Page 24. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. April 7. 1993 Visit supervisors needed The Durhamn Supenvised Acceas Progrem offers children opportunities te maintain and build relationships with non-custodiel parente, or other family membera, in a uprvised safe, neutrel and child-oused setting. Progrezn volunteers are needed te supervise visits on Saturday and Sunday efternoons in Pickering and Oshawa, and Saturday mornings in Port Perry. An evening during the woek will woon be added. If you enjoy children and are empathetie te the neoda of separated faxilies,.you cen put your social and observation idlîs te work and gain valuable experience in the program. Training and support are provide. For more informnation, calI the Durham Supervised Access Program et 668.6868. I ~~rctoe IOptimistic about future A photo ception in lest weok7s edition should have statod thet Tatum ONeel wes ehown on the left and Lawrencia Bembenek on the right. It was incorroctly stated that O'NeaI was shown et ight and Bembonek on the left. The Free Prose wishes te epologize for the errer. PRMPAGE safety oentre for Ontario Hydre omployee in the former Mack TrYuck office on Victoria Street. Edwards aIse, touched on the controversial Price Club and Aik- enhead's proposed development in south Whitby. JIL~I CORPORATION OF THE ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY 1993 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The second instalment et taxes for 1993 is due and payable A pi 15, 1993. Taxes may be paid at any Witby barik without collection charges, or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whit% ntarlo. In addition, taxes may be paid by telephone through Bankline or Canada Trust EasyLino. If you have flot received a tax bill and you are responsible forIpayment, please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 teobtain the necessary information. If paymont is not receivod by the due date, penalty will be added on the frst day of default and the frst day et each calendar month se long as non-payment continues, at the rate et 1-1/4% per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPER VISOR 0F REVENUE , THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGION PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GARRARD ROAD RESER VOIR AND PUMPING STATION TO SERVICE OSHAWAIWHITBY IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Regional Municipality ef Durham is planning the expansion et the existing Garrard Read water reservoir and the provision et a pumpin station te service the Zone 2/3 water service area et OshawaiWhitby lang the Brookiin water service area. The expansion wilI aIl take p lace within the existin Garrard Road reservoir site south et Conlin Road in the Tewn oethy. The project is being planned under Schedule B of the Clasa Envronmental Assesisment for Municipal Sowage and Water Prejeots. A number of alternatives for constution et the reservoir and pumping station are being considered and a Public Information Centre te cisctfts the alternatives and te sook public input will be held on: WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 1993 4:00 P.M. to08:00 P.4. AT THE REGION 0F DURHAM WORKS MAINTENANCE DEPOT OSHAWAIWHITBY DEPOT 825 CONLIN ROAD WHITBY, ONTARIO Staff ef the Region et Durham and Totten Sims Hubicki Asseciates, Consulting Engineers for the project, will be in attendance te answer questiens. For further information on this project or te inspect a copeto the projoot panning documents, please contact Mr. Thom Sloloy. P.Enq., Regionai Municipality of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby. Ontane LiN 6A3. Tlephene (416> 6687721, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m., Monday te Friday. lnterested persons should provide wnitten comment te the Region en the prject within 30 calendar days from the date et this Notice. Comments should be drected te Mr. Thom Sloley at the above address. If concemrs arise regardnp this project, which cannot be resoîved in discussion with the municipality, a person/party may request that the Minister et the Envirentment «bump-up* the projoot to an individual environmentaî assessment. »Bump-upO requests must be received by the Ministry at the add&ess below within 30 calendar days et this Notice. If there is no bumpprquest recoived by April 30, 1993, thie Reserveir and Pumpi Stain will preceed te design and construction as presented inth planning documentation. MINISTER OF 1THE ENVRONMENT 135 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST 151HFLOOR TORONTO, ONTARIO M4V 1 P5 This Notice issued March 31. 1993 G. HERREMA V.A. SILGAJUS, PENG REGIONAL CIIAIRMAN COMMISSONER 0F WORKS Town council hes approved the bulk merchandising warehousos, but Durham Region council muet still give its endersemont. The dovlopmont has drawn the wrath of area merchante fearful that the stores will take away business and ultimately coat jobs. Edwards said that while there are strong feelings on beth aides of the issue, ho was sold on the project for finenical reesens. "I discovered that in 1992, $3.8 million worth of Durham Rogion's residents> money wes peid to an Aikenhead/Price Club outlet elsewhere in Ontario," ho said. Duning the same period, $700,000 worth of goode were purchesed by Whitby nesidents elsewhene, Edwerds said. "That money will continue te beave our community unlesa we cen provide a facility hene,» ho seid, adding that exsting stores will bonefit from spinoff busi- ness. Kartway# PROM PAGE 1 Femily Kartway frein Richard Clark who had owned the busi- ness since 1963. lI addition te the go-kart trekthe park includes minia- tuegofrideos, batting cages and a water lide. National Citizenship Week 1993 will take place April il te 17. THE SUCCESS 0F GLASS RECYCLING Ontario continues te have the highest rate of glass recycling of all Canadian provinces. Overal, residents recycled 6 per cent more glass in 1992 than in 1991. Now that glass recycling is well established in the home, it is making rapid inroads in the workplace. Figures kept by Consumers Glass, Canada's only manufacturer of container glass and the major purchaser of recycled glass from the blue box and other sources indicate the largest rate increase in the amount of recycied glas collected in Ontario teok place in the Industrial, Cmmercial and Institutional (IC&I) sector last year. Approximately 50 per cent more glass was derived from IC&I recycling prograins. "Our improved recycling rate reflects the fact that residents of Ontario are becoming knowledgable, conscientieus usera of the recycling prorms both et home and et work," explained Jira Bacon, pesidnt o# Consumners Glass. "Ia addition, many organizations in the IC&I sector have discovered thet they can reduce their disposai costa through recyclin,contributing both te their corporate image and their Recycling firma thet collect materiels from the blue box and other sources and seîl them ite manufacturera, achie'ved a 99.3 per cent acceptance rate for their glass et Consumera Glass in 1992, a figure thet is "as close te perfection as we are ever likely te get and reflects the extreme care being taken by rocryclora,' Bacon sai d. It wes estimated that residents of Ontario in 1992 saved 152,193 tonnes of sand, soda ash and limestone (natural resourcea in glassamaking) and consorved an estimated 4.8 million cubic foot of Iandflll apace (calculations based on an average of 55 lbs. of broken glass per cubic foot). Consumnera Glass has made major inveatments in recycling equipment and in the payment of premium prices te recyclera te encourage them te supply colour-sorted, contaminant-free glaa. These pricos were reduced in early 1992 te brin g thomn inte lino with the cost of virgin materials. Netionwide, the amount of glass recycled by Consumera Glass in 1992 was 32 per cent, up from7 por cent in 1988. So give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Continue te put exily verage and food glass containers in Our blue box and glass igloo deots. Do not include ceramic, light bulba, mirrors, car headlighta> etc. thet will contaminate the end result. Glass trivia: e The amount of glass recycled by residents of Ontario lest year would complotely fill Toronte's Maple Leaf Gardons. * The area covered by glass collected from alI sources in Ontario in 1992 would total 55.1 million square foot, the oquivaent of 857 CFL football fields. Esteblished Minister in coincides with by the Prime 1987, the weok the anniversary of Region gets blue box fumding The Region of Durham recently received $1.5 million in provincial funding te help pur- chase anoth or 2,380 b lue boxes for the recycling progrem. The amount is the firet pay- ment of a grant of $1.8 million approved by the Ministry of Environment. Openeting, capital, promotion and advertisingcosts incurred by the blue box program duning 1992-93 will aIse b supported by the approved funde. the adoption of the Canadien Charter of Rights and F'reedome. For more information on Canadien citizenship or te flnd out more about how te participate in National Citizenship Week, contact the court of the Canadien citizonship neareet you (the address is in the blue pages of the telephone book), or write te Citizenship Registretion and Promotion> Multicultunalsm and Citizenship Canada, Ottawa, Ont. KiA MK. OBITL)UARIES CATIILEINE VISSER Catherine Agnes (Keye) Visser of Brooklin died et Whitby Geenel Hospital on Fridey, Merch 26, 1993. She wes 60. She is sunvived by hon hua- band Herb Visser; daughter Janet (and her husband Robert Major) of Orleans, daughter Alice (and hon husband Chnis Worth- ington) of Maple Grove, son David (and hie wife Ramone) of Ashburn; grandchildren Kenny, Nathan and Me1anie- brothers Lawrence and Alex kcKfinnon, sister Jean Russell and sister- in-law Lois McKfinnon, aIl of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia; several niecesaend nephews. Mrs. Visser rested et the Car- on Sunday, March 28. T ho funerel service as held on Mon- day, March 29. Cremation. JOIIN PINNELL John Arthur Pinnell died et Whitby General Hospital on MaRCH 31, 1993. Ho was 77. Ho is survived by wife Doris, son David (and his wife Carol) daughtor Jean (and hon husanci JoseD), ive grandchildren and three greet-grandchildren. Cremation et Thornton corne- tory. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundaà St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Heurs 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appontamnl glady armnged Citizenship Week April 11-1l7 The Royal Canadian Leglon 1:~ Branch 112, Whitby, Ontario ATTENTION: VETERANS AND DEPENDENTS Mér. Scett Young, representative of the Departnient of Veterans Affaira will be et Ajax Legion Branch #322 et 111 Hunt St, Ajax on Wednesday April 28,1993 between the heurs of 9:00 arn and 12 noon, and frem 1:00 till 4:00 pm. If you require information on any Veterans Problerne, Pensions, War Vêts. Allowanoe, Treatrnent or any other services, please call Ben Severs, Legilon Servie Officer et 683-4793 or Dennis Delaney, R.LC.L. Branch 112 et 668-0330 for an appointaient.