Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wodnoèday, Decombr 9, 1992 CHR ONIC FATIGUE Tie flurhamRgnChoc 'Fatigue SyndromafM.. Su4pport Grouip will eet on.Wednesda, ;Dec.16, '7_pm., ai A.E. >Kinîg Memorial Complex, Ki&way College, Oshawa. For MOre infor- maio clReneLeahy îai 655-" 4398. Thues, a self.help group for .eety wîdo*ed mon and 'wconen, wlll meet con Sunday, Dec. 13% 2 pa. ai St. Andrew's welcoaie. oâr more information, call 668-2648. PHIOTOCLUB The Whitby Photo Club wil h1old uts Christmas*celobration ai the Family Trust building, Dun- das and Hickory streets, on> Mon- day, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. FISBING SHOW AU Durham Region service clubs and sports, clubs can raise funds for their organization by ~e4Um tikesand retann fmeahticket, for the8t annual Ontario -Fishing & Sportsmen's Show ai the Mer Eànt TYBde Centre in Pickei& Jan. 28 te, 31. Tlhe show willpa taxes. For more informationca Keith Waller ai (416) 695-0311. B19GO Tfhe Whit>y iàoness Club will hold a fundrùasing bingo on Sun- day, De. 13 sar ta 12:30 pn. ai the Iide.>awaybtingo hall, 65ëunray St., Whib. Funds raised support the Savation Army Christmas assistance pro- gram-. PARENTlOT Si. Marksa Parent & Toi meets on Tmesdays, 9:10 te, 11:10 a.m. Each seven-week session offers qualifled care andappropriate activity for infantseanchildren up'te age 6. A.separate parents' propFam inctudes speaker, crafts, outinga and social time. Regisi- ration fees cover all child care materials, refresghmenis and craft suppflies. Reçistration is limted and beginsimimediately. For more informnation oeil Janet ai 668-8008. .ýý. PýTFOOD DRVE Thé Qshawa & District Hoxesa it y has placéd drop boxe aithre locations in WhitIh& for.* a pet food drive te continue util 'Christmnas. Cat and dog fidishes, kittylitter and pot supples can ho drpped off a t'Pet Vfalu Discount Fôoo, 1912 Dundas St. E. <Baker Ani- mal Clinic), Paws 'n Claws, Tickson (A&P Plaza, and aià Pet Source IGA plazaý downtown Whiiby. Por more information cail 493-2022., ONE PAENT FANMES The Oshawa chapter ofithe. One Parent Families Association meets Tuesday, Dec. 15, 8 pmat Simcoe Hall Setlement Hue 387 Siroco. St. S., Oshawa. New members and guests welcome. For more information cail 436-5089 or. 433-832. CrIm'MA"S PAKI'Y The Head Iriury Association of Durhamn Region will hold a Christmas party on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 7:30 pan., ai Cedarcroft Place, 649 King St. E., Oshawa. Admissioneini a can or box of. non-peishable food te b. donated te ihefood bank, plus a gift (value $2 te $5) for a gift exchange. Friends and faniily are welcome. For more information or assstacewith transportation, call the office ai 723-2732. OSHAWA STAMP The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 15,7 te 9 p.mý., ai O'Neill Colléeate cafe- teria, firsi floor. Stanips, posi- cards and collections can hoe exchaned appraised or sold ai auction. Coleters and visitera are welcome. For, more.inforpL- tion cal John ai 725-7962. CHmISTMASTREES 8th Whitby -scouts will sèn Christmas trees ai Petro Canada gusstations ati RosslandiThik- son and Dundps/Tickson Dec. 11-13 and Dec.,18-20. Ceai i'$18 ::r tree (sctch pin. and apruce), ad for each tree puirchased ai either -location, Petro Canada. wilg &afe.car wash' (ai Dundfas/ickson location). Hours will 1b. 6 to 9:30 p.m. on Fidays, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Pro- ceeds te the scout tip te Jamboree nex i mr. r ore informaio 68S1077. ONE PARENT FMLE The North Oshawa chapter of the- -One -'Parent Faills, Associationwill meet on Dec. 16, 8 p.m., ai 'Christ Church, Mary and HÙllcroft streots, Oshawa for « Gift Wrap.' New members and guesta, welcome. For information c4ll 668-7579 or 434-3687. BUCHR Th. Whitby Triple Link Uniiy Club holda a euchre on the second Thuraday of every monih ai ýthe Oddfellows Hall,- 211 Brock St. S.j, Whitby, startingai 8 p.m. Prizes and lunch. Admhis- sion is $1.50. Ail welcome. For more informat!on cal 668-2684. COMPATIBLE COrtxpANIONS .CONNECMON Durham's single social club now meeta Saiurdays ai 7 p.m. for social activities. Ail singles are welcome. Also available are tickets -for the New Year's Gala dJpai. Price ia$30 in advance, $35 et the door. Dinner, midnigchi snacikand chaniagne aréwincluded. For more informa- tion cal 430-7022. PARTY AMD AIJGTON Durham, Business & Professiânal Womedes Club will hold, a ClirIsimas party and bcnânza anction for Denise Houa. on Wednesdae Dec. 16 ai General Siloralci Polà iVotorans Hall, Stephenson Rd. N. (north of~ Taunton), Oshawa. The meeting will stýat a 6 pin., followod by dinner ai 6:45 p.m. Guosts and now members are welcome. The f.. is $25 for members, $30 for guests. For more -information, cail JoanArm Evelyn ai 725-91 97 or Karen Grahamn ai 427-6930. DECEMBER COURS St. John Ambulance - Witby Branch will hold the following courses in December. Firsi aid and CPR- Tuesday and Thursday, Dec. 10 and 15, 6 to, 10 p.m.; Friday, Dec. 11, 6 to, 10p.; Saturday, Dec. 12, 8:30 am. te, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 13, 1 te, 4:30 p.m. CPR (ail.Iovels): Tuesdays and Thuradays, 6 te 10 L m.Babsiting(ages il te 14): taurdaylDec.i12, 8:30 a.m. te, 4:30 p.m. We Can Help,<ages 8 te 10): Saturday, De c. 19, 9- a.m. te, noon. Child lifesaver: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 te, 10 p.m. Cal the. office ai 668-9006 or 668-4159 for more information. TVAUCION The Oshawa Rota"y Club's annual TV Auction.will b. held on'the R1ogers (Jable channel Dec. 11, 6 pan. te, midnight and Dec. 12, 1G a.m. te, 8 p.m. kôfor than 450 items will b. auctioned off. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Dec. 13, 12:30 p.m, ai the Michael Starr build- ing, Oshawa. For more informa- tion cal 728-1352. FOODD ANDl TOT DRiE > To help the Slvation- Armay provide a Meriy Christmas forï those ini need,, a food and toy drive wll be' held a (Julien Gardons and Miniature Village 300 Taunton R&d.W. untif T7uesdayp,,Dc 1~Toys and non-porisablo food items may, ho droped off in the frot lobby. lot Whitb~y boy scouts are sel- ling Cliimstroes ithe park- ing9 lot ai Jerrys the Mrg wr.- CoIse 311 Brock St. X, until Dec111. Hours of sale are 6 Wo 9 pm. Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to Bpm. on Saturday and Il a.m. te 5 pan. on, SunJays. Spruce and scotch pie treos -are avail- able for $15 each. Procéed tei scoute. For more information oIl Kathy ai 666-3247. CHISTMAS CONCERT 'Concierto de Navidad' will b. hold b~y the Spanish Heritae Language Program ai Central COllogato, 240 Simcoe St. S Oshawa on Tuesday, Dec. 15, p.m. Admission is fre.. For more information cal Mhica ai 579- 2834, after 7 p.m. SCOUwTS'T E AL lOth Whitby scouts will soUl scotch pine and white spruce Christias trees, six te eight feet tail, at- the Whiiby Sunoco gas station on Dundais St. W. at Frances St. on Saturdays, Dec. 12 and 19, 9 a.m. -te 6 p.m., Sundays, Dec. 13 and 20, noon te 6 mand Pridays, Dec. il and l,6te 9 p.m. Proceeds te local scoute attending the Canadian scout jamboree in 1993. HRISTM . RAPT SO Thurs., December 10,1992 1-9pm 35 HARRISON COURT *STAINED GLASS r -- *PICTURE FRAMES, RouddRd.- *PHOTO ALBUMS N MwMihgRd. *KNITTED CLOTHESfl~~ *QUILLOS ý 0 *SILK APPLIQUE ' SWEATSHIRTS j * SCRUNCHIES... and more) LŽ

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