Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 27

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Whltby Orme PmmsaWeckesday, December 23.1992, Page 27, Whrn to 68;-509m4 a 6809 Office Hours: Monday S * 90 _668- 5094 Fa 680 . ........ CORPORATION Olý THE TOWN-.OF ýWHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0FPUBUC MEETING Monday,,January 4, 1993'@ 8:00 0,m. Meeting Hall,.Whitby, Municipai B ulding 575 Rosslan d Road East %Vhitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wvll i b held by the Planning and Development Commitie. of Council cf the Corporation cf 1the Town cf Whity to considr a. proposed Official Plan Amencknent' as subrnittec by Broolln Meadow.s Umnited, Fie No. OPA 92-W/1 2. jhLsubjc property la located on Part cf Lot 21 and 22, Concession 6asshon on "heéketch below. The Esrose of the application is to increase the number of units, Ms v , ,e medum denslty rmaldential ameas on the0 propety frcm 30unies te 39 unita per net hsctue.7 Mhe purpose cf tdu meeting ls to provide adlequate information te the Aloand Io permit interested persOns Mu oppcrtunlty ro ake representatlon hi respect of the Officiai Plan Amendmnent dplcton. If you uamunable te attend the. Meeting, your repreentation Ã"a b. filed iwntig by -mail or personai dohivsve mchde Plnng Departisent oct later than regular working hiours on January 1 , 199. lntemested poisons may uspect âdcitional i nformation rolating te dhe abcvopplication hIn1the - PlanrnngDepartment . Levai 7,: Whby 2MB durnn rgula rkding hours, Monday Io Fridayo mycntact dm1 Planninig Department by telephonlng <416)6659. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Ta THE ITFI F LF once uposi a time far-a-way lm the North Polo, there was a' bouse. The anow was over tho land. Thates were elves lived, and Santa sud lira. Claus sud tho eight reindeer sud -of course it was Dec. 24, the...day befre: In Lordcon there was a girl named Emly. 5Sh. had dark curly bairý and hhtblue eyes. Her bobby was pickig flcwersasd, coUlecndffdII& 8h. cculd hardly wat til Christnas,» luI the woek sbop ail the. .1v. were Wckgvri bard ail the. .1..bu ti littisat elf Twickle. u- kn.w lxw te «maketoyi. An tMi oth«ee-fa de fu.incf hlm.' That made hlm very sad. It finally came. Dec. - 24 Christmas- day. 'Ti- se exitae said Emuly. She could hardly ge te DOG GROOMING - Have your pet grooed for Christmas, at reasonable rates. For a quote, ,rone 723-i9582. Cas weléome. ree pick-up & dsîivery. or'you cari have yeur pet dons ln the comfort et yeur own home. PERSONAL LOANS from $1.000 and up for, any purpose. 'Quiclk approvals. 436-8104. ON YOURt NEXT VISIT te Klngston., why not vlsit an Irish fortuneteller? Cali Mary at (613), BAÀHAIS 8- BEULEVE: O yo beloved eof tho..Lordi Strive te becomo the manifestations ef the love.,et Ged, the larnps ef divine guidance shining amongst the kindreds ef the earth with the llght ef love and, concord. For informa- tion and discussion, cail 668-8665. THANKS TO sTr. JUDE and the Sacred Heact et Jesus fer faveurs recolved. May the Sacred Heart ef Jesus bo adored, g lorliedlovod and proserved, threughou the werld new and forever. Sacred Heait ef Jesus pray for us. St. Judo, worker et miracles, pray for us. St. Judo, helper ef the hpees pray for us. St. Judo, hIl re tho slck, rray fer.us. Say this prayer nino times a day for nine days. This prayer- has nover failed, and your prayers. wli b. answored. Publicaion must b. prcmlsed. JLS. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL AbVISOR Joan Monday to Frtday 9 a.m. to 9 p. 430-1328i sleep, but she di&. But she woko up in the middleocf the night and sartnet tecry. Pretty sooei séhe woko up,,her mother but not dad. Hoe was tee suv noring. "Whats the mattWr iad7 My mbm" I won't get any pesents. "Why" said my moin. BcseI nover asked Sauta. In the moruing there was a brcwn bqimudor the tree. Emflcpe the bagsuter wasth litlmtelf Twinkle. Ho bhad made a dol for 1$Mly aud he wasaagodtynke. That made y very hapffy 1%e end. Chantal Bradiand G" d3 < B. FairMa, F& Lake Scufgg Marie (port Parry) Unuited Notice je heréey ,given'that Lake Scuo arine.(Port <Peerry) Limiintends .to Isove pursuant te the Business ôCoporations AÀct. DATED. this 25th day cf Novemberj, 1992-.. >.Beryl Merrl!, President PROM PAGE 1 eigh-lane freay liuk.7" a~cte thé 19 *a, plan,» says Lon'field, «reésuE M, massve--CIni cous mon atio~tion c.ýf resideuti ansd iudustrial land iu west Whitbe. SBrune!!. 'argued tAhe DMZ route ýwill bve a serie fluan- cia! imtàe on Whitbyt mince taxes and levîes frein develop- mont 'on that land,' whicb' tho Town bas been- planning on, 'If YOUlccfk*at thIi.ladleftfcr developi nut (if the, route goo throuý@), ýyen. wllf Indthrit thore asvery danmu lttle leftJ.' Drumm age& aynDMZ) levsvzylitti. »Sm'r.dvo-1 ontmeatj "*-toeki it for Re'wàott>o.d Crime8Stopers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the pUbli 1elp Msoviniga break, enterand theft that occurred in i wa n Stday Oct. 24. Between idnighi and, 8 a.m., suspects pried open the rear dïoiL cf a vacant uit located beside GGVariety, 837Simcce St. . The suspects smashed a hole throughi the dywlltgin entry to the store snd then dismantled the alarm system.. Asmall,,grey, meta safe containing cash was taken from the' cash regfister ama. Lottery 'tickets, and a large'. quantity cf cigarets were alostolen.' if you have any information on this r nysejUS crIMe, cail Crime Stop ro If ycur infornMation lead ea arrest you could earn a cahrewadOf up te $1100. Calera are never, asked te identify themeelves or té testify ini court. Cal! Crime Stop'Pers at 436- 8477, that's 436-'TlPS. Sergeant'Grant 4rNold writes this article to holp combat crime. USIE 13?LEFTOVERS Ites that time cf yea ageain te share with ycu leftover ure recipes, taken frmî the Glad Use-it-Up cookbook that'lista recipes according te. the type of leftover fruit, vegetable or meat, and the Creative Co<kVs Recycling Bock by the Garbage Gourmet, Ruth Johnson. BAKED TURL ECHESE SANDWICH 1 cep (250 ml) cookedtlurkey, diepped 1/4cap (50 m)cee:rchopped 12 t iosmlldàd..... ý cope Coi. mb e key ceymynas noine ucsi u dgeF even until ce... met&its orepn-a sandwiches. TREWEDGES by Rut.h Johnson 2 caes(500 mi) leftovor cookod rios 2 We (500 m» cocked turkey, dlced fine or put through meut der. 2qgs, boaten V2 op (1225m1 lowrravy or stoc 1ltop. (f i)si 11/2coep125 ml celeR7, doppod e8 /p 7508or bas leftev2r cranberry sauceoptions! 1 cep (250 m»)chSe grated. Saute onion icil. Add old rie and toms two or tbiee minutes i hot cil. Md tui*eygravyeggW aisd .clery sud p lace.i round casserole dish or dep pie p;aè. IMae at M50degreesFY(180 degrees C) about 35 minutes. moove frein oven. Spread with layer of cianbery~ sueifyuwish It, sud sprlnklo deeseon top. rotera teoven for Ev. miue. e i wedgàs sud sen hot or cold. Srves sig. To'make a festive snack for the birds Bird Wiuter Treata' is aise, found ini the Creative Cookls Reccing Book 1 cep (250 ml) solid peauîut butter V/2 cap (125 ml) bread crumbs Mixtuire of seedsansd nuta <Forin peanut butter into a bail. Mix with crembs, If you need thei for bindinig. Rll ballin nuteansd seods. Pet in a mesh bagsuâch s the type that housed your oranges or onlons, sud hang noar your window se you can wetdi the fu. UNP Othor uses for mesh baga. Large bage used for oranges

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