Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 41

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Navember 25, 1992, Page 41 DuhmRgonai Police Service REGIONAL MUNICIPAUTY > 0F DURHAM NOTICE TO TOWING SERVICE$ TwnSevces located withln the boundar aithe Regionial Muicipaty ai Durham are invited Casbit their application for the supply ai 24 hour tawing services and vehidle storage pound facilities for the use ai die Durham Regional Police Service ln tme Region. Applicants will be expected ta supply rates for twing and storage, details ai tawing vehicles and equipment together with the sizo, location and general description ai thoîr vohicle starage pound on prescribed forma. Applcantswlbe receved atthe office* ai the Chief ai Police, Durham Reégional Police Service, up - until 12.00 noan., an Friday, December il, 1992. Application fonas and self- adcressed envelopes palddfor this purpose, may b. btlndby applylng tota heoffice .aio Superintendent H.' Raetsen, Adminstration-Support Services Branch, Durham Regional Police Service Headquarters, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 4137, between 8.00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., daiîy, Monday through Friday. TREVOR McCAGHERTY CHEF 0F POUCE COMING EVEIITS Calil668-6111 WINDOW CLEANING £CONITRS Tenders are inviteci ta pravide Window Cleaning Services for 3 years at tho Michael Starr building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER ÉCRIL92097 Sealod Tenders willI be receivod until 2:00 p.m. local time on ILilJBDAY DECEMBER 10,11992 Tender Documents may be obtainod from the Ontario Ministry ai Government Services, Orillia District Office, Memorial Avenue at the Huronia Rogional Centre, P.O. Box 790, -Orilia, Ontario L3 6K7. Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please cali the Tedes Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The Iowest or any Tender nat necessarily accepted. CORPORATION 0F THE T0WN 0F WHITBY ..... .PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, Deoember 7, 1992 @ 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipai Building 575 Ro.Island. RoadEast Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wilI be held by the Planng and Develapment Coemmittee ai Council of the Corpioration ofthe Town of Whitby to cansider a pooed amiendment ta the Town of Whity Officiai Plan and Zoning Blw2585 as submitted b oiFosIcfl ubr OPA 92-Wi Oand Z-676-92. b oiFosIafl ubr The Subiea pOpetylocated at 636 Brook Stret North and le i d ent iledan e etch b e1.o w. M ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING The purpase ai the Officiai Plan Amendment application is, ta redesignate mhe subject froperty from an Industrial ta Residential land use designation in order ta accommodate a 'Medium Density Residential' housing devélopment consisting ai 165 residential units.' Thesuportng ezoingapplication is ta implement the proposed Offcia Pln menmen ad popoesta permit two ()4-storey apartment buildings, conitaining 56 units, ironting Brock Street North, and. 109 block townhouse units. The application alsa includes a private recreational centre and common open spaoe aiea. The purpase ai mhis meeting le ta pravide adequate information ta the public and ta permit intarested poisons; the opportunity ta make reprosentation in respect ai the Officiai Plan amendment and Rezoning Application.. If you are unable ta attend mhe meeting?, your representation can be flled in wniting by mail or personal delivery ta reach the Planining Deprtmnt flot later than regular working hours on Docember 14,1992. Intarested persans mayý inspect additional information relating ta the abave yaplication in the Planning Department LevaI 7, Whitby Muie Bilding, 575 Rossland Uoa East Whitby, Cnt"iaLN 2M8,during regularworking hours, Monday ta Frida, or ma >y contact the Planning Department by telephaning (4.)M 13. O'CONNOIR - Brian, and Heathor and proud sisters Anne and'Susan are happy ta announco the birth af, tho third j owol in aur Triple Crown, Mogan Elizbth, woighing 7 lbs., 15 oz., born November 15, 1992. Proud g randparents are Curtis and Jean Reid and Frank O'Connor. Mainy thanks taO Dr. Price and the nurses*at Ajax-Pickering Hospital. BEST WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. The dlassifieds are a special way to send greetingsl Cal668-6111 THANKS,,TO THE HOLY Spirit, Sacred Heart ai Jesus,-St. udo,ý and the Virgin Mar for favours receivod. Prayer ta S t. Jude: May the Sacred Heart ai Jesus be adored, glorified,. loved and preserved throug haut -the wôrld. Sacred Hoart ai J esus have Meorcy an us. St. Judo, warker ai miracles p ray for us. St. Judo, helpor af the hopeless pray for, us. Thanks for favours granted X2. RW. PERSONAL LOANS iram $1000 and- up for any purpase. Quick approvials. 436-8104. CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY; PLANNING DEPARTMENT. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, Deoember 7,,1992 @,7:45 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipai Building 575'Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario' A Public Meeting wl be held by the Planning and Development Committee ai Council ai the.Corporation ai the Town ai Whitby ta consîder a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Rezaning Application file, OPA 92-W/il and Z-677-92 as submitted by Versa Trans lncorporated. The subjeot property la located at .507 Brack Street North and is identified on the Sketch below. -JJET - PROPERTY MAPLE -STREET CillETNtffSTREET WALNUT >STREET I~iwi The purpose ai the application le ta amend the Commercial Node desination and Special Purpose Commercial C2-S zone ta permit the esta réhmnta l a estate office in the oxleting structure. The purpose ai thle meeting is ta provide adequate information ta the public and ta, permit interested persans the opportunity ta make representation in respectaifthe Officiai Plan amencknent and Rezoning Application. If you -are unable ta attend the me etin , your, representation can be filed in writing by mail or personal de ery ta reach the Planning Departmnent not later than regular warklng hours on December 14,.1992. lnterested persans may inspect additional information rolating ta' tho aboya application in the PlannilDeparmnLve ,Wib Municipal Building,. 575 Rossland - ad East. Whitby, Ontanio LiN 2M8, during regula working hours, Monday to Friday, or may contact the Planning Departmnent by telophaning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING ..........S BAKAIS BELIEVE: Love is the light that guldeth in darkness;*the W HITBY living ink that uniteth God with Z man, that assureth the raress aiof FREE - every , ilîumined soul.1 For information and discussion, oCail PRESS 668-8665. WNtb .Fr e ~ 6&0 94< ttkeHou~~ M idayta Fîday 9: O ar ta.;Q....n .....B 94 M I s- ~ PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan - l Monday fo Frfday 9 am. to 9 .

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