Whitby Free Press, 20 Jan 1993, p. 12

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Page 12. Whl1hv Fis Prms. Wednêsday, Januufy 20, 1993 IING WITICANCER An emotional support group for adulte, fienda and famil meets on Monday, Jan. 25, 7 ho9 p.m., at the. Ajax Cricket Club, Monarch and Clements. The sup- port group for parents of children with cancer meets from 7 ho 8:30 M at H 1Trinity Anglican iý:h, qLok*à'i;Cre., Ajax. Living with Cancer emotional support group? for childran with cancer, as weIl as youtiis aged 7 to 17 concerned about a friend or family member witii cancer, meets at the. same time at Holy Trinity. For more information caîl Lynn at 686-1516. DANCE Ile Loyal Order of Moose, WhihyLogewilhhold adanc fétuin Cndy Lane & Wl Country, on Saturday, Jan. 23, 9 M.m. tolam attheKnigitaof Colubus HaI, 133 BrockS t. N., Whiitby. moere will b. door prizes and spot prizes. Ticket cost is $5. Call 668-4570. CLUB CARIB Tii. reguilar general meeting of Club Carib of Oshawa Inc. will b. held on Sunday Jan. 23, 7:30 pM., at Sunnysirle Park club- iiouse, Stacey and McKim avenues, Oshawa. Ail welcome. Caîl 728-4293 or 432-8828 for more information. STORYTELLING Tii. Durhanm Folklore Society will meet on Thursday, Jan. 28, 7:30 p.in., at the Michiael Starr building, Oshawa. New members and guests are welcome. For more information caîl Carolyn Hart at 434-1975. UWA MEETING The Unemployed Workers Association will hold the general meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 7 ho 9 p.m., at tiie Steelworkers' Hall, corner of John and Abert streets, Oshawa. Guest sekr will b. Valerie Reid from Housriing Help Durham, Brian Catchpole from Slf-Help Business Centre and Sandra Sherk from Credit Counselling Centre. Al are welcome. For more information, cali M. Genesse at 571-3272 or D. Johnson at 576-5925. ONE PARENT FAMILlES Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Familles Association will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., at Ekmcoe Hall Settiement Houa., 387 Simco. St. SR, Oshawa for coffe., carda and conversation. New members and guests are welcome. For more information, oeil 436-5089 or 433-0832. SLEIGH RIDES Sleigh rides have been scheduled for Heber Down Congervation Area on Sunday, Jan. 24, 1 ho 4 p.m. The coet is $1.75 par ride. If snow is inadequate, wagon rides may be substituted or rides xnay b. canceled. Cail 579-0411 for more information. COMPATIBLECOMIPANIONS CONNECTIONS Clbatntr the newi year with a multitude of house parties and fun activities. If you're single and want ho mingle, give us a cail. 4307022. whatLs AMNESTrY INTERNATIONAL A regular meeting of -the. Pickering-Ajax group of Amnesty International will b. held on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 9:30 a.m., at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., north of Pickering Higii Sciiool in Pickering Village. Ail are welcome. For more information, cail 668-7171. DEN MEETING Durhama Environmental Network (DEN) will hold a general meeting on Wednesday, jan. 20, 7:30 p.m., at tiie Pickering Central IÀbrary, 1 Esplanade, second ficor auditorium. Guest speaker will b. Will Wallace from Transportation Options in Toronto who was co-ordinahor of the second international conférence on Auto-free Cities. SPAGHIETTI DINNER In support of the AIDS Committee of Durhamn, an all-you-can.eat spaghetti dinner will b. held on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 6 pm. at Loyal Order of Moosle Lde, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshiaa. Dinner includes salad, bread, dessert, tea and coffee. Tickets are $5 par porson; ciildren up ho age 12 are free. Volunteers will present 'Andrea's Mother,' a short play by Terrence McNaly.Formore information, caItlý i ADSoffice at 723-8201. ONE PARENT FAMILlES Nortii Oshawa Chapter, On. Parent Families Association will hold tii. montiily social at the. YWCA, McGnigo St., Oshawa on Saturda, Jan. 23. For information, call 668-7579 or 434-3687. EUCH[RE Tii. Ladies Auxiliary to Whitby Legion Brancii 112 will iiold a eucbre on Jan. 21, 8 p.m., in tii. upetairs hall at 117 Byron St. S, Whitb . Lucii will b. served. Coot is $2 per person. RNAO GENERAL MEETING The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Durham- Northumberland Chapter will hold the annual general meeting on ThursdaY, Jan. 21, 7 p.m., at Ajax-Pickering Hospital, Harwood Ave. S. mhe agenda will include chapter executive elec- tions, voting delegate élections, budget, committee reports, resolutions and nominations for regional rep, president-elect. There will b. a vide. presention and discussion on 'The Future Direction of RNAO.' Refresh- mente will b. served. For more information, cail Maureen Gmitrowioe or Gloria Tuck at 668-6831, or Lisa Bera at 668-5881 or 1-800-263-2679. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING =un h winter months, the municapality cloans the snw tran ail acwIcin the Town of Whitby. Please bo adviaed hat the Town wii NRI b. responsible for any damnages oeused by municipal sadewalk sroe cleoeing equipment to becasucli as wood. cwncrete or brick civeway edgings, hedges or srb.fenoes and flower beds placed by resident on 1h. public road alowance near or ariJacent to h. ew= Repaira Io damaged sod wilI b. undertaken by the Town, as demdneoemaiy. Should you requise addlit»onal information, please oeilus. Your continued co-oporation is appreciate. PUBLIC WORKS DEPART1MENT OPERA11ONS CENTRE OPEN BOUSE' Durhamn Regional Community Car. Association is a non-profit home support agency. The. caregiver relief program provides respite ho caregivers of frail, elderly and disabled adults b; providing an adut day program with a social and recreational theme for participants. Car-egiver Relief will hoôld an open house on MondayJan. 25, 6 ho 9 p.m., at 487 Wetney Rd. S., Ajax, units 19 and 20. Ail are welcome. Refreshments will b. served. For more information, oeil 427-2315. VEGETARAN NUTRITION <Naturally Tasty,' vegetna nutrition classes, wiil b. held on mhursdays, 7:15 ho 9:15 p.m., frora Jan. 21 ho Feb. 18 at 300 Kendalwood Rd., Whitby. Classes include videos, demonst- rations, recipes and samples. Cost is $25. 'Èor more informa- tion cail 728-8396. BURNS DINNER Burns dinner will b. held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby on Friday, Jan. 22, 7 p.xm. Tickets are $15 for adulte, $5 for kids (aged 12 and under), and are available at the churcii (mornings only, 668-4022), Bai- ley's Big-V Drug Store and at Ferguson's Machine Knitting Shop. FOCUS ON WOMEN Focus on Women will meet for coffee and dessert on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m., at the Salvation Armny, Oshawa Temple Corps, 570 Thornhon Rd. N. Guest speaker will b. Dr. Greg Martin, discussing health and well-being; Fran Matthews will b. soloist; and Bethany Clark will b. the Christian womenls speaker. Admidssion is $3, witii free admission for firet-time guests. For more information, calI 725-5062. SENIORS MONTE CARLO The. Kinsmen Club of Whitby will host a Monte Carlo night for seniors on Monday, Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. There will b. crown and anchor wheels, black jack and other games of chance. Refreshinents will b. served. To reserve a space, calI the. centre at 668-1424. 509 AND 60s DANCE Brooklin-Whidtby Minor Hockey Auxiliary will iiold a '50s and '60s dance and catered buffet at Heydenshore Pavillon, Wity on Saturday, Feb. 13, 8 p.m. ho 1 a.m. Cash bar. Jimmy Mark will b. the. DJ. Tickets are $25 per couple and are available at Peacock Spa)rts or by calling 666-3944. MEETING The. Evening Guild of Al Saints' Anglican Churcii, Dundas St. W., Whitby will hold the regular meeting on Monday, Feb. i, 8 pm., in the. new wing of tiie parish hall, room one. Sally Stratford Hortop will speak on her 10 years in Haiti. For more information, caîl 668-2273 or 668-2584. Non -offlt commun lto5f whlch aren in Whtb or have a desanil Whltby membershp may place their O ýZgMLaon ts page at no cost. ffli . -kn or v PHOTO CLUB The. Whitby Photo Club will meet at thei. Fmily Trust build- in g, Hickory and Dundas streets, Wliityon NMonday, Feb. 1 7 o9 p.m. b Crerar, who has most recently been working witii the Suzk Foundation, will discuss tii. addition of au'dio ho visual presentations, and iiow ho shoot vidos. He will demonstrate video applications for weddings, documentaries, commercials etc. Club members may suLmit prints or alides for the. non- compotitive (novice) clinic for the following meeting. INFERI'ILITY INFRMATION Infertility Information in Dur- ham will hold a support group, cMourning the. Unborn' on Mon- day,,Feb. 1, 7 p.m., at the. Wiitby Public Library,. 405 Dundas St. W. mhe group is for couples feeling their way through a medical maze of infertility -- couples in resolution, in treat- ment,, adoptive parents and those witii secondary infertility are in- vited ho discusa their expeniences with others. For more informa- tion and ho register caîl 655- 4833. CASINO A 'Casino Weekend' will b. held at Tiffany's in Whitby Feb. 13-14 ho raise, funds for the. Chldren's Program of tiie Osh- awa-Durham Rap. Crisis Centre. Advance tickets, for $3 (for which on. gets $50 worth of funnyr money), are available at Tifany s (601 Dundas St. W.) or by calling Dawn at 725-6152. Tickets. may also b. available at tii. door ($30 in funny money). PARKINSON GROUP mhe Parkinson Support Group Dunham Region Chapter wil hold a general meeting on Monday, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, corner of Coîborne and Centre streets, Whitby (south door entrance). Guest speaker will b. financial planner Lynn Pïlkington discus- sing retirement and saving taxes. Ail are welcome. Refreshments will b. available. For more information, caîl 666-8576 or 668-6580. BONSAI The Matsuyama Bonsai Society's next meeting will b. held at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa on Monday, Feb. 1, 7 p.m. (beginners) and 7:30 p.m. (general meeting). Meetings are open ho ail those interested in the. art of bonsai. Caîl 725- 2045 or 683-2568 for more infor- mation. LEARNING DISAIIIS The Learning Disabilities Association, Oshiawa Chapter, a parent support group, will hold a regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m., at the. Grandview Treatnient Centre, 600 Townline S. Brad Cruxhon, special education consultant for the Durhiam board, will speak on the 'Reorganization of the special education department.' Ail are welcome. Admission is free. For more information, caîl 436-7706 or 623-4934. FrkMy at Spm SQUARE DANCE CLASS A new beginners-level square dance clase will b. held at the. Whitby Recreation Coenplex for membera of the Whitby Seniorai A4tivity Centre on Mondays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.n. The coet is $10 for 10 weeke. Ray Hutchinson will be instructing the class. For more information, cali the. seniors centre at 668-1424. SPEAKER'S NIGUT The. Head Inury Association of Durhamn Region will hold a Speaker's Night on Monday, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m., at Cedarcroft Place, 149Kn St. E., Oshawa. Th. topi wi b.' Nutrition and Rehablitation. Speaker will b. Sharon Yankelson, chief clinical dietition from Healthcare Rehabilitation Centre, Austin, Texas. POSITIVE DISCIPLINE The Family Education Resouorce Centre of Durham Hoise will hold an eight-session study group at St. Catherine of Siena School, Whites Rd., Ajax starting Tuesday, Feb. 2 from 6:45 ho 8:45 p.m. mhe focus will b. on understanding why children behave the way they do, and Iearning positive, practical ways for redirecting mishehavour and encourage children. For more information and to register, cal the centre at 579-2021. LIViG WITH TEENS Improving relationehips between parents and teenagers will b. the. focu of a 10-session arnt study group starting Wednedayan. 27 at Anderson CVI, 'Whitbr. 'Living Wi1th Teens' offers a realistie and sensible ;pprochh o improving family reationhipe. Through reading activities and discussions, parents learn effective ways of oommu;nicating with teens, and they are ablè ho sitar. concerne with other parents. The coSt of the. stucly group is $50 par person. For more information, call the. Family Educataon Resource Centre of Durham House at 579-2021. ELPING 'CILDREN COPE A four-session study group for parents with chldren up ho age 12 wiIl aim ho help parents help themeelves and their children coe with separation or divorce. Childreia's common Post- separation or poot-dvorc problems will. b. discuesed and parezn strategies will b. hugse o help children deal witii separation. Is groep will meet on Monday, Jan. 25, 7 ho 9 pam., at Durhtam House Child and Family Centre, 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. The cost is $32 ipro. To register, call the. ly Education Resource Centre at 579-2021. CRILI)EN'S PROGRAMS I>~ Oshawa YWCA will hold a vaniéty of children's prograras this winter, including 'Little Coode Monsters' (ages 3 ho 5), *Mime for Tiny Tykes' (ages 2 ho 3)y ' Take-a-Break' (ages two months ho 5) and 'Mini- Michaelangelos and their Momas' (ages 2 ho 5). For more information, cali the office at 576-8880.

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