Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1993, p. 38

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Page 38, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 5, 1993 GARAGE & I....A.A...... 10TH WHITBY SCOUTS will be holding a garage sale on Saturday, May 8, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at WNhitby Sunoco, 509 Dundas St. W. This sale will support the troop's trip to the 1993 Canadian Scout Jamboree in July. TWO-HOME YARD SALE, May 8, 9 a.m. 10 4t p.m. Furniture, toys, lg hts, dishes, etc. 1610 Dundas St. W., corner of Halls Road & Hwy. 2. GARAGE SALE - SATURDAVI Ma 8, 9 a.m. 10 3 p.m. at 24 Beln Court, Whitby. Collectibles, clothing, kids' toys. Moving - cheap prices. GIANT STREET GARAGE SALE Lumsden Cros. (Garden/Rossland), Whitby. Saturday, May 8, 8 a.m. Rain or shine. MOVING SALE - Freezer chest, fridQe, kitchen set, chesterfield, chair, ping-pong table & other items in good condition. 430-9427. NEARCTIC COURT, WHITBY - Multi-famnily sale, Saturday, May 8, 8 a.m. te 2 p.m. "Items big and small, corne one, corne alr GARAGE SALE - MAY 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 206 Warden Wilson Ave. (Cochrane & Dundas). Maternity clothes, baby items, typewritors, housohold Items& much more. GARAGE SALE, 57 Renfield Cros., Ottor Creok area, Saturday, May 8, 9a.m. to 4p.m. YARD SALE - 3-FAMILY, 909 -Annes St., Whitby. May 8 (ramn NOTICE: The Groveside Cerne- tery Board, c/o 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby has filed with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Cemetories Regulation Branch, 555 Yong e St., 5th Floor, Toronto for By-law approval. lnterested parties rnay view the draft By-laws at the Grovoside Cernetery, Brooklin, Ontario, or by calling the Secret ary-Treasurer at 668-5803, extension 232. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F STEVEN IGERCICH EGAN AIl dlaims against the estate of Stoven l gercich Egan, laIe of th)e Town of Myrtle, in the Reg lonal Muncipahty of Durharn, who died on or about the 9th day of February, 1993 must b. ftiled wit h the undersigned personal repre- sentatives on or before the 3lst day of May, 1993; thereafler, the undersigned will distribute the assoIs of the said ostate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED this 281h day of April, 1993. ROBERT S. EGAN and RONALD A. EGAN, 60 Henderson Drive Whitby, Ontario by thoir solicitors, RYE AND PARTNERS 1200-65 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2M5 laIe May 15). 9 a.nfo 3 p.m. 'Something for overyene." 0A. i N I PRSO ALS CORNEILS AUCTION BR I FRIDAY, MAY 7 AT 6 P.M. q MLES EASMT OF ILITTLEF ANVONE WHO WITNESSED an accident Friday, April 30/93 at apprex. 8:15 p.m. at A nderson St. & 1w. 2 btween bicycle rider & automobile, please cail 436-8636. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Josus -be' praised, adored *and glorified, lovod and preserved throughout the worîd now and forevor. Sacred Heart of J esus pray for us, St. Jude workor of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopeless pray for us. Repeat 9 times for 9 days and promise to publish. NG. PERSONAL LOANS from $1000 and up for any purpose. Quick approvais. 436-8104. Facelift without surgery, PLUS WAXING For appoiniment, cail Dawn 430-1328 THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacrod Heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus b. adored, g loriied, lovod and preserved throug hout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of J esus pray for us, St. Judeo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hop.less pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth da your prayer wtll be answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promnised. AU. BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Refin. antique drossers, modemn pine corner cupboard, spinning whoel, cedar chest, oak c hest of drawors, pine plat-to-wall cup- board, -dinîng table, 2-dr. fridge, modemn drossers & chests of drawers, automatic washer & dryer, walnut dresser, coffee & end tables, ch osterfiold & chair, roll-away bed, modemn china cabinet, 6-pc. modern bodroorn ste. w/2 single bods, 15 cu. ft. chost freezer, milk cans, refin. trunks, press-back rockers, 3-pc. modemn bedroom ste., almond side-by-side fridge & 30" oloctric steve, qty. tin te ys & graniteware, Winchester 30.30 rifle, Squire Bighamn 22 rifle, 22 Ruger semi-automatic, 250 Honda 3-whoelor, 14-ft. Lowe aluminum boat & trailer, 12-ft. aluminum boat wI5HP Evinrude moter, Beaver table saw, plus a qty. of china, glass, furniture & collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RAR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 2-SESSION AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAYB8 10 A.M.(VIEWII1IG 9 A.M.) AGRICULTURAL BUILDING & CATTLE BUILDING, ORONO FAIRGROUNDS ~ cosfrorn arena) TAKe401oTO 115/35 HWY& NORTH 10KM. (Watch for signs.) First session, which starts at 10 a.m., will be complete liquidation of woodworking shop, followed at approx. 12 noon by lawnrnowers & misc. ouldoor tools & equipment, thon canees, boats, eld f ishing Iackle & guns. At approx. 1 p.m. in the Agricultural Building, furniture, antiques, collectiblos, art & coins, etc. (viewing from 9 a.m.) 1ST SESSION: 10 a.m., wioodworking shop (partial lisI): Stroke sander (speciall13'), overhead spraybooth fan, Rockwell 10" table saw w/Excalibur saw fence, 2 Rockwell routers (2-1/2HP) & motal tables, jiq saws & tables, orbital sander, air nailers (PasIode MU112B), misc. air & electric drills, fire extin- guishers, numerous small bools, C clamps, oak office desk, gas & acc. torch set, risc. partially f inished small wood products, misc. paints, stains, thinners, 3 freezers, Toc MA 190 cash registor, dust vacuum system, edge sander (Progress.), 6w Rockweîl deluxe jeinter, 16" Makita planer model 2040 (400 mm), 12" Rockwell bandsaw, Excaibur I! scroll saw, bot sander, air stapler, exhaust fan, Skil saw, workbenches, bits (router, drill, etc.), bar clamps, file cabinet, rnisc. lots of wood, spray g uns, paint sprayer prossure tanks, sand- papor, glues, etc., propane kitchon steve. SELLING AT APPROX. 12 NOON. Riding mowers include: Allis Chalmor 16HP & Jacobsen (Homelite) 11HP rear metor (exc.), g as Iawnmowors (Lawnboy, Brute Il), 28' fibreglass Iadder, cedarstrip boat, old rods, reels & tackle, Weed Eater, wheolbarrow, lawn- relIer, 2 canees, 7HP outboard, misc. boating equipment. Gunis include (valid FAC required): 7.52 Mauser ,(military, maching #s), Lee Enfield #4 MKI-303 w/bayonet (mýatching #s), Winchestor model 94 30/30, Winchester moe l 1892 38/40, Winchester model 94 commemorative Golden Spike (minI) 30/30, 22 Anshutz boys rifle, rnuzzîe loader. 2ND SESSION selling aI approx 1 pm. in Agricutural Building. Partial hlisI 10 include: Eastlake kitchen table, primitive pine cupboard, washstands, oil lamps, primitive pine chest of drawers, misc. tables (kitchen, primitive, pine, etc.), old trunks, blanket boxes, several advertisornent rcs. (sigins, boxes, etc.), Baldwin Interlude organ & stool, misc. dressers & chosts cf drawers, misc. caiairs & rockers, plus selection cf household articles, etc., misc. limited edition & decorative art prints (Hayes BJ Kirk, Simnpson, Cowon, etc.), solection cf oîd coins & misc. new jewelry. This is a lg. sale with two sessions, sa corne early & browse in both buildings. Plan on staying laie. The abeve list is only partial with many uhlisted treasures te be feund. Caîl for information or ail your audtion needs. NEXT AIJCTION: Sunday, May 16. MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 I~~ .............soIÂL MAN, 33 - Lonely drifler with prophetic vision, has lazided in the machine to track ideal woman. Where you going? 666-9523. *I had a very good response to My ad - a lot cf phone colle..' EUM Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public s help ini solving a robbery that occurred in Oshawa on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Just after midnight, the female victim left her fiend's apartment building at 584 Bloor St. E. and walked to the corner of Wilson Road South and Bloor Street East. The victim entered the phone booth located on the Petro Canada lot and was looking up the phone number for a taxi. The suspect, who had been watching the victim enter the booth, con fronted her and smashed her head twice against the wall. The victim feil to her knees and had her hair pulled as the suspect grabbed her purse and ran northbounci frm the scene. The suspect is described as male, white, with a stocky build and collar-length, dark hair. He was wearing a blue T-shirt or jacket. Crime Stoppers is asking anyone with information on this or any other serlous offence to caîl. The phone number is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). As a caller you will not have to identify yourself or have to go to court. A cash reward of up te $1,000 is offered if your information leads to an arrest. A re-enactment of the crime will be shown on CITY-TV (channel 57, cable 7) on Thursday, Ma y 6 during the 6 and 10 p.m. news. It wiIl also be shown on CHEX in Peterborough and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, May 7, again during tE news. Sergeant Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Remional Crime Stoppers program and writes this article to he p combat crime. A coes'badamin Events th LCiei per Anniv»rsaries Annauncerrients Antiques, Art & dotecibles Apartmenîs for Rent Appliances Articies lforSale ArtsiCraftslHobbies Audtions Autos/Trucks for Sale Births Boats & Supplies Buildings Business Opporluniies Business Services dall a Praiessionai dard of Thanks dareers Child dare Services Commrcial Space for Rent or Sale Dace Instruction Deaths Educational Services Errployment Wanted Fsrms/Acreage Fsrm Supplies & Equipment Financial Services For RenI Garage & Yard Sales Happy Ads l-elp Wanied Homes for Rent Hoam for Sale n Memoriam Insurance Landscaping Services Lost & Found Lostottages Miiestones Moigages MotorcyckesRVs Personais PersalsiServices Pets/Uivestock & Supplies Rosi Estate Resientisl Services Rooms foi Rent Shsred Accommodation Storage Tenders Trairning Services TravelNacations Nalntines Wanted PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61+ 390 GSI) 150t eaCh additional word; (140 + 10 GST) BULLED WORD ADS $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 eaCh additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS 930 per agate lune (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $1 3.86; PLUS GST DUSPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics> Regular display rates apply - 990 per agate line Minimum size 1 column inch $13.86 CONTINUO)1US RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER COLUMVN INCH. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unloss othorwise indicatod DEADLINE Monday noon pnior ta Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Please check your advertisemont for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not b. hiable for failure le publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cosi of the space occupiod by the error up to a maximumn cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right toi classify or rejeci ail advertisements. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Fnday

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