Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1993, p. 36

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Page 36. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 5, 1993 LOVING MOTHER would love to FURNISHED ROOM for rent,$8 DUNDAS/ANDERSON - One WHITBY - ATTRACTIVE ONE-BEDROOM BASEMENT provide quality care for yo ur infant weekly. Share bathroom & ktchen. bedroom. Private entrance, 2-bedroom, bru ght & dlean, $785 aatent. AvaUlabI mmediately. or toddler. Lots of TLC. 430-9520. Student or worker preferred. Walk parking. laundry, pool, $550 inclusive. Also 2-evel, 1-bedroom LageIvinI room, ktchen. Fridge, ___________________to ail amenities. Cal 666-3776 inluive. First & last. Available & den. $795 inclusive. Parking, stove, utilities included. Close to BROKWOD AEAclse o ater6 pm.Ma y 1. References. Non-smoker. near GO. Available July 1. schooî, shopig $595. First& euh-neAnarI. Lovinu care __6____5464.__699-5287._ 8 ast. 610 Stewart St., Whitby. avaliable in my home, ages 2 & up. Lunch, snacks & receipts. 666-9382. MOTHER 0F 2 CHILORIEN will provide day care in my home. Any age welcome. Reasonable rates. Cochrane & Rossland area. Phone Kimn, 666-0285. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE available in my home. Reasonable rates include breakfast, lunch & snacks, plus dally outings, includIng playgroup at school. We The systemn that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child *FuIly trained providers receive ongoing Agencyu support *Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays - Compete insurance coverage - Income tax receipts *Chidren six weeks and up - Full or part-time For more Information caîl: 686-3995 a icensed Agency INVEST IN THIS BEAUTIFUL, scenic, 4-acre hardwood*estate building lot. Permits, hydro, phone on pro ert Sha bt Lake. 668-527f a er 6 p.m. VTBM $39,900. inteîtokîg stone- retaining waiis *wood fencin & decks rFREE COMPET1TIVE ES77MA TESI Wrtten Guarantee 666-9690 Dits kIgSao r Hole Drling & PMetSettig S427-9524 BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12., Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Caîl 655-5308. RITSONITAUNTON AREA - Furnished room. Waterbed, micro, lar e f ridge, table & chairs. Share bat $65/week or $280/month, inclusive. 723-1788. BROOKLIN - LARGE CLEAN, quiet, furnished room. dîose to ail amnenities. Suit mature maie. Parking. Available now. 655-5539. QUIET PLACE for quiet person. Kitchen & laundry facilities. Air, cable, private entrance. Close to ail amenities. First & last week. 430-0404. ROOM IN A 3-BEDROOM bungalow. Use of living room, TV, kitchen. washroom, Iaundry facilities. Parking. Utilities included, $450. Caîl 725-7474, noon to 3:30 ROSSLAND & THORNTON - 3-bedroom, main floor of house. Carpet & stove. Patio. $900, includes utilities. One-bedroomn basemnent a pt., $600, includes utilities. 725-7474 or 571-2051. UXBRIDGE - LARGE 2-bedroomn basement apt. WaIk-out to back- yrd. 4-pc. bath. $800 inclusive. Now available. 852-4711. BRIGHT, CLEAN 2-BIEDROOM main floor apt. in triplex. Huge backyard for kids. Excellent locattonI Close to ail amenities. $605/month, plus utilities. Cal Sandy Herber, 668-6171, W. Frank Real Etate Ltd. WHITBY - SMALL 2-bedroom in triplex. Close to 401 & GO. $650 + hydro. Cail 666-1071 in p.m. BROOKLIN, LARGE beroom apart ment for Fridge, stove, parking. 655-4544, or 655-89à89. one- rent. Caîl p.m.; 571-2051 ail day. . . . .o. . . .I. . .I ACOIODT N R ETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: ______________________ 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, A-.. %Alk.&L . rittÉirna PERSON TO SHARE 3-bedroom townhouse. Nice neig hbourhood. Garden/Dundas area. $400/month plus V/2 utilities. Appiances încluded. Available immediately. 668-1831 atter 6 p.m. AVAILABLE JULY 1 - Room in house to share with 3 others. Utilities included. Washer/dryer. $350/month. Mature people only. 430-7103. ICARPETRY! *W Cenr « C oarpniAon s 1- Hom25-65ve4n aI enm Raeo Mions z~DrywilndP&inting * 18 8Years In iDurhamn~ * Region U2S S668-46,86 arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.M. PROFESSIONALS: Office space to share. Ground floor office. Downtown Whitby. Secretary, fax, phone, etc. Caîl 668-4440. BROOKLIN OFFICE SPACE for rent. 625 sq. ft. up, plenty of free parking. Ca Il 655-4544 or 655-8989. Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement ýplanning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. CENTRAL WHITBY LARGE 3-bedroom,' bright & dean. Broadloom throughot. Appliances including dishwasher. Covered parking. $825/month. Available. July 1. 668-4643. WHITBY - 1-BEDROOM base- ment apartment in triplex. Parking. Private entrance. Available JuIy 1. $450, inclusive. 668-1995 or 666-3991. WHITBY: CLEAN & QUIET one-bedroomn apartment ln century home. Inctudes private parking, laundry facilities & yard. AvaiIabe April 1. Cali Ron at 668-3011 (message) or 666-3883 (evenings &weekendis). HOUSE, APARTUENT FOR RENr? If you had advertisd hors, 1,000sllMe you would be reading thls now. Cali 6684111 HOMES I HOMES I F0.R $ALE FOR SALE I $1 255900 3-BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with side entrance to possible 2-bedroom in-law apartment. Spacious backyard with 16-ft. x 32-ft. inground heated pool, completely fenced and separate from remaining yard. Cali no w Carol Ross, Sales Rep Guide Realty Ltd. 723-5281 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST - TS EASY! ONE cALL, ONE BILL DOES UT ALL. [HLUNTSVILLE GUN & TRADE SHOW. Cenltennial Centre 10:00-3;00 May 16. Modern, SrSiiliary, antique guns, related displays, tables availabte. Wayne (705) 789-7337, Rass or Steve (705) 789-5201. Spansors Volunleer Firelghters. FOR SALE NEEDED. Lose up ta 30 tbs. in 30 days. Try aur new Cellular Nutrition Program. Cai (416) 841-0977. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or tiîneshare? Wattl lake Il! Americas tergesi resale cleartnghause. Cati Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 haurs). HELP WANTED MOVE TO BEAUTIFIJL B C.' VW/Audî deaierhip teqîires experienced licensed lechioician. 1 hour drive east ai Vancauver. Seîîd resume: 32835 Sauth Fraser Way, Abbolstard. B.C. V2S 2AG. FINANCE PERSONAL LOANS/DEST CONSOLIDATION. Borraw up la $100.000 with ria credil or colalp.rai, 121'% inleresl. Must be employed luli! lime. Na up-Iront tee. Calittaday. Fidelity Acceplanr.e I-8<1-72-5899. EDUCATION COUNSEILLOR TRAINING INS rITUTE of Vanîcouver allers carrespondence courses lof Ilite Certilir.ale oI Counsellinig Studies ta begin May 30. ro a brochure. phone tlll.ree 1 -800- 665-7044. CAMPGROUNDS CAMPERS. AWARD-WINNING Niagara Falls KOA Kanpgaund apen. Complete wilh indoor poot.,lhai tubs Btossom parade M.iy th. 8625 Lundys Laite (416) 356-CAMP $5 savlngs wilh ad. MORTGAGES Homeowners' We have morîgage maney la pay afl bitts, home renovalions. Low intetest! Law payments! Na qualilyîng hassies' Cal l.F.G. Remmlly Services loday' Tal-rea 1-800- 463-9939. MISCELLANEOUS INVEN TOFS: We represeni inventaors cIta want la PATENT and mnarket their new producl ideas. FREE informatton kit. The Concept Nelwnrk, FAST! PRIOFFSSIONAL' 1-800-835- 2246 ext 67 CANAIANESCOPANY RAIDL EXANDIANC3*aCOhMPndAiNg aPrIum EXa aiNCh gs.e uDrisibulan rs nede locmedfte'y.sMiniu inveos me 995 Famdra Mulc a7d id e Club 1800-263 1900. business apitiorlunity No selling. No invenilory. Na risk. For free Inormatlon package, catI the Travel Cansuiting Graup ai (416) 510-8079 (recording>. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY lor Independent entrepreneur willinq ta wogk tarmets' markets. Exclusive produci and toîrllary. Appty: A à A Assaclales. (403) 244-1750 (Mon. - Thuts.>. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. Find oui why more and more people buy and tecoinmend Future for quallly. integrîly and service. Caît now for spectal prices on Hay Starage Buildings. 1- 800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strailcali Type -nat quanset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11.690: 50x90 $16,622; 60xl26 $25.375 - other sizes available - Final Spring clearance - Patagon -.24 Hauts 1-800-263-8499. SELLING AT FACTORY COST- Two 40x96' top-qualily woad/sleel buildings. neyer picked up, tltst.come-tir sl-served. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. 24 hauts. 1-800-561- 2200. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Soutlîwestern School ai Auctioneering. Nesi Ctass: July 17-23. Information, contact: Soulhwesletn Ontatio Schaol aI Auctoneering. R.171. S, Woodslack. Ontatio N4S 7V9. 1519) 537-2115. FREE 'CARIEER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train ai home lor cateets in Accaunting. Air canditianing. Boakkeeping. Business. Etecironica. Law Entorcaînant. Medicat Sectelary. Paralegat. Travel, etc. 263 Adelaia St. W (SA) Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE ta corespottd with unallactied Chistian people across Canada lot companionship or matriageli Ashgrove. RO. Box 205. Chias'.. R C. VOE iMO Pipase -tale agît. our nd could apperu in conîrnunily new8spapers in Ontario, or right acronsa Canda n ay individual province. Space is Liniîted. so C.-»I This Nca'sp.'per Todayi To reach a Wdor ma'kotadVr*g iee txçhu Ur. rgkwWînsembeflhip aif Us onW.,o and Cwsae*an Connun'tY N.wsPaP.r Aialaa Cerum QarOnw 55 n.wpapm - SI160 fot 25 words * Ait Otarier4wpasi. 53-MO t 25 words Au Catade 572 tuwup.pems- $1,121 for 25 word Fm furUisrkdor mflplus..coi #» WNtby Fmt..PMoU Cbsidl 60-R" N I r- 1 -ma 1

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