Whitby Free Press, 3 Mar 1993, p. 24

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Page 24, Whity Free Press, Wednesday >rAach à: 19§â IL~j~T i CHILDCAftE v R.......R....T 12 Ery Stoo. hty6897 Wte BoiftCa% that provdes.. Unschdued homo vsîts enuequality caro for your Flytandproviders receivo ongoing Agency uReiable local back-up covers Provider illnoss or* holidays *Complote insurance coverage *Income tax receipts *Children six weoks and up *Full or part-time For more Information cali: 686-3995 a lcensed Agency Authorized Servlcentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camoorders - TV's " VCR's - Stands and " Microwaves Accessories Si 1982 V U 723-4373 SHOWROM 1300 King St. E.eOhw TWO BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED rooms for rent by mature working individuals. Asking $350 & $320, which includes heat, hydro. Phone 666-9431 or 427-1990. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/wookly. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Ca-dl 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BROOKLIN - 1 LARGE ROOM. Close to shopping & services. Available now. 655-5539. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Porry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekiy rates. Cali 655-5308. HOUSE, APARTMVENT FOR RENT'? Il you had advertised here, 1 ,000s lke you would b. reading thîs now. ..... ... 6...... WHITBY, SMALL ROOM in 4-bedroom house to share with 3 others. Washer, dryer, utilities inciuded. Mature people only. $300/month. Calil 430-7103. AROHIES CERVICE (Cyg SERVICE Est. in 1970 NwOffering Janitorial services In Oshawa/Whby (CELLULAR PHONE) 435-2125 WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 FrCOMPLETE INCOME TAX SERVICE From $20.00 Professional Tax Preparation Same Day Service Day & Evening Appointments available 108 Brock St. S. Whitby 430-1986 BASEMENT APARTMVENT for rent, Euciid & Wainut. $500lmonth + utilities. Laundry facilities. Non-smoker. No pets. 430-6739. 2-BEDROOM, UPSTAIRS APT. for rent in Brookiin. Includes fridge, stove, heat, water & parking. First, iast & referencos roquiredi. $690. Availabie April 1. Cati 985-4049. BROOKLIN - ONE-BEDROOM apt. Close to shoppn & services. Availabie now. 655-5539. APARTMVENT AVAILABLE in qithomo. Single woman pro- ferired* Separate entranco, iaundry facilitios, parking, cabie. $450/ month. First & i ast required. No pets. 666-9453. 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt. for rent, partiaiiy furnished. $85 weekiy. Non-smoker, pleaso. Please phono 430-2984. BRIGHT 2-BEDROOM in contrai Whitb, close to amenitios. Avait- be April 1. Heat, hydro, air in- ctuded. $700/month. Cali 666-0264 or 420-9752. ...... ............. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whit by. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.M. R/ The Mutuai ru HERB TRAN cil for quotaflon 725Fs-6564IIE Ga s- RP Derek Dutkai Speciatizing in tax & retiremont ptanning sinco 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Fg*Jpinancla WHITBV, available immediately. One-bodroom + don. Unusuai 2 level. $775 inclusive. March 1: two- bedroom, $695, inclusive. Near GO. 699-5287. KITCHEN LIVING ROOM, one bedroom, 6~throom, ground floor, close to downtown Whitby. Non-smoker, non-drinker, quiet, no pets. Hloat & hydro inciuded, lus 1 parking space. $520/month. First &iast required. Cail 668-2233. WHITBY, EXCELLENT location. Ono- and two-bedroom apart- monts with private entrancos. Clean, quiet building, private yard & parking. $525/mo nth & $695/I mont h plus utilities. Cati Sandy Herber, 668-6171, W. Frank Real Estatde Ltd. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Avail- able A pril -1. one- & two-bedroom apt. iTwo-bedroom apt., $685! month. One-bedroom apt., $595! month. Each apt. includos fridge, stovo, utilitios & ono parking spaco. Also avaitable, outdoor storag o for April 1, $35/month. 728-9679. BROOKLIN: 1- & 2-BEDROOM 1ft.a different locations. Fridge, sfove,a parking. Large, newly decorated. Hydro extra. Close to ail services. Reasonabie rates. 655-4544 (days), 655-8989 (oves.) 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt. for rent in quiet residential area of Oshawa. $450/month. Phono 723-1386. Apartmonts& Townhouses avaliabie In four locations Dean Ave., Bloor St., Wentworth St. (Oshawa) & Cumberland Lane (Ajax) -Close to amenities -Opportunity to rent-to-own CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BULL DOES UT ALL. COMING EVENTS OUARTERAMA. CANADAS LARGEST Oumîler Herse show March 1-7. Exhibition Place, Torenlo. Haller Inernational, relning, barrot racing. commercial exhîbils, select herse sale Salurday March 61h 400pm. HALIBURTON SCHOOL 0F FINE ARTS - Ollerlng 190 arsanard crafts courses durrig sumuner 1993. For lnlermallon/brochure. contlact S.S.F.C. Box 839, Haliburlon. Oriano KOM ISO (705) 457-1680. BUSINESS OPPORTUNUTUES CANADIAN MANUFACTURER OF OUALITY PET FOODS seeks reglonai dialrbulor Ie Bell direclte discemlrrg pet owrrers. Premium producîs are Iennel- lesled. unlquely packed, competllively priced. Full range of producîs avallable. No cash Investrrieri requlred - will complemeril exlsllng direct salas, business. Reoply le Box 670, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4R5. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow bailworrs In you.r basemenl or garage. Odorleas operalion. Low Invesiment. Market guaranleedl Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, R..01, Smhihvlle. Onario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. COTTAGE COUNTRY SUBWAY. The worldas largest and aslesl.growing submarlne sandwich andi salad chaîn. Reled 01 franchise chain. Franchise opporlîînily ls Immedialy avilable ln Minden, Ontario. Cail 1-600-461-5150. WORIM GROWERS WANTED. Complete worm growing packages. Environmenlally lriendly. Relererices availabie. Niagara Bail & Ecoiogy. 5513 Elcha Rd. OR e3 Wellandporî. Ontario 100 2J0 (416) 386-6661. HOME SECURITY HOME SECURITYI Televsions 2020 proies securily decAls equal eleclrenic sysîems. Package of eîghl only $20.00 Inclusive. Cheque. Vse. Mastereard. Alpha Parlormanre Syslems. Orangeville. Ontario I. 800-265-6981. CAREER TRAINING FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train aI home Ior careers in Accounling. Air condilîening. Bookkeeplng. Business, Eleclronics. Law Enflorcemeol, Medical Secrolary. Parieogal, Traver. Me. 263 Adelalde SI. W. (SA) Tronto. 1-600-950- 1972. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FEW KEY PFIOPLE NEEDED te eslablish local dstribution ln personil sklIa training devalopinenl market. Appîy Planer Learning. 1243 Silcer Spear Rlood. Mississauga L4Y 2W6. Phone: (416) 238. 5694. HELP WANTED GRIAVENHURST Chamber of Commerce a eking EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Experlerce In ma*(etsng, promoticon. lourlsm. Resume lo: Gravenihrrsl'Board cri Trade, 820 Muslroka Rd. Gravenrlsrsl Pi P 1K?. Fax (705(687-3995. REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT HIRINO soi sumrmer. Chambermaids, watresses. gai aandanîns. cashlars. For application aend aailladdiessed slamnped envlepe Glacier Park Lodge. Rogers Pais. D.C. VOE 250. SALES HELP WANTED Whalessle Illm seeks two Individuals 10 dlspl.ry marchandise lnr eslabflshed stores ln your are-i. Up lu $900-$1.200 weekly. Excellenntlrrrîning, ongorrir support, benefils. (416) 3980919. (416) 398-0924. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUNO membershlp or limosharir? Woltakre 111 Americas largesi resala clearlnghoiise. Cali Resori Sales International, 1-00423.590? (24 houri>. SERVICES SATELLITE CODES -lollfrea 1.00-56)7 CODE CODE INFORMATION $2.95 minutle- Vi!saý, Maserard, Amex. POETRY POETRV CONTESI $12,000 in prrzns. Posible publlcalior,. Seand oc ri ginal poem 20 lines or les to: National UIbrary ai Poelry. Box 704.ND, Ownrjs Milis, Md 21117. VACATIONITRAVEL CRUISE CANADAS CALM RIVE1S in exrprlsilr. camfin aboard elegant raplica sleannboal, Outalanding scenery, world.class atrraclionr. Frorrr $839. Free brochure 1-800-267-788, CANAL CRUISES. Fîve days aboard KAWARI1IIA VOYAGEUR. scenlu Trent-Severn Walerway or Rideau Canal, prîvale sIaleroomsý. nirairs, ren brochure. Wrile Cîptain Marc. Box (3,. Orîllia. 13V 6H9, (705) 327-5767. PERSONALS SICK OF BRIAN? Add your firme tol 56 boirg delivered Io Ottawa. Sernd name and commenîs Io help bardsl Mulroney. Boxu 255, onrsorrîl.0111 NOM ?HO. WOULD YOU LIKE to corresprond wilh urallaclrerl Chrstian people across Canada for companiorîlrrp or marrlage? Ashgrove, .0.Bore205. Cîrasu. O C., vor For e brochure on TRADITIONAL AUSIRALIAN HEFlOAL remedles, cal l oIr frie I 800 0667 0050 xil 880, OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTUES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid tases. Crowrr Land evlabiluly. For information on bolh, wrile: Properlies. Depi. CN. Boa 5380. Sin. F, Ollewva KC STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS: Slralgh.sided andn ulilily Manulaclurer's ROCK-BOTIOM PFICES. 20x3O $2,988.00. 25 s 36 $31188, 00, Ix 40 $4,988.00, 37 a 48 $5.995.00. 44 s 56 $8.944 00, 48 s Br, $11.88800 Piorseer 1800 668-5422 STEEL BUILDINGS. QUONSFTS. S. MODELS STRAIGHTWALLS. Mariy suzes to chnosre Prom, For Velue, Oualisy and lntegilly cari Fultire SteelI Buldngi 1-800668 8653_ FOR SALE BAHAMA CRUISE. 5 DAYS/4 NIGHIS. Overbouglîl Corporule raies le public. Urled bckpts 5399/couple 1-800-567-1068 @xi 200« Mondait le Saturday 9acm 9pm. LY Vur ad could appear n communlty n.wspapers n Ontario, or right across Canada or ny Indvidul province. Spaco s Lmltad. so CaUi This Nwspapor Todaylj eCýRCSS e»CAàNADA ~REPAE To reach a wder maret, adverrse throughoul the n-gional mombershpr of the Ontaro and Canadian Communily Newspapor Associations -Central Ontriro 55 newspapers - S160 for 25 words - Al tri 171 newsoalpers- $350 for 25 wo ds AI Canada M7 mm- $1,121loir 25wom For f urther Information please cai the Whtby Free Press Casslf leds - 668-0594 WNf~y f~r~ tres h ~8-594 OficeHous: ondy ~Fritay9:0 ar to5~O pr *Fax 668-05'94:; -NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY SING<I E 130 LT Wr Wfwe 190 îu . PHONE 668-6653 Our hostess wili bring gifts and greeting, aiong with helpful community information. ý-m à

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