Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 39

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Whity Free Press, Wednesday, November 25, 1992. Page 39 ........................* .i1 LJ . L.....<......:.RI. k.JO...N CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERY - and tufe Installation. Own'fabric welcome. Also, we repair old drpy. Cali Beryl or Ted at 43:2-I4 afe 50 p. CARPENTRY & ROOFING repairs. Free estimates. 427-6212. GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers, GREEN cleaning of residences and offices. Ail our ladies are security checked through the police. B3onded and insured. Chamber membèr. Knock y ur socks off serviceil 725-9177, (24 hour answering). Ruas WildS he" ELECTRICIAN. Service upgrades. Free estîmates. At 666-2 1-27, Whitby, Ont. TWO MEN WITH 14 FT. CUBE van' wilI do household moves. Short or long distance. 430-7450. CM, VIDEO ELECTRONIOS: Specializing in VCR, sterea, radio & Vre air. Professional techni- cians. evice Calilonly $30. 668ý0629. CERAMIC estimates. experiène Recession 299-0946. TIUNG -free Over 25 years' Quaîity workmanshlp. rates. Caîl Paul at LA. (BERT) GOODFELLOW, CGA.-ACCunlng services and tax preparation. 666-9979. MAN WITH VAN -doos eavestrough cleaning and' al deliverles. VeryrasnbeGeg 723-1223. ao leGrg CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITs FAsT - iT' EASYI ONE CALL-, ONE BILL DOES IT -ALI. VACATIONITRAVEL MYRT LE BEACH FOUR-DAY WINTER GOLF apecli $1001 Vacation raies sirulaâbte. Wînter reniais front S400/monih. Oceanroni condominiums resart; many amnenItles. For mare Information: l -800448-5653. CANAL CRUISES. Five day. aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. ucento Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal, privete staterooma, meute, free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 6. Orlillia, 3Vý 6H9. (705) 327-5767. BAHAMA CRUISE 5 DAYSI4 NIGHTS. Overbought. Carpocrate -rates Io public. Limited tickets.. S399Jcouple. 1-800668-7876 ext. 400 Mon - Set 9,00 s;m. ta 900p.m. est. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timshare? Well teks lit Amecas larguai resais cisaringhause. Cati Resorti Suies International. 1-.800-423-5967 (24 hours>. COSTA RICA: The SwIizerand af Centrai Amreics, Pacific coasi, mountuin, jungle and ctiy property lisings. Frea brochures. Wooigur Iniemnational, 706 Byron St. S.. Whibyi Ontario, LI N 4R7. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwestsrn Schooi of Auctioneeuing. Next Clame: Nov. 21-27. Informeton, contiact: Souihwestem OntuarioSchaat of Auctloneering, A.R. 85. Woodstack, Ontario, N4S 7VII< (Sig)537-2115. EARN A -SECOND INCOME. Income tex or Boaklkeplng courues by correspondence. Fro@ Brochures. Na obligation. UJ & R Tex Services Ltd. 1345 Pembina Highway. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6. 1-800-665-51 44. INVESTMVENTS MORIGAGE INVESIMENTS AVAILABLE. Oniy pople from sauitiownm uderstand thé Importance ai Investing ln amai cammunîities. 11-1/2% ta 14-. 314% returna. Cati Intranticon toit-re. 1-800-268. i429. * MORTGAGES NEED CASH TO PAY BILLS, credit cardu. home Impravement. business? Morigage money uvaitebte. no quaiifylng hautles. Exempte: Borraw S10.000.(X) and pay e. iowam 8è,130.00 per montii. Cl toi-res 1- 800-268-1429. HEALTH PRODUCTS BACI< PAIN? Breakthrough boit helpe 9 oui all10, Comfarlable under ciaihlng. Dactor/Chtropracior recommended. Fr@* Information. BacliGuadtlan. Canninglon. Ontario 10E I EO or phonelfax 1-800- RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardiop. Fatdawn, Ftth-whoesl Travet, Park modale, Truccrapere-cepe, Ftbrltne à Laer Fibergiaeeà Atumtnum Truck Cape. Parte-Service iorm mosi makes lnctuding Bonar-iJonot-Lexra. Royal Traiter & R.V. Conre ln Tridats. Ont. (519) 343-2122. MENS HEALTH MALE POTENCY PROBLEMS? *' Fri e product infornmaton on sale, dnig-free, non-invasive atraiegy. Guaranieedsduccets. Write/cati: P riormance Medtcal. PO. Box 1273. Brandon. MB.. Rý7A 6K4. ti-frea 1-800-663.0121. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SIraiwail Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7.344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15.882; 60xl28 $22.972 - othar slzeu availlble - Final yeaerend clearance - Peragon - 24 Houri 1- 800-263-0499. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Sisal Buildings wînier epeclal.' Keep the iaciory buey durIng the wlter months ensd taesdeiivery In the Spring. Save up ta 25%. Culi ttat-ires 4800-M6-8653. BUILDINGS - GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES on Manutacturers.apectel feclty-direct yeer-end tnventory clearance. Straight-slded arc h tye and curvet modela eveleable on these spectaiîy prlced modea: 20x32. 30x6O.*4Ox6O. 40xlO2. Exempte - 40x6O Value $8.073.00 Now $6.188.00 F.O.B. Toronta. Compts wlth ends. ItlI store for sprlng dellvery. Cati Poneer NO CHARGE 1 -800468-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Complote Pro- ongtneered Ai/Steet & Wood/Siest buildInqs. Authortzed Steetway douter, Setf-orecied wtth Coniraclng Avattabis. Cati Taday for Mail Econoarrtcai. Hlghest Oualty 1-800-561-2200. AUTOMOBILES FOR-SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZEDSURPLUS VEHICLES US. and Canadten tow ese$100. BMWs. Cadllaca. ChoVi.a Fards. Mrcedeu, Porsche.. trucks, venu. Amazlng fre@ 24-hr. fecording reveala how. 1-416-631-4666. GOVERNMENT (CANADIAN & US.) seizsd end surpus vehictea tram $100. Trucka. vans, Fards. Mrcedes, Cadillaca. Chevyu. Amazlng fr00 24-hra. recordlng gives dotale. 1-418431-4618 ext. 98. SERVICES SAVE- ENERGY 8$$'. AL)VANCED, REVOLUTIONARY heating techniotogy In your home. Contact Mr. Energy Suver. 65 Quaker Village Dr. Uxbridgo. Ont. L9P 1A2. (416) 852-4727. fax: (416) 862-544 1. Waaie not ... wani mit. -PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE ia correspond wtil unaiiached ChrIstian people across Cmaaufor campanomnsp or mortage? Auhgrove. P.O. Box 205. Chase. B.C.. VOE IM. MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS: Ventura Fund applications now svatlabls for innovativa and chaltsnglng orttatlc projecîs. Contact: Ontario Aria Council. Pattcy. Planning end Devotapmsnt Osparirnent. Toronta. 1-800-387-0058.' BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERMENT ORANTS. LOANS & assistance programa <Foerat & Provincial) for your new or aisitng maI butnss. Infmitton 514),37-2422 ext. 98. Your ad cauîd appoar ln communIty newspapsrs ln Onttario, or rlght acrass Cantada, SJ or any Individuel province. Space lu Lîmltod, se Cali This N.wspaper Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE' To reach a wider market, advrfise throughout thre regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Commundty Newspaper Associations CnrtOario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 words Ail Canada 57k newspapors - $97412or 25 words For further Informaton please cail the WhItby Free Press Classîfîeds - 668-0594 EXPERIENCED 'DAY . CARE provider- *& miother, -of' 4 school-aged childien would love to care for your Infant or toddler ln my home. 430-9520. MOTHER 0F 2 would like la provide laving care for your child. My 'home, ,Brookwood 'area. References & receipts. 430-9077.' BABYSITTER REQUIRED, after school on a regular basis for 6 year aId. Preferred in my home. McQuay/Hwy.. 2. Please cali 430-7733 or 683-6920. Wee Care Day Care Centre Ages 2to 5 Full time rate $99 Day care Fuil days, Nursiy school, Half days, Junior kindergarte Establihcd 1978 6861161 (Ajax) LOVING, CONSCIENTIOUS mother of two available ta care for aour child. Nutritiaus lunches. Resasonable rates. Lots of TLC. Rossland/Thicksorf. 723-6765. OUALIÉIED TEACHER and mather - wishes ta pravide loving cars for yaur child in her home. Ross,,and/Anderson area. 668-2378. The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure qualitycare for your child " Fully trained provideors receive angoing Agency support " Relia.le local back-up covers Provider ilîness or holidays " Complete insurance coverage " Income tax recelpts " Children six weeks and up *Full or part-time For more Information cal: 686-3995 a Iicened Agency * SECUR1TY -~PLUS ALARMS ROBERT HAMMOND 53 Fuhwod Cres., Whity The Mutual Group. HERB TRAN cail for quotation 725-6564 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/weekly Share bathroom & kitchen. ttudent - or worker preferred. Walk ta ail amenities. Cali 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BROOKLIN LARGE room, close toaail amenities. Ail Inclusive. -Available for Déc. 1. 655-5539. ROOMS & 1-BEDROOM APT. with private-entrance available in Pickering Village. $525, everything included. Rooms $90 andup per week. Appy at 2 Elizabeth Street, Pickering Village, Ajax. Ses Peter.- 683-937'0. WHITIBY- SHARE spaciaus new home with ans or two working people. Ail included. Non-smoker. 666-8590. WHITBY, available immediately. Share home with 2 to 3 others. Laundry facilities. $350/month..Caîl 430-7103. REtAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500 sq. fi. Main street location, dlowntawn Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.. MEDICAL/PROFESSIONAL, 625 sq. fi., 'downtawn Whfiby Ground floor, loads. of parking. Private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. WHITBY, PRIME downtown commeretal pace, in'..main floor, of Ontario Bank Building Fully serviced and recentl renovated ta suit most businesss Faîl accupancy. Cal 668-3011, message; or 666-3883, eveslwkd. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertised here, 1,000Os like you would be reading this now. Cali 668-111 Complete FINISHED BASEMENT for $6,875. Coul for detoIls 432-2266 or 427-5763 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. PARTIALLY FURNISHED'two-. bedroom basement apartment. Non-smôker, 'please. $85/,weekly. ldeal for single, warklng 'female'or a mature couple. Phono 430-2984, WHITIBY - ^LARGEý 1-bedroom in private, .-modern home.' Fridge, stove, 4- pc. bath roomn, launldry, 2- car parking.. New, carpets. Just> north 0f 401.,14 ft. x 25 ft. living room. Dec. 1 possession.: $570 + 1/3 hydro. 655-4120., 3-BEDROOM APT. & DEN,ý main floor of bungalow., No pets. Near primary school,- Whitby & GO buses. $850 rangs -t- utilities. 430-7298 Whitby;' voice mail Toronto, 416-337-3455. 2-BEDROOM APT., .$475, plus hydra, in Brooklin. 2-bedroom hause, $650 + utilities, Port Hope. Working people preferred. Avail. Dec. 1. Phans 655-8079. BRIGHT, CLEAN 2-bedroom apartment. Separate entrance, rarking.. Non-smoker. 4-pc. bath, laundry, cable. AUl inclusive. $700/month. 430-1972. PORT WHITBY, nice, dlean ons- bedroomn apartments available immediately, and December lst. $575 monthly, ail inclusive. Apply at 110 Victoria, St. W., Apt.,34. 668-6437, 728-2969. WHITBY, . .2-BEDROOM ,.apt. available january 1. $533 monthly. Na pets. hans 668-0556 between 9 - il arn., or leave message. BROOKLIN 2- OR 3- bedroam' apartment. ôlose toaail amenities. Available for January I and Febru- ary 1, 1993.655-5539.. VERY LARGE 2-BEDROOM, central Whitby. Quiet -building. Broadloom throughout. Appliances, including dishwasher. Covered parking. $750/month. Available January.1. 668-4643. WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whltby Free Press 668-6111"J "We match aàil G1 competîtors' > >dîicounts." CAR £ AR£ ero $11 ermm l 1230 DTJNDAS ff. E. 430-3733q Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mmnd. Perry HoUse Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St, Whltby 668-9476 1

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