Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1993, p. 6

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Pagl 6. Wftiiby Fise Pros.,Wocf&oday, Jmuaay 27,19M3 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whtby residents for Whitby resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pilier - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd lass Postal Registration #05351 Health care'ludicrous' To the Editor: 1 have recently experlenced a family member having surgery for cancer and then awalting word tram ether Princess Margaret or Sunnybrook Health Centre about her néeded radiation therapy. Almost six weeks atter surgery, she receivod a cal tram Sunnybrook telling her that radiation therapy would have ta take place ether in Windsor wth another six-week wait, or in Thunder Bayor Sudbury for treatment. The recammended radiation treatment for this form of cancer is ta take place within eight weeks af surgery. The government of Ontario would rather pay for a round-trip flight to Thunder Bay, five weeks in a hatel and ail meals for five weeks hecause the radiation equipment is booked up in Toronto. Kingston, another option, was also bCKedUp. What is the Health Minister (Frances Lankin) thinking of? h is totaliy ludicrous when people who live in or around the metropolitan area of Toronto cannot ho treated as an outpatient and stay -in their home with family andf rjends availahie for moral support. There is no way the costs mentioned above are offset by the high cost of a new radiation unit. Health care 19 going ta "hell in a hand basket" - quoted by the surgeon when he heard that my slster's therapy was ta be done in Thunder Bay. Unfortunatey,' even health professionais are denied access ta local cancer centres. As a citizen of Ontario, 1 demand and deserve a response from Mrs. Lankin in tuis regard. l'm mad as hell and 'm not gaing ta take R anymore. FeIlow citizons of Ontario, unité and write ta your MP and to Mrs. Lankin. How would she f eel if she needed radiation treatment in Ontario? No wonder aur heafth lirofessionals are moving ta the States. Cathy B.kkevold Brooklln B BSoin The CFFL? By Barbara Black (Nîssen) The Canadian Football League has divarced itself tram Canada and Canadian content. The contracts for Canadian "player content" apparently are ta rmain intact, but obviously that is only a rouge ta keep peacé momentarily so ths new band-aid solution ta keeping the CFL alive and well will nat stir up thé wrath of Canadian-born and bred players. How does one league operate under two sets of rules? R daesn't and, 'of course, Canadian football fans can predict that in the next couple of. years Canadian university graduates Will not ho numhoî one draft picks, and personal Canadian interest In their local footbhall heroes will ho passé. By 1994, Ontarians, Alhortans, Manitobans and Saskatchewanites will, in ail likelihood, ho viewing the CFF (Former) L -- likely ta become the North American Football League. The CFL has not been saved or retained by Larry Smith and the CFL commissioners. ht has become the victim of the bureaucracy and money -- big bucks, big promotion and the love of money not the lave of the game and allegiance ta its roats. Football once belanged ta the Canadian provinces, playod and owned by Canadian cities and structured ta accammodate Canadian maIe athletes. 1 am ai raid thé CFL faces sporting bankruptcy but its creditors, the Canadian public, are nat able ta hall it out and its executive members, likeBirks, are amalgamnating ta continue business. Althaugh Canada is in a recession, surely there must ho millionaires left wha could back a 1992 Montreal Alouettes or a Halifax Rams or a Moncton Whalers, and see the CFL retalned and Caniadian rules retalned and the individuality of Canadian football retained. However, when aur so-called leaders continuously lick U.S. boots and thé NHL 'has become an impersonal money-maker, 1 guess the aid adage holds true -- "Vou can't fight city hall. ln the next two years, the CFL epitaph will road, "Here lies the CFL Where Canadian players were our best But now have gone and Are laid ta restl" Opinions expressed ar those of the author. To the Editor: Re: Letter by Lynda Buffett in the Jan. 20 issue af Whitby Free Pross. Ms. Buffett's letter is a superb exaniple ai' uninfarmed and partisan Tory opinion. She states that Whitby councillors shauld have demanded my attention on the praposed 401-407 interlink. Mayor Edwards can attest that, more than a year ago, i brought the "technically preferred route" of the ink ta his attention and asked for cauncil's input pribr ta the public announcement. They did flot have ta demand my attention -- i requested their input long before If hocame a public issue. 1 arranged a meeting with the ministor af transportation, thé mayor, régional chair and myséf..- As a resuit af that meeting, the ministor's décision was postponed t ram last spring until mare thorough consultation could ho undertaken -- consultation that wouki involve i nput tram the Town of Whitby andRAeg ion af Durham. Now, mare than a year later, that decision has yet ta hé made. Thé essenial problem that the Town faces now is the réf usa] af regional council's cammittée ta récommend any alternative ta thé Ministry of Transportation. We can only hope that at their Féb. 3 meeting, régional couricil, as a whale, will find an alternative recommendation that safeguards thé interést of west Whhtby. f régional council members support their committée's recommendatian, if wili bW éxcedingly difficult for me ta represent thé needs ai West Whtby. I need thé support ai thé Town and thé Région in puttlng forth a saund aternafive. Local residents approached me with their concerns regarding this issue. We have been warking? together and they have had my fui support. 1 have represented their concerns ta the Town, the provincial ministry and ta provincial parliament. I have presented a petition ta the legislature an their hohaif and have hoen in constant contact with my friends of the 'Canceîned Citizens of the West Whithy Corridor.' They are certainly aware af my actions on their hohaîf, even if Ms. Buff ett is not. Ms. Bull ett should check with the people who have actually heen involved with the issue -- the mayor, councillors and residents af west Whitby. Kf she checked her facts, she would find thatd, indeed, rat her than hoing afraid ai "reprisais," as she suggests, i have been very active in the issue and intend ta continue my efforts. I would aiso like ta take this opportunity ta thank active residents ai west Whithy who are continuing ta organize around this issue. 1 encourage them ta continue in their efforts with their regional councillors. 1 would aiso like ta commend Mayor Edwards who has, as aiWays, put the interests ai Whithy f îrst. Drummond White Durham Centre MPP To theedion. The very heart of giving To the Edîtor: To Whithy, Brooklin, Myrtie Station, Ashhurn and other local aiea rosidents, i wouId like ta say thank you on behalt ai thé many who recéived Christmas assistance thnough aur local Saivation Anmy Christmas food drivé. Youn ganenasity more than matched tha néed -- no ana had ta go hungry in this area aven thé Christmas hoeak. This yéar's hamper distribution was up by 20 per cent aven thé previaus year. Ovan thé past two years, wo havé seen an amazing climb ai 70 per cent in familios needing support at Christmas. Général néed thîaughout thé yéar rasé hy 22 per cent aven thé previous record year. With thèse sorrowful statistios, it is graciously noted that thase Who had, continuod ta sharé in thé true Christmas spirit with those Who had not -- 287 famniliés were helped with a beautiful food and tay hamper this past Christmas. R seomns that thé genaral trend inta 1993 is ana ai continued neac' for many tamilies. The Salvation Armny pladgés itsalf ta thé ongoing support ai such naad. Wo knaw that with thé continued ganarous héarts af Whtby and aiea résidants we can raach and lft many Who are without in aur community. Vour financial and material support can continué ta ho givén at 225 Brack St. N., Whitby (430-3454>. As thé leader af thé Salvation Army in Whhhy, I wouid like ta express my sincère thanks ta Sutton Group Exécutive Realty Inc. for thé generous use af théir iacillty an Brock St. N. for aur food depot, as weil as thé many volunteers, taa numerous ta count, who manned thé depot, organized, sorted, packod, pickod up and doiivered thé hampers, alF done with a smile and a sonse af thé spirit of caro. Accolades also go ta thé local schoois, aur sisten cflurches, hospihais, local stores, realtors, banks, b usinasses, organizat ions, service clubs, groups and individuals who gathored monay, food and toys for distribution. Many people have expressed, in action, thé vory heart af giving that was sa eioquentîy displayad by thé founder af thé Christian iaith, Jésus Christ, and for tuis i and thé récipients are truly gratotul. R.G. Sheasby Captain To the Edîtor: On hohaf aif thé WhIfby Gênerai Hosphia Foundation, i would like ta Tb. Whit>y Free Pros. webom lettersIo the edior on any subjed of concem go out readers. Letters shoufd b. bMee and ta 1dm point - rarely more 1han 300 wods. AI loer. must b. acompanied by Mh name, address and Woephone number af die writer; howevor. on request y oui name may ho wvithhteld from publication if w. agios hat tiae is a valid reason. lbe paper roserves the night ta reject or edt ail letters. Send to: The. Editar, Whitby Free Press. Box 206. Whtby. Ont LUN 551. or drop through our mail siot at 131 Brock St N. thank thé péople af Whhtby, Bnaoklin and Ashhumn who contributéd ta aur first 'Holiday Direct Mail' appeai. Thé funds raised through thé programn will assist thé founidation in Ifs commitment ta providé thé hospital with thé vital equipment necéssary ion thé provision af quality patient cale. Thé financiai generosity confirms that thé lével ai community support for aur hospital romains strong. Tuis is mast éncouraglng as If aliaws thé hosphal ta keep pace whth ongoing technical advancemént in health care. Thé Whhlby Generai Hlospital Foundation is grateful ta each of its valued donors and trusts thae such expressions ai cammunity géneosity wiIl continue. Thank you again for youn - support. Tonry Banrdwldge Chair 'Uninformed opinion' 'Mail' funds will help hospital

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