Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1993, p. 31

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, March 24,1993, Page 31 PAUL: Which Cottee Time? Cail me, 430-3762. SINGLE WHITE FEMALE, 28 - 35: Would you like te meet a nice guy for achange? Please Write me a letter (photo optional>, and tel me about yourself. Box 10,004, c/o Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont., LiN 5S1. A GENTLEMAN, 30, seeks a slim, attractive lady who is 20 - 30, romantic, enjoy s movies, dining eut, etc., for long-term relation- ship. Please cail 666-3550. Serieus replies only. SINCERE SINGLES personal introduction service. A contidential way te meet that special persan. Joîn Ontario's tastest growing memnbership. Lot us "chang our lite." Cali Judy at 725-5757 or Heather, 1-800-667-3283. AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, GUNS & ART SUNDAVI MARC H 28, 12 NOON (VIEWING 10:30 A.M.) ORONO TOWN HALL, MAIN ST., ORONO Partial list includes pine fireplace mantel, old square nailed pail stand (orig.), pine flat-to-wall repo.),, bonnet chest (ref.), 4 Northwind press-back chairs, press-back rocker, highchair & misc. chairs, sideboard, several tables (lbrary, baker's, kitchen & p arieur), pine chest of drawers, blanket bX, washstand, grain scales, oid pocket watches, oid pictures, mandolîn, meat suicer <Beatiy>, misc. pcs. of new jeweiry & oid coins, plus an outstanding selection et estate glass & china including a lg. collection et oid Depression glass, cut glass, etc., aise numerous household eftects (washing machine, diýhwasher, et..Art prints include imited etditon pcs. by Bateman, Simpson, Warneck, Aingham & several decorater p rints. Guns include Ithaca moel 37 12- gauge, Iver Johnsen 12-gauge, eox Savage model B dule-barroi 20-gauge, 303 Enfieid, Stevens .22 long crack shot, 2 Winchesters .35 cal. & model 1886 .47 - .70 cal. This is an excellent, varied efering et articles with many stili unpacked. So come eariy & enjoy a Sunday at the auctien. (NEX SALE: Sat., April 3, complote household contents at 54 Irwin St., Orono. See next wook's papor for ist & directiens.> Cali fer ail your auct ion needs. MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MacOREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 PERSONAL LOANS tram $1,000 and up for an y purpose. Quick approvals. 436- 8104. FACELIFT WITHOUT surgery. For appointment, cail Dawn at 430-1328. THANKS BE TO ST. JUDE and Sacred Hoart ot Jesus for tavours receivod. EW. ROMANTIC &GENTLEMAL0s fiuonbd y idsor g ames. You beliovo that ail the happimess i n the worid is rig ht between your own twoeoars. This romantic. man, whiie boing an average incomo oarner, possesses a spirit and imagination whose value would outwoigh the weaith ef king s. If monoy is ne objective, but tin ding a seul-mate is, t hon roply te Box 10,003, c/o Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont., LiN 5S1. Ail replies answered in confi- dence. BAHA'I1 FAITH: Ho wiii contem- plate the manitest signs et the unîverse, and wili penetrate the hidden mysteries et the seul. For information, caîl 668-8665. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY MARCH 26 - 6 P.M. 3 MLËS EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 THE ESTATE OF THE LAIE MRS. ANNIE BROWN 0F CANNINGTON, PLUS OTHERS Bonnet chest, ref. oak dining table, cedar chest, antique dressors, 2 china cabinets (glass on 3 sides), oak rocking chair, Colonial chosterfield & chair, Duncan Phyte drop-ieat table, oak buff et, 15 cu. tt. freezer, treadie sowinq machine, parleur chairs, ce-ail lamps, Simpiicity wring er washer, Panasonic portable colour TV, haît-moon tables, 17.5 cu. tt. almend fridgo, Queen Anne-style coffee & end tables, chrome kitchen ste., auto harp, new wickor loveseat & chairs, qty. sports cards, qty. delîs, china, glass, coilectible items & househeid items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 AUICTION SALE 0F ANTIQUES, GLASSWARE & COLLECTIBLES FROM THE FSTATE 0F JOHN ROBSON 0F BROOKLIN, SELLING AT NEIL BACON AUICTIONS ILTD, CORNER 0F HWY. 12 & 47 WED., MARCH 24 AT 4:45 P.M. To include: harvest table, walnut teawagon (ex>, china cabinet, 6-pc. maple bedroomn ste., ant. sottee & chair, oak hi g boy (ex), Iamp table, Duncan Peyte table, walnut buffet, eak parieur table, 2 single bods fox), smeker stand, sewing. machine, drop-Ieat table, magazine rack, press-back chairs. Colliectibles: chrîstenîng dress & ant. linons, ant. pictures, mantel cleck, sterling speons, siIvorware, ail paintings, sterling silvor walking stick, mandelin, tapestry, tire- scroen, cracks, military badges, a nt. boeks, ant. maps, tiy tish ing g oar, approx. 100 ant. weodon ures. GI asswaro: Cealpert, Indian Troo, Deprossion, Hum meli figurines, crystai, Royal Winten, Boloek vase, Wedgeood pcs., decorative plates, 25 cups & saucers. Estate joweiry: 18K yellow & white gold diamond ring, sterling silver pcs., ladies' 9K & 10K rings, 1887 yollow geid coin, Mot her-ot- Pearl breoch. Household items: tridgo, steve, bed-chesterfield, colour TV, Sanyo stereo, brass lamp, f iling cabinet, sowing supplies. Teels: 2 lawnmoers, electric chainsaw, SkiI saw, drills, sander, Workmate, hand tools. Note: This is a quantity sale. Al items advertised are eut et Mr. Robson's estate; this is a chance te acquire thoso hard-te-tind pcs. Sale sold & managod by: NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068 ORVAL MoLEAN AUCTIONS SAT MARCH 27 - 10 A.M. ORVÂ&L McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY QUALITY FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES, VEHICLES, FARM MACHINERY. CONTENTS 0F OSHAWA ESTATE & BOBCAYGEON FARMHOUSE Gorgeous dining rm. stes., beautiful bedreemn stes., aid cup- boards, oak washstands, f ancy tables, Victerian furniture, antiques & coilectibles, seme modemn furni- ture, smalî chest freezer, some i elory, cdocks, Ieaded glass lamps, Victorian pictures, 12-place sotting et Czocheslovakia dinner- ware, Cranberrv opalescent épe rgne, qty. glfr4ss & china, inci. Dep rosin, avaria, Nippon Noitake, Roval Doulton igurines, househoId 'tems, tools, 1990 Chryslor Dynasty, 1990 Ford Temnpe L. Partial list. To ist yeur spring sale, caîl: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS <705) 324-2783, LINDSAY ORVAL & BARRY MoLEAN AUCTIONEERS PERSONALS ERS:NL UC~N The Whitby miner novice AAA hockey team, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiiiary, had a win and three lasses in the Richmond H1ill-Vaughan tournament over March Break. Ia the first gamne, Whitby skated te a 4-2 win over Chinguacousy. Goalscorers for Whitby were Wade Branch, Tyer Harrison, Paul Ranger and Biiiy Deir. Chipping in wvith assists were Andrewv Pigram (two), Deir (two), Michael Kosiw and Branch. Chris Nemisz went the distance la the cage for the win. Whitby faced Barrie in their next game and iost a close one, 5-4. Scoring for Whitby were Kosiw (two), Harrison and Ranger %vith assists going te Jamie Millage, Ronnie Robertson, Andrew Lamniot, Jeffrey Seedhouse, Brandon Fowler, Harrison and Pigrain. Kyle Nova faced 20 Barrie sh ots la goal. Ia their third game of the round-robin, Whitby faced the hast Richmond Hifl team. This game featured end-te-end action and excellent goaltending by bath teams. Richmond HEII opened the socring la second period, however, Fowler tied the score early in the third assisted by Kevin Walsh and Seedhouse. Richmond Hill prevailed la the end, scoring the go-ahend goal late in the third an d holding on in the dying seconds. Goaitending duties were shared by bath Nemisz and Nova. Whitby advanced te, the semi-finals by beating Chi ngrua-cousy. However, they had te face the hast Richmond MIii team again. Whitby found themselves behind again 1-0 at the end of the second. Richmond Hill1 wouid add two more in the thir-d to Whitby'saone, by Millage assisted by Harrison and Kosiw. Nemisz and Nova split the goaltending duties again. Richmond HilI competed in the ETA lengue with Whitby this season and is representing the east in the OMHA finals aller beating the first-place Markhaim teain three straight. Major novices defeated by host team in final WVhltby's major novice AAA hockey teain compieted the season during March Break by reaching the finals ln the Richmond HEIIlVaughan Spring Break tour- nament. The Whitby team, sponsored by Don Cherry's Grapevine, had three wins and a tie te reach the final that they iast te the hast teain. Gaine one saw Wltby defeat Brampton 5-4. Whtby's geaiscerers were Dan VonEschschoitz with a pair of goals assisted by Kyle Wailes and James Hinkson, Matthew Taylor assisted by Nathan Cotter, Ryan Farrow assisted by Von Eschschoitz, and Taylor again frein Wailes. Ia gaine twe, VWhitby and Barrie skated te, a 3-3 tie with Whitby marksmen I-nksoa frein Brandon McBride, McBride froin Kevin Peel and Farrow, and VonEschscholtz frein Wailes. Iii giame three against Mississauga Senaters, Whitby managed a 4-0 sweep with a pair of goals fromn McBride and lone markers frein Wailes and Cotter. Assisting this offensive taliy were Matt Taylor with a pair, Welles, Turcotte, VonEschscholtz and Adamn Velacich. Joel Wihitmarsh earned the shutout for the Wihy club. Advancing te game four, Whiitby continued their winning streak by defeating the Hamilten AAA club 5-2. Hinkson scored unassisted, followed by McBride frem Wailes, Kevin Peel frein Wailes, VonEschscholtz froin Taylor, and Kubrynski from Peel. In the final Whitby feil te Richmond Hill-Vaughan fings 5-2. By the end of the second period the score was 3-2 but Whitby couldn't raily te get the tie against the powerfui hast teain. Whitby's goalscorers included Wailes frein Ryan Matthews and Farrow and VonEschscholtz. Strong la net throughout the tournament were Bryan Sand and Whitniarsh. Other teain members include Adarm Veiacich, Ian Witruk and Robert Gawne. The coaching staff consists of head coach Ian Walles, assistant coaches Bil McBride and Jim H-inkson, tramner Paul Gawne and team manager Peter VeriEschscholtz. BConst. Grant Arnold DuYrham Regional Police Crime Stoppers and Durham Regionai Police are asking for the publii's help in solving an armed robbery that occurred in Oshawa on Monday Feb. 8. At 9:30 pan. a lone maie entered the Beer Store at 285 Taunton Rd. 9., armed with a double-barreiied, sawed-off shotgun. The suspect pointed the firearm at the two store empioyees and then at the cash register and stated, "Take al the money out of the tili and put it in a bag'" The victim foliowed instructions and P'Iaced the money into a grey, plastic hand-eut bag with orange pririting on it. The employee was aise forced to open the safe and tura over the bis, but net the change. The suspect then ieft the store, waiking backwards out the door and 1eeping the shotgun aimed at the victims. The suspect was iast seen waiking south along the west side of the store. The suspect is described as maie,, white, aged 35 te 40, 6-ft. 1-in., 220 ibs., with a stocky buiid and a fair complexion. He was wearing a green khaki work cent, qreen sailor-style toque, a black scarf wrapped around his meutn and nose, dark pants and back leather gioves. The suspect aise wore silver-rimmed glasses. A re-enactment of the crime wiil be shown on CITY-TV (channel 57, cabie 7) on Thursdny, March 25 during the 6 and 10 p.m. news. It wiIi aise be shewn on CHEX-TV in Peterborough and CKVR-TV ini Barrie on Fridny, March 26, again during the news. If you have any information on this or any other serious crimes, call Crime Stoppers at 436-8477, that's 436-TIPS. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information Ieading te an arrest. Cailers are neyer asked te identify themselves or te testify in court. Sergeant Grant Arnold writes this article te heip combat crime. * . ..:. ...:.... Novices face tough opposition in tournament

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