Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 8

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Page0 WhItbyFîePoes, Woeday, Decombor 30,1992 whitb ...% eLe Labour, su rvey .to-be udetae Tlho Durham Region Action Committee for Training (ACT) Will conduct a labour market noods survoy over the next few months. About 3,000 businesses and industries in Durham,,,Region will ho surveyod. The main goal i. 'te dotormmne the. tep 100 te 130 jobs that will lead on ocono- mic recovery locally. Information obtained will detormine the number of open- ings, domographice, gogaphic distribution, -îndustry sctors* affectod and skills .levels and training required for the nine- ties. The. survey will alse determine what aregs cf huznon rosource planning, business and industry will roquire trainng., -The aurvoy tokos, about- 15 minutes, and aIl information is ACT is working with the 'Dur- ham Local Marketý Survoy Advi- sory Committee on the survey jointly fundod by the Minis oi BkillsD]evelopment and EmpÏoy-. mont and Immigration Canada.' Members of the committee are the Whitby sud Oshawa cham.- hors of commerce :AÀ *x-Pckring Board -of Trade, Psegion cf Dur- ha'm oconomic deévelopmont departrnent, Durham ,Cellege, ACT, DrhrnReoion Iganufac- turing Association 'Ontarie Skills Development Ã"fflco, Osh- awa & District Advisory Council, Human Resources Professionals Assocation of Durham, CEIC Oshawa Mankagement Area. For more inormation caîl 430- 8511. Second location for. Rousseau's By Mark Repsor Rousseau's Heritage' House bas exp anded - with -a new lin', of furzituro in. a hous. just west of its existing location on Mary St. E. eusseausgpe neral inâmnager Peggy Polson-Gills ays the new lino, called' 'Woekend. Retreat,' has. a «vryr distinct, cas ual fia- vour that adapta wol to the exterior style of the bouse,» loca-, ted on thé souitheast corner c-f Mary and ,Perry streets. Po.onGillis .estimates the house is ,at least 100 years old, although it's, beon greatly changedovor. the years. «Wèbhaven't even tried te hoe historically accurate, in restoring it because tbeexterior was cf 'ne particular identifiable period... «We borrowed some Victorion details sud, tried te restoîre it in on attractive waýy.»" The bouse b ad, been badly neledfor'years, says 'Polson- Gilla, se they juxnped at -the opportunityte make it'a «miuch more attractive piece cf pro- perty.e ýAround the' saine tme ]Rous- seau- decided te carry the 'Week- end Retro' e linè cf furniture, but didn't have theroom te display it - they decided te move it into the new location once renova- tiens were fixished. Work was bogun lu the surn- mer sud comploted around the end of Nveber- Polson-Gillis says it's a simple bouse, se they decided te go with a simple decor -- it wouùldn't ROUSS EAU'Sgeneral m anager Peggy Polson-Gillis in frorgt of the store's seconld location, at ary andi Perry streets. photo by VaW Reeso, Whitby Fm. Press JACK- R. CAYNE S M.B.A, Ceitified General A£ccontant * ~ FREE 'INITIAL % CONSULTATION 384 Sheppard A ve. E North York, Ontario M2N 385 Cali Collect (416) 733-805 Far (416) 733-0248 have, aintod a lot ef very heavy ornamentation... our main objec- Uiv. was te gt it looking light and froshandpretty."- She says it has a «very cozy, casual and comfortablo atmos- phere, juat 1k. thefuntr that's ini it.> 1 'The 'Weekend Retreat' lino was desied by fermer 'lieuse Beautiful'editor-in-chief JoAnn. Barwick. Polson-Gillis'says the pieceo look'*like ontiques «that you ýmight4f dind a country antique store, very much a 'on.- of-a-kind look' te them, net mass producod." About *,0 w as raised for the Starlight Foundation ~'frorn the'09h., a.wa Centre'. Chris.tmas Galaxy five- woek fundraiser. Funda sedwill'go -te liv. sick childron. The Starliîglt Foundatien gronts the wisbes of. seriously ill children aged 4 te 18. Maureen will swim with tho, dolphinis in - Bermuda, Camilla wilf visit the. set of the TV show Tu!] leuse,' Aaron will bho grand marshall of the parade at Disney World, Louis will receivo on art desk with supplie,ond bis brothor will get a spec-ial bicycle built -for--pooèple wi th 'cerebral paley. Participating in the Galaxy were figure shatÃŽer Barbara Underhill,Ol0mpic bing silver medallist Mar ouE..G.'s Jin *Millington dKta&Dog taon star Andrew Bdarski. «Cornmunityrepnse te the Christmas Gaàlaxyhs'been ýtre- mendous,» saaynshawa Centre diroctor cf imirketing MaryVal- uee.- She* says the eévent 'may ho- held annually. Vour Financial,,Health: DerekDutk Payin'g Off the'.mortgage Iv'.read a number vf articles written by financi ,al epr Brian Costello. Ho writes reÉularly inm'ynwper di heard on a numnber of radio stations. mn osaosadl In essence, ho spells out how te make your mo tgoe o deductible. Ho say tiat if you have investments youslioToiiso those investmens, ]ay off your mortgae Car W_;htever -Porton yourý investmont value wilf allow), an thon borrow bock h. monies -in another mortgage and put those ýmonios bock-inito youinvotments. Reut: You now have the same investments you had before but bocause you used your home te take out a mortgage te"buy investments," that mortgage is now tax doductible. Wbat if your mortgago was at 12 per cent and you are in the 50 per cent tax bracke-t? This means the roal'(ftortax),coot'ef that mortgago would now be only six per cent. Think how much botter off you. would-bo thon your neighhour ýwhoso 'real' cotisa *12 pr cent. S I have been advocating.the same thing for years and- fully oare with' Costello. Yousme, mony Coadions do not think about taxes othor thon complaining whon we have te py,- thom. >We start purchauing. homos on&-1 ears lator that monthly ont on that mortgage that soemed herrenâousÃŽ when the rouewas purcha!sod, is net tee bad anymore. Se, wo start investing. And, we continue payi on ta deuc. tely ob ivieuste the fact that It is net, toi I beliove yeu should învost The- sooner you start, the botter because investment resuits roquire, twe tbingo - Urne and monoy. Thé moot'importa4lt ingrédient is trne. As l'y. pointed eut before, the person who- would save $50 meonthly at15 per oenjstarting aLt age21, would ho wortheoer $2 million at ago -65. The person who waisutlage 30 te start (ju'at, nine years later) ends .up, wiith almo' *.5 million loua,' with- a value of $567000. Thoe are mathematicalfatu. You e.,Ney.borrowod agant My bouse te moke investments..Itmans the. interoatýI, have te payagainst the borrowed monies il axoideductibleso if the mrgage s.-at 12 after taxi isonly ix per cent. And th moey was used te purchas.ow.ahp investmonts that groW by capital gains and dividende, sO thé rns bearvery low tax. Theoresultis thatthe mortgage on my neactuallyo arns me (neécaste) m oney oeach yoar. Dôes your hom earn you meney? New jewefry store hieat hitb ByElizabethH.oopor Whitbyfi nowest jewelr store net only retails but- make s its ownjowelry. Owned b Bon Gray and Igor Abramov,th business lias. bien epen for about two meonths and. hield a grand'opèninj the week cf Dec. 14'. with fr00ring pelishmng sud f;,;e. appraisals Ohnjeweflry.ý Locatod inu.Kendàlwoýod Plaza, the* store sella jewelry at whoWe- sale pricos, and- repira, poflses, and delans, -inspýecta 'and eg aveil kmnds'ofjewelry.< aéd nythin snd every-w tbnto-do with jewelry, aao'ya Lace. gray, Bon'i.brother asud store emploee The store *also sella watches sud* cryrstalai repaira jewolry for other, jewelry stores,,sud dees repairs on the promises for meut items. Abramiov bas bouýht. sud sold. diamondàansd procieus atones, don. aitone settmng,.and been a Bon ýGr iay. lias alie worked for many yoarg lu the jewelry busi- ness. The two iartnera wil heoepen- mng,another store in the near <'I ou ýdreamed aoretbing UN jewelry-.wise,we would ho able te make %t» aya Gqray Thcko Rd. .sW it ,* 6-866

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