Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 18

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Page le, Whilby Free Press, Woclnesday, Decomber 9.,1992 Liti cance ofrning frsewers, in,'9 By Mke KowaJskI Provinial money te *correct sew!age probleme in Brooklih will net Mokly ho forthoming tmi 1993. But Whitby Maypr Tom ..IVE.<RAT. WAVS. TO.BAVE IN CELEBRATION 0F OUR [FIRST VEAR-.ANNIVERSARY:: AT OUR NEW LOCATION 1. Compiete Pair of Single Vision Glasses* ..$ 7900 î 2. Compiete Pair of Lined Bifocal Giasses* ....9.00 3. Compiete Pair of Progressive Giasses* .....0. *4. Buy One Pair of Rx Glasses from ,Reg. Stock and Get Second Pair at ...... HOMf P1)d 5. Soft Contact Lenses with Visi tint...... 79.00 (Fitting Fee flot inluded) Above specials are flot in conjunction with any other discounts. Selected frames with plastic lenses Up to + or - 4.. WHITBY OPTICAL (IGA PLAZA) Downtown Whitby 666-3831 Offers expire December 31/92. Do you think the Canada-U.S. Free Trade agreement'was a good idea? North American Free Trade? Just two of the questions in o urNo vember 25th reader survey. Tell us what you think of tbis and other issues Iand what you. like and cislike about the Free Press' L - - Please return your survey soon! -I M ARG(OT M CTAVISH INTERIOR DECOR,.ATOR Full design services, colour co-ordination for interior of exterior, wall -coverings, draperies, accessories, etc. A design showroom of traditional furnishings in a historical home setting. For that added care and attention te detail give me a eall! 1-416-686-4737 541 Bayly St. East Ajax, Ont. South of 401, East of Harwood Edwards romains optimistic the Ontari o gqvernmont wili come thrughwit .funds in 1994 te, reci& robemewhich have pla-, gued BiSoklin for years. 1. "I dont expect any monoy ta 1993 but rrn still hopeful mono will ho forthcoming ini 1994, said Edwards. The mayor: was confident that the multi-nuilhon-deller Brooklin sewer prejeet. will fail within critoria used by the government for work cf this magnitude. 1Edwards was part cf a delega- tien cf Durham Region and Wbitby officiaIs wbich met with Ontario Ministryof Environmont staff last weekt press the case for the Brooklin projeet. Residents cf th orth Whitby hamiet have experienced sewer preblema for more than 25 years. A study undertaken lest year found that, 62 per cent cf tho woîls in Brooklini are contamina- ted and 25 per cent cf the septie systems are inadequate. Plans cail for a sewer pipe te, hoe built from Taunton Road te, the south end cf Broeklin. The $6-million proect is part of an overali $10 mnill on echeme teremedy the sewer prebleme. «W ldnet *et assurances money .would ho fortoming but we got an explanatien cf provmn- cia gveroment policy on pro- jet fthis nature," said 1m satisfied the Brooklin pro- jectfals fourequaro within meir , MwEZards said last week's dis- eussions deait with the project from an envirnm'ental perspec- tive enly. 'Mhe provincial, government doeen't pive grants on the effecta cf economie» activitiy of *an erea. hoping for it"he stressed. ' Edwards was referring xte a 1,247-unit subdivision whàich , i planned for a 260-acre parcel'of land bordered 4y Columbus' Rd. Winchester Rd. Queen St. -anl, Thickson Rd. The Brooklin Meadows sub- division. is ,contingent, on .the sewer project proceeding. Despite tho bad nows from environment mînistry. staff, Edwards dos net intond te waïit umtil the ministry makes its deci- sion. Hoebas contacted, Premier Bob Rao's office and enlisted the help. cf Durham East MPP Gord Mille. ' The Town of Whitby and Dur- hem Region are aware -of it (sewer roblème) and want te correct it» said Edwards. UWe aIse have a' company (Brooklin Meadows) thates ready te go. Now aIl we require is the goverrument of Ontarie.» Pedestrian -crossin gwanted' Residents' requests for a safe pedestrian crossing at the inter- section of Baldwin and Campbell/ The -Brooklin Sp ring Fair will be mtting rsome, but not ail of teÏoýpicnic tables it neecis if council approves a new parkas and roc department policy The fair used 195 tables for the 1992,fair, but would have been limited te' just 50 for 1993, at double the price, under the new policy. After meeting with theà fair board, the dep~artmnent agreed te lot the board, instead of Trown staff, move tho; tables, saving the board about $1,300. TIhe Town also gave the board permission te move' and use 27 tables in Brooklin and area. That will give the fair between 77 and 95 tables, depending on how xnany tho Town has in its stockpile -- the board will look into getting the remaining tables it needs from other sources. The matter goes before full council Monday. Roebuck streets in Brookiin seem destined for failure. Since Baldwin is part cf a provincial highwa, ,ît' under the jurisdiction cf the Onitarie Ministry cf Transportation which uses traffic signaIs insteaâ cf pedestrian crossovers - if 'traf- fic comntesustify' it. The mînistry did, a traffic count at the intersection Oct-. 6 -and 7 and found an average cf 13, pedestrians cross'per heur. To qualifyr for signals, there wouldhave te ho an average cf 120 pedestrian crossinga per hour. The nuniber cf vehicles pas- ing through tho intersection is aIseo below the number the minis- try requires for signalo. <The report which was te have been, receiveA for informatioin by the Town pperations comniittee, was insiteadl deferred te its neit meeting- (Jan. 4) on a motion made Monday nightý by north, ward counilo6r Don Mitchell.'*"t At, Mcndays0'perations com- mittee meeting, Mfitch011 said'hoï wanted more detailed informa- tion from the report. Letter-l Cat was left" to. die To the edîter. I would like te, take this epportunity te tbank the driver cf the car wbo bit our. cat on Frday Nov. 26. Thecar was .soutbboundâ on Hwy 12 tbrough Brooklit hotweon 10 and il a.m. I would aise like te thank the others who saw cur cat 1yng hoplees on the road- sud Uad enougb compassion sud respect for hif. te stop sd seek-heip., I realy weuid like to tbank. these IChristmas events .plannedI Poinsettias will be used te decorate Brooklin United Church on Dec. 20 sud Christmas Eve. .They cars b. purchased in memory cf a friend or relative b celling the church office at 65- 4141. Order deadline is Dec. 13. Cutmyour-own tres at Murcett's Brookiin District Lions are ain sponsoring cut-youron Christmas.treesat'Murcotts ]Rol- lingMeaowstre. farm. Uni d theLions prcgram, trees, including scotch pine, wbite ptae and white spruce, can ho cut -on weekends from Dec. 5 te 20. Preceeds from sales of cut trees go te Canin. Vision. Canada, a continuous prject cf the Liens Foundation cf Canada. Thoro will alec o b ayrides. Refreshmienta are available, îsud there will ho a creft ehop. Tree baling iefre. The farun is located at 662 Townline Rd., on. mile north cf Ashburn. On Dec. 13, the cburch wl hoid' the.Sunday eschoolWite Gift service., Donations cf food for local, food banke sud an offering for the' Mission & Service Fund willI ho coilected at the service. Dec. 20 is.the Sunday cloist te, the 125th anrnversary cf the enig cf' th.'church. The chrbwill celebrate during the service sud the choir cantata will' aise ho presented. The Christmas Evo services wil ho heid from, 7 te 7:45 pm. (informai femily service an dt Z 8:30 p.m. (mofre fermai lturgy featurinq lessons, caroIs sud Communion sud recovenenting service will ho ýheld'on Jan. 3. A 'andieli ht Carol Sing' will b. held at Pleadowcrest Baptist Church on Sunday, Dec. 20. Ail are welcorne te attend the fail vent thatbegins aàt 6:30 .m.at the church, on Vipond Rd.Refreshments will b. avail- able. No admission. people buît I cannot,. because nit on. p4son carod enough té coe e h :ad cf tuis pooranimnal. Inaeadheyleft himte .diein a poo-l cbodon the rcad. Fortuately,, sud by the grec cf, God, my -husband caught a glimpse cf eur cat on-bis lway te work. Ho read the numbor on the cates coller and took, him te, the. vet who, tecood cme, cf Gremlin, ,but. Without afurthpr four-figure investment, we wiil net ho abie 'te tell -the extent cf the biow te tho head. 1 We do kow tbat hebaslout a toeth andis hemorrÈheging inand around the head., I have. aise juet loarned a new, word, - mbulate, and you, need only te. watch Gremlixa desperate attempta te, walkta order te know wbat-ti means. I' weuld liko te rernind .people that pe are Important members of a Tç.providecmont andSmp)io n*p te oeldely and tbey teach respect anJ Se, if you -do bt a cat or dog, tae a few minutes cf your time no that the life cf tis '!Ifliiy member might ho saved. ' If you cannot locate the. owner, you May contact your local Anima Control Contre intheii blue, pages cof your phono book. There is -no cost te you.. Your éfforts will ho appreciated. EL Laver~ Wlta hold party, potluck tute ýChristmas Party and pot- luck. dinner -wiIl behfild at the Brooklin commumity centre on Wednesday Der- 16, 12:30 p.m. Motto be- Gced -wil te ail mon.' Roîl celiwiîl b. 'Some item for the 'r rm!There wili ho a gift exchange. l welconie.

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