Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1993, p. 26

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page 26. WNi'by Free Pmss. WednesMay, Jamquy13,19AM Some progress in bld for French high sohool ByMikowalski The Durham separate school board ls making progress mn obtaining a site for a new French hig scêolinWhitby. T1he boar&o uasociate educa- tien director, Grant Andrews, termed a r;eet meeting with staff from the Ontario govern- ment services ministry a prouc- tive one.. HENRY ST. Crazy party bat on your head, and ene cf thoso really annoymng noise-makers in hand, y ou moot likoly clebrated on. of the best rmtof Christmas break, New As the clock struck twelve, and ful cf festve excitement, yu prcbably made a few ridiculoous NewýY.ar'sresolutione. Yeu remember Gloria, your best hiiqnd, tellingy ou that you eat with.your mouth openthàa omething that you could cixang Your mom suom concernied about the incredible mess in your room that she swears e.bas seen moving-,better do something about that. And thon there' Dr. Bll who teld you te cut bock on those cafeteria cookies bouso a "hiealthy digt is just what you teenagers need these days." S you eab a pen and write eut a list of ail the thinge you can't do any more. You even throw one.in that will please yeur auint, the gardemor, wvho insista that tafldingte your planta is necessary for a hathy Pego plant relationhi. That resolution makes M56. Now, yqu've gene and made these reselutions and'here y ou are, two weeks into the New Year, and you're araysatn tofeel tho need for the timge you vowed te quit. 'IHow can I mot eat any mqeocaeteria cookies? I love cafeteria cookies! But I made a New Year's resolution, now whatr" gver=oe telle you how good it is te mak_ these resolutions as a w"y te, start the now year eoff on the'right fboot. What they most, likely avoided telling you is that t1he beet part about making a New Year's resolution, je brealdng it! Paua the cookies, would ya'? Durham Collogo is recognized as a leading Canadian quality training centre, and offers the following services te those wordng tewards L90 registratio>n: e ISO 900 introduction - seiminar (Feb. 22 at Oshawa); internai auditer (Feb. 23, 24 at Oshawa) * ISO 9000 customnized thiNnistry of Ontario SkilIs eQuality auditing (te includk ISO 9M0) 72-heur evenn MW~mcemecn Jan. 20. 8Zora ocail the eoUle t (416) 721-2000, ext. 498 or 1-800-668-584 in Ontario. Although more meetings will have te, be held, Andrews is optmitc the board wil soon tabn a site for. the proposed school on provincially-owned land na Vtby Psychiatric 5cer'ssme progres it the acquition of ascholsitemi Whitby but there will have te b. further discussions," said Andrews. 'Tm net prepared te say when construction mijht start but said. progress is ,eing made,» he The board has been trying te On FridaX Jan. 15 Anderson wiil hst a 1âaid Dance!'Tickets are being sold ail this week, but thoy're neéarly goe. Anderson studonts can pick up tickets durimg lunch in the front foyer. If youlre net a studont of Anderson and don't want te, be loft eut cf Whitby's fa-et, hotteet dance cf '93, thon simply remimd a friend who attends the echool te ickup tickets for the both cf you becaus. students of Anderson are permited te sim-i usa 8mcfyou may Cewomdering about the strango name of thé. dance. Upon entering the. echool Friday rmght, -someocf you nay notice a lot of ~le wearmg everything from plaidbow ties te plaid shoes, plaid socks te plaid iibbons. Why ribbons, you ask? Wiil you ho eociaily unacceptable if you don't bave one? Don't worry, because by donating a minimum of 25 cents (now that'e cheap, se more would b. approciated) you can buy a plaid ribbon cf your very own. Yee, foks, for the low, low price cf 25 cents you can bave co cf tho ribbons. Who gete the.money that you're domatimg? No on.! The donations for the plaid ribbone will b. in acquire a site in the proposed Lynde Shores development for aimost four years. Plans call for a mix of residen- tial, industrial and commercial uses on 112 acres south of Hwy. 401. The province, Durham Regon and private mnterests will be in- volved in developing the area,. TIh. school board wants te buuld a French languago econd-. ary sehool on land mow occupied by the psychiatrchospita1. A new $16-millio hospital will b. built south ote eistig facility on Gordon St. ,. v .i. support cf buying acres cf rainforeet. Scm. of you, however, wil disagree with thie docision te put the money teward rainforeste and wiil dlaimi that it can b. put te botter use at.the echool. What could b. more important than the best knowm type o tropical forest? Tropical foresta are found al over the wIrd. To a rainforeste contain msses, fungi, bacteria,, and other plante and speies that conitribute te the science of medicine for the welfare cf ail manldnd. It je estimated that at least 2,500 spocies exiet in the Amazon basin and the Malay Peninsula. The. tropical rainforeste cf the. world wiil b. extinct within a matter cf years if something isn't soon don. te protect themn. Don't feel left eut. Anyone who would 1k. te centribute te such a worthy cause can send donations to WorldIssues Class, c/o Anderson Collegiate, 400 Anderson Street, Whitby, Ontario, LN MY. Ail contributions are appreciated. If you are semding a choeque, mnake it payable te the echool." If you weuld like more information concerning the sorld issues clase, contact ise Matthie at thoe chool (668-5809). ~~1 I il L LA Jennifer Ayling FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Wolcome back, Austiniteel I hope everyoe ba reat Christmas holiday, I know I did. Santa Claus was.epcal generous this year, giving moat peole everythmg thteywanted anclresteringfaith in ti jlyvl fellow. Unfortunately, the past two woeks flew by, and exam week is creeping dloser and dloser. The. decoratione in the office have been takon down and Ms. Hines and Ms. Joanette are back at their regular duties. There je a new smiling face in the main office now, and Iwould like totake this V pprtu t welcome Ms. Volrdite our echool. Me. Velardi is our new finance eeretary. 5h. also types up the 1mrornimg announcemnents for yours truly. I hope he erjoye her stay at Austin athletica are again imakin~ a name for themselves in the. wild woeld of sports. TIb. 3 semer boys' basketbsil eam Iimproved its record in baguq pla by d.featingBewmsnvile -3 ... . . . . . Congratulations, guys. The girls' voileyball teame have alsc been having grat seasoni. defeating many cf the teame they have jplayed. Keep ui> the god work, ladies. Mra. Roy and Mr. Stephenson are busy as usual, meeting with studenta who will b. applying te Ontario colleges. Students are reminded tebring ail necessary materials te, their appointmonts. May ail the. applicante have the. best cf luack gettimg into the. college o f their choice. Finall just a littie note about Austine ërttver echool play, 'Ronic, and Juliot.' Mr. Labriola, Mr. Shea and the cast wiIl b. working at a dedicated pace te perfect the play in time for openinnight in early March. ]Pm sure e lay wzllb. a hg succesa. This has boom another exciting week for Austin.Dont forget te study for thoso exama, and remember - until w. meet asain - keep srulfing. While there was initial opposi- tien te a achool in that location by the Town of Whitby (which felt it should ho situated further north in an area more central te the region), the most recent delay han involved the province. "Tih. Ministry of H7alth was mot prepared te declare the land we are looking at as surplus te their needs," explained Andrews. «Now it appoars they may b. prepared te do se. But even if the. health ministry decides it has ne use for the property, someone elso may want it,Andrewe cautions. Other ministries and govern- ment agencies must b. contacted Trent University will offer a 12-week spring academic program from FeW. te April 27 at Durhamn Coilege in Oshawa. Four introductory-level courses in history,Emnlsh, psycéhology andesociology w-3 b.ee;d. Each coursemeets two eveinge a week. Although the session is open te ail part-time students, it is echeduled for the convenienceocf high echool studente who wil te dotermine if there is any interest in the site, ho noted. Therefore Andrews was not prepared te predict when con- struction maây commence. "W. still have te get a site and services in place euch as water and sanitary eewers before we can formalize a tinietable,» ho said. Last November the province's 1995 funding allocation te the schcol board included money for a French secondary schooi. Ibe board will receive $9.25 million for three projects -- the hih school, an Oshawa school afdition and a mew school in Brock Township. graduate in January. Anyono needing information on courses, admission policy or registration ehould attend the information session on Jan. 6 from 4 te 8 p.m. in the Oshawa PublieIÀbrary auditorium. For fur-ther information or te obtain a copy of the spring program brochure, cail Tremts part-time studies in Oshawa at 416-723-9747 or i Peterborough at 705-748-1229. -S UCCESS STORLES FROM OWMC O)ntario Waste Management Corporation (OWMC) receives mýany n~e fromi people waniting to, know what they can do ohepth e envirornment, and the corporation je eager to share success stories. Rcbrt itey rcenly utlined in OWMC ' Wastelines' newsletter the ascmplshents cf Chrysier Canada, Black & Docker and Court Galvanizing. Theso threo companies won the OWMC's Waste Reduction Performance Achievement Award for 1992. The Chrysli Canada'e Windsor assembly plant'e prize-winnimg program allows the plant to offer its choice of auto colours at a much lower coat to the environnient than was previouély possible. Each time paint colours are changed on an auto assembly lime, the line's paint systems must be cleaned and flushed in ipreparation for a new colour. Solvent, contamimated with paint n tbia procese, is traditionaily sent to a treatmnent facility for disposal as a hazardous waste. However, workers and management at Chrysler teaxned up te reuse this solvent 'md they now recycle more than haif a million litres annually. Chryler eliminated toxic chlorimated solvente, toxnc solvent-based glues and also reported a 50 per cent reduction ini waste glues, a 14 per cent reduction in urethane sealor waate and a five ~ cent reduction in paint shop sealer waste. For its 1993 mo.del, the Windsor assembly plant in switching to an air conditioner refrigerant with an 'ozone depletion potential of zero.' 'Black & Decker, under ite Cordless Producta Recovery program, mow accepta ita worn-out tools at any of its'Ontario service outiets. The company recycles the plastic and metal compoments cf returned toole that cannot b. re aied and, mont importantly, ensures that the toic nickel-ca= um bat;terie are recycled. lIn the first 60 days of the programn, B&D recovered almoat 25,000 batteries. Court Galvanizing invested $500,000 to create 'closed-loop' systeme te reuse the sulphuric acid and wator used in the galvanxzing process. The process coats steel parts with zinc, making them rust risat. Before being dipe d in molten zinc, the parts are immersed in sulphuric a and then rinsed with water. The mea parts, hot fr-oi the zinc treatment, are then cooled in water. Traditiomally, zinc galvanzmg operations dispose cf sulphuric acid contaminated trog repeated use. Rima. water in usua]ly chemically treatod and released to sewer systemE. Eàxeas coofinj water is aise dumped into sewers. The new systemns, istalled by Court, eliminato thos. old praïctices. Both the acid and rinse water are purifled and roairculated. 'The water used for coolimg is aise recirculatod throu gh a special coling tower designed and built by Court emlyeL Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON C Trent's spring program wiII begin in February - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

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