank te the brim when spill into the lake. Use phosphate-free detergents wben you're cleaning the bull in the spring, and use extreme caution when using any chemical cieaners, paints or anti-fouling compounds on your boat. Try using non-texic wax as an alternative to anti-fouling paint. The se-called 'grey water' discbarge from on-board sinks, showers, drains and bilges must be disposed of at an approved pumnp-out station. Have any on-board sewage holding tanks and toilet plumbing system inspected and approved by provincial environment officiaIs. Make certain that you meet ail the locai regulations for storage and diszharge. Always dispose of waste oil in special oul recycling tanks available at most marinas and government docks. Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, May 19, 1993, Page 15 ~iTè< ~ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. A SPECIAL EVENT FOR FAMILY ENJOYMENT Get More Barbecue For Your Dollar!f Stipeior Popanei --k l this seîisLn the best yet. oily il Supenior Propanie can-y i gel our unique otier ol valuable extras. a 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. a No Hassie Assembiy (miùinia charge applies). a Free Delivery (withini 32 kior-etres/20 iles of your local Superior Propane Branch). a Excellent Manufacturer's Warranty. And ail of our 1993 Barbecues are equipped with the new Quick-Discoflfect Safety gystern. So wlîy waii? Caîl or vîsil your local Sulierior Propanet Branch îtoday. lBut ihurryhisaller is on l'or a lïiiîed ne! VSA a 50,000 BT 'Us v'Eotal Cookiflg Area 075 sq. in ii cîdîng 30<0 "q in %varîiifg rack a* asy dlean porî.elaifl grills a Cerami briquets for more even heai. a V 7 Bih Sssîem for ,iiiiplitit] assembly. o5~Jn 4- diiir1idr hamrger 505 Victoria St. E., Whitby e (6328 SLaorior Open: Mon. to Fr. 8am - 5pm, Sai 9am - Ipm U n. dWPORTWHITBY MARINA Welcomes You OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MAY 22,1993 (No Ramn Date) 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Tho Parks and Recreation Department is pieased to invite you to an OPEN HOUSE at the PORT WHITBY MARINA on Saturday, May 22, 1993 from 1:00- 4:00 PM. Corne to the Marina Iocated at 303 Front Street West to view the Harbour and Vessels. Bi]RegL,-f for the Transport Canada VHF Radio Licence wiII also take place at the Open House. The following agencies wiII be in attendance to provide information. cw WHITBY FIRE DEPARTMENT rw CANADA COAST GUARD cw CANADA CUSTOMS LW CITY 0F OSHAWA MARINE RESCUE ASSOCIATION Ew DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE w ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE w ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE w U.S. COAST GUARD To pre register, or for further information, please contact the Port Whitby Marina at 668-1900. RECREA-TION A T ITS BEST

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