Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 7

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PAG ESEVEN A aryfer M ai eea ns, W. arrivée at the. surprise party'o tiUre. UnortUnately, 'tii.guests oflionour had arie4early. We had ped te huddle in à darkened beet shushing te keep quiÜet, and te leap out at e right moment and yell Surprise!"t "But now thus is not necessary. The couple of ionour ait, anid the assembled guests i the living r >o on lawn chairs. There's Charlie, brother of the gro~mtiie best man thirty-five years ago 'swar he iasn't c bit; and his wife,% -ie, ditto. And a n urKaye, and my p regnant miece, Katy 4o. And here's David and Dawn, tiie hosts;, David~ ismr nepliew and eldest son of the. couple of lionour. H e s bizsy ta-ngcoats. And Dawn will talk later, 9U blas a pan of cabbage rels teo take out oftiie oven. Witli me are my daughter, Erin, ýand lier cousins Jil and Adam., Boundng im and eut ofw woe~ are other, cousins (Ioull have te visit the 1 rec room te see tliemail).' There are children underfoot everywiere now, playing Monopoly by the. roc room bar or Fisli under the coffe table; handcuffing consenting aduits te tii. bannister;, blockihg the TV screen se, we miss Don Cherry,,saByung that some rougli', stuf in h~ockey sliould b. bahned. "Food is served!"' Over cabbage. mils and whole wheat buns, Bi Bill, a tall, huge, man witli lands the. size of Chitm5as hams and an aipetite tematch, brings out his ple: a hand-mnade vioinene of the couple of dozen ho7has made. "But net te, sel" lie says. "l like making things, s it just soems right. ltes sert of like a hobby, sMe? Like Stradivarius? "Stradivarius liad, te make a living, riglit? Now I could1. seil a. violin* like this for maybe five, six tliousand. _But I .don't I can get by witheut. Theyrr My mark'of irnmortality. It takes one hundred .years for a violin te mature. And some day, -a lundred years fronnow sombod isgoing te look inside this'oee and say,'I wonder wlo that oras' The tunes' start before dessert was'underway. The. bride and groom - remember tliem, this was tlieir partiy? - start, mysister Joyce at'tii. piano, Gord at the fiddle. 4s8-,iy have been for thirty-five years, maybe Mone1 wlen Gord with bis fiddle joined our This, is ild-tyme, foot-stomping music, music ftom- our ancestors tunes passed. down fo rnp Henderson, wlio rais.d a family in a log cabin. 80 Gord playýs, and-then Big Bill on Mband-nMe masterpiece. And then. ail take *turns9 playing it- brohe Jim, and Gôrd again, then. Laura; the. couplé's oldest daugliter - while three nieces, six and seýren yerold, step-dance a frenzy on tue hardwood filo. EipIays a recorder soloJingle Bella, the only=t~e she knows witliout the rmusic; Jili, ten, plays a'eeý or breakdown, I always get them cenfused; and t~Wo guiarsaccmpay eAides again. And Big BiH plays tii. Anniversary Waltz. - how tiands se big can se, sweetly caress suciia dainty perfect instrument. Fieyears. ago, I wrote about the thhrtietli anivrsdycftis saime couple. That Urne the childfrenhd hiredl a hall and invited. nineteen of the couplesaMfi - la" g riends.'And, as *tii, ceu le ent.red 1ue ~-ti curtains parted and ninet fiddles Sang tegether. This is a more, private Urne, a lieuse party for al igenerations. Soventy-fiv. years ago, thi.. sodiers clebrted Christmas thi. bout. way th ~ ud'i the> buildig now occuied by the. WhIthyPrycbiarc Hsptal. At right are aUnion Jack flag and aChita tre., and thiie. are uprws cf hdlly tied to the. iead cf each b.d. OutreA -ha Io YEAES AGO -fromen tii. W.dn' embr -,1Medition cf the *Fairview Lodge resdêanti' choir-gave its« débutpefmac for the. Christrea season. Dofn Breen is tii. Town cf Whithby Works Departmentes Empîpyecfrtii. ear. *Maerguerite Jack receved Canadaâ luet- smmdng- award from Lieutenant-Governo John Aird. T he Town of Whitby budget for 1983 will b. $1.8 million, an incrma»eof only four per'cent over ast year. 35 YEAESAGO from the. TuedayDeombor 24,1957 edition cf the. WBYWaeEKLYNEWS * Dutcii EIm disease is killng many imes in Whitby. 9 Gazoline ini Whitby in selbng at 39.9 cents a gallon fe regular and 43.0 cents a gallon fer i-test. e St. 'Johns Anglican Church will have a midnigiit service on December 24 and a Christmas lay service at 10 am. e The Whitby Theatre Guild will present thi. play 'The Funniest Days of Our Lives' i Marcii 1958. 110 YEAUS A(X) from the. Thursday, Decembor 21,1882 edition cf tii. e The population cf Whitbyis 2,8554 a doesus cf265 fr e ap yar. *Ther. is a sugeston'that Whitbhy witidraw'from Ontario County to save $800 te $900i coenty taxes. * umon*Fraser uil gv a china tea est worti $10 toany customer who punchases $100 Wortii of goods frounibis store *Th.rl stalk.tit MWhitiiy couldbeoen. -a ulmnngcentre.

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