P 22. WhNly Fr.. Pr.... W.drm.ay. Jwiuuy6. 1003 Atoms emerge as champins in Port Perry Wbitby miAjor atoin selecte, sponsored by Brooklin & District Xineen, captured the A chapioshi at a select tournament held in Port Perry Dec. 3o. Whitby opened with a 5-2 win over the host teaminii what proved ta Le their tougest contest. The. slects dominated play i the firat period which saw thein emerge with a 2-0 lead on goalo by Jason TurIngton, and Cameren Munro assisted by Kyle Tennant. In the. second period Port Perry turned the. tables, soring twice te knot the score. Whitby answered qiklyoa.oa Michael Gubbl sitdbja Brimble ta regain a alun ena-goal mare third period saw Whitby once agi dominate play, scoring twice itin31 seconda ta emerge with the 5-2 victory. Gol-scorrs were Munro and Tonnant with Gubbe1a getting an assist. Munro was naxned MVP for Whitby. Ini their second gaine, Whitby easiiy defeated an undermanned Honeywood club 8-1. Scoring for Whitby were Greg LeBianc with three goals, Gubbels with two, and singles by Turldngton, Matt Walton and Scott Messenger. Asss went te Turlington with three, and Greg Foxwell, Garret Richard, LeBlanc, Gubbels and Munro. LeBlanc was gaine MVP for Whitby. The championship gaine againat Uxbridge maw WbItby -wes gai sh1Ui t i 4 one-'goal games! mhe Whitby McCuilough Jeweilers tween A ringette team. competed in the Markham tournament on Dec. 28 and 29 and came away with two wins and two loases. The first conteat waa gis league rivals Pickering and resuited in a 2-:1 victory for Whitby in' a typical fast, hard-fought affair. Tlhe net encounter saw a teain froin Missisauga hand Whitby a 6-5 boss.. Down by two goals, Whitby pulled their goalie i the final minutes but could only manage one goal with an extra player. Subury came away with ýa 3-2 win in the third gaine as both teama were evenly matched but a bate goal in the final period proved ta ha the winner. WMhys second win came frein another beague teain, Ajax, by a 7-6 margin. AUl four games were fast and close and could have gone either way as ail gaines were decided by DOO)M& Who needs it?! Let's face it. fliere really isn't a lot to cheer about news-wise these days. That's why when there is news that will niake you feel better we would like to let you know about it. Therefore froin tini to tüe this little fellow will appear at the start of a stoiy to let you knowv that you can read on without aggravatmng your ulcer andi you may even endi up with a bit of a smfle on your face. THE WH]ITY Good news! Local news! one goal. Tournamnent goal-scoing was ed byJennifer Penney with six, Calle Corneai with three, Ellen Johnson and Dani Bbeau with two each and single markers going ta ià sa Vanderlip, Melanie Davis and Uisa Corcoran. Assist came frein the sicks of Lara Hugel, Bleau and Davis with three each, Corcoran and Johnson with two each and single heipers going ta, Sarah Larocque, Corneal, Vanderlip and Penney. Sain Sheppard provided the outstanding goatending needed to keep Whitby competitive in al gaines. Wayne Johnson and Lloyd Penney are the coaches of the teain. In reguflar league action, Whtb dfeated Markhaxn 5-1 on Jan. 2. Petite A cali-up Jessica Wiliams and Corneai led the goabscoring with two eacii. Adcing the extra marker was Johnson. Bieau jumped i witii three FATE 0F KNMNPOOL NOT DECIDED Wss 1992 the asat year of life for the Kinsmen outdoor pool? Oniy Town council knows for sure. The fate cf the Byron St. N. facility wibb iy b. deterznined during Whtby's 1993 budget delbhrations. Slated ta close because of infra- quent use and in ned of costiy repaira, the 35-yea-obd pool. won a stay cf execution last spring. Council agreed tokeep the pool oen for oe more year and that iinprovenxents would be limited ta, ony those required for safe operation. Parka and racreation depart- ment staff were aise orderad ta record the number of people using the pool during the suai- mer. Despite general yp or weather, the pool atrcel939 paityemares te,2,296 at the Anne OttenrtePool and 10,205 at the civic recreation complex. In 1991, 3,332 people usad the Kinsmen pool. Appromatey $1 000 would Le required ta iroperI?,fy ha h water and repair other probleme at the pool. About 317,000 gallons cf water leaked frein the pool over the season bacausa cf a seizad main drain valve. The boiler was un- able ta heat the replacement water quickly enough. ICE ORUNCU There's no end in sight tathe current ico shortage in Whitby. The miner -hockey systemi l turning laers away and prac- tices are bang held out of town because of 1ac of ice time. A new arena is on the Town's capital spending priorities liat, but parkaB and rec chair Don Mitchell says the chances of it Leing buibt before the year 2000 are "vry remete» unbeas it's made a higiier priority. asssta, Vanderlip had two and Penney got the single helper. The Port Perry tounainent this coming weekend wiliL e the team's next action. Basebal workouts upcoming Basebali indoor workouta wil be* nJan. 10 at the Civic Dome, Workouts will Le held each Sunday, 6:50 te 7:50 p.m., until March 28. Participants shouid Le aged 15 tol18. Costper session is$S Participants shouid wear nor- mal gym attire and bring a bal glove.4 Sessions sun to improve one's skill level by teachmng proper fundamentais while mncreasing on's fitness level. To register, caîl 436-1319. Whitby ncnr hockey HOUSE LEAGUE BM<TAM Carmlanm e 2 Outaroan Rtyan Hewood TO oddBanbnlsgp Iirka Zeliaik Pot Hkeq udMoglLuoln 2 Wltby Au"i Jam oVaIn 2 DarnlMo meam Mau Anà we iTI Canne. Sintoit - JWMshoUrt o ADImed FoodSmvin. ,luteirt- Demi lJanng xà mAWUWEE ha. 8 Ma&rk ¶hlnta Marechlauee Durea Towlng Cb.d Ferdah Whtby Trots 8 D«& Van Rgme.d Teaa Fltmtmnou hue Abm Aocurany Fb. Whth, TOYot Frunklln Food@ Dufa Towîng REntsriau 8provin"Ia5mb IFro&nhfPoo&e Kirk Urie a.epihmCen MiEbool FrmaI mSa" o BD,-En«vim M=IUrig W L 6 1 4 0 382 2 3 23 10 22 il 17 19 16 17 16 27 12 21 DOL 20 Bruy ebn.1WiyOpnat Kovin ennlng John Fanugla whllby Klii peul Matudabk Joue.Hum«W Darm eBarlay JOqO sade Jan. 8 Cme. M ir. Mhb Mr= Mabo. Wu Brafuly Marban. 1 Wbhy Ien 13 Danm Lynch Foul Matndak 4 Mark Suapen Pouil amblom2 Guy Duwnmm 2 Mathen GaLe Whltby Opimbos 5 xMdve r na CM. Unâmk crlg Aduma start slowly in the first pro, but then jump out ta a tM=ga advantage, acoring twice in the last minute on markers by Turkcington and Gubbels. They added to the lead early in the second on a goal by Biais Lawson. Uxbridge scored midway through the period to narrow the margin to 3-1. Munro answered for Whitby less than a minute later ta restore the three-goal cushion. Whitby was neyer threatened again, scoring twice in the third on goals by Turkcington and Messenger for a 6-1 victory. Gubbels was nazned gaine MVP. Assistain the gae went ta Gubbels, Rtichard, Messenger and Lawson. Strong defensive work throughout the tournament was provided by Nick Cowan, Cbad Kýawasad and Matthew Walton. The goaitending tandem of Andrew Gubbels and Steven Pigrain continued te provide excellent netminding for Whitby. The team's succeas was attributed to, the ceaches' emphasis on team, play. The teain is coached by Dave Waiton, assisted by Junior Tennant and Ted Munro. Andy Gubbels is teain manager. Hegh sehool basketball AAAfloe 0GWL Y AP OYNdII B-iivin. Donomu Ande Fr. Les AugL1n Eantdak 2 2 2 2 212 2 1 281 2 0 380 Pickering 38801 AJUX 2 201 DubanteS 22 01 Om MarYO 2 1 1I DensoOVnet 2 0 21 PlneRidge 2 02.1 HOM ytruat 8 0 31 AA lie Brock 22 0 Rebuts 11 0 Uxhndge 3 1 21 Port Ferry 2 1 I Courtice 1 1 O Cental 21 1 Harwood 1 O 1 FusYMa 2 02 87 4 854 97 2 119 2 167 2 1990O 87 6 87 4 es 4 18022 15 0O 284 0 Pinoeidp O 1 0 2 14 0 ITemo ms tnCanaingtea. O"hwa, Ajux, Whitby, Plckoelng, BOWIIIDVID, Coartiro and Pins rndp h» a Mrmwn &mfe kabgu.iL Port erry play an intaa'-locblng achodukLe Ejan Jaileae MiBool Smith J" nFarrugla Bron Pelek a UMOKAIUN Iam. a cidby - Saurn T. WooeVlnnek Dr.d MeNaughton Anderuen Vetutn. 2 IDm Gubeà Mark Celueni Pargm FoLui Wlnkkr lac ChIaUen 2 8paady Auto Qm 5 bbl Amblle2 Dagu Co"k Mark NotMs ue. ConneW sSn Karr DwL 27 Pmo Firefietera 2 Juolin Wbmtley optino Malt Lla AndreEO 2 Wem Lynm F & c4 Kyl T«m@Mnt3 CM. is snlff I Broillin Klnun 3 JaienTurklngte.2 RyanlqylB"B imoitAlun Durham Dodu Br&Nt nCOMMuA Breakln cyda W L T GYF Bankfed sevleS 4 O O 19 Dr»nsallCyls 2 2 0 161 DnumDodu 2 2 0 20 RS13Auêto 2 2 0 17 Wbltby Optlmlut 2 2 0 17 Er»nuaiCmerua 0 4 0 7i MMe. NOVICE Je&. 2 Panm l-n Dmutidou S.BMuma m a Wal Réant LAba 2 NkhaHBm3e Sian lmmfl I Ltrua Puactol1 labo là " matiba. (frabm Bdbmt Rotd 2 Rebut Muir 3 Jo.. 2 Bin Hmd 2 Caintor OnrMb9 Oaff Was 8 R«t ichanis2 Braou Bankena Pauil ombardi Ont. Data Saîp*y6 LaS Waddingten GMv<Smith IIYM TIW flubant N>anla2 KOM Drea! s. KHm A&M e8K* 5wviSMutew Mutalk Kdd 3 Breohin legisi 7 Naibonel Andrua 4 Adamo Thbomu 2 PatL.ng UMUoROQUIHr 4 MTngu eRient.10 Dunk MoTeague 2 D&Ml Arnald 2 T. Frbrïmn2 WayneTurcMet Rtym Pyko Kelly Andrew Kyla Vandenico Kinane 7 Good inme IaunO. Ja3q r..n8 Gwaham Knox KyhPucawlcm 2 KyloDronuen Hemurl Maot.nle&oem 2 Andrew 'be Oood Tim .L=& 1 Mauà ihawL Andrew Crois Kyk mpe. 'abyc-£ SElotI&Mnren 8 M=@otib ha0 6I Mat4rBadre..0 inanen 4 MnTeagm zEltrie 5 Greywimona2 iandanbo2 K$. Pcawlca WayneTureeti D&M dAroneM DOL 27 stopbm Fetbl2 JaisMnliamen 2 Audro amma.uy 2 Mmes C4tu WhtbylTropbvS 8 84gnl 8 JLwdmn PotIeS LSe Seefeuoa5 Kk Murpby83 Kyl. cy Bradiq Horde Jeahuemm«l T JaLmes Dik A& 7 Bmandmeavis 6 Limo Redm2 awobln Len I Kovia Rmel 2 Fend Amumwal a2 Zoeb.ry chue2 Andi.meKimmen 2 Matb.wewglio matb.. Meir Liara Rad" 6 Nick g&b.aU Sais FDilimo AndralarWy Jue«Hmltki matb.w Goodul. Matbw HBoutm WhlthTrepby 8 Je«d"aPolie 2 Math.. Sa.den 10MitamUl a. 2 8 i Simags stoveMSsdaa 6 JuAn mi«