Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 34

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BEST AVAI LAB LE CO0PY 0, '"90. ýUPýIn nt IY'ý,-- 8 ýt 93,ý' p,-aý,s ees "S--, BIMieKowalsld, it will cost Wityresidents more ta take a bus ride next eTorwn council Monday aàp pro- GE yod an operations committee recommandation .that both Whitby Transt cash faras and monthly pass fees be incraased Jan.4, 1993. The increaàsa, .which was approved withoutdiscussion, will see cash, fares rise five cents and monthly passes jump $1 or $2, depandîingon catego*0ry. The ne* fares'will ha:' *adulte, $1.20 ($1.15 current fara) " students $1.05 <$1) " seniors and childran 55 cents Report -onhospital's future direction PROM PAGE 1 Barton added. Noting, that thjije process àpro- duced "some conflicts about.the role of the hospital,» Barton, said the results. will bie studied by h:spital officiaIs and the consul- " We're hoping ta ,corne. toaa conclusion on a couple of pro- posed directions,' she explainad. «After wa idantiy them in a succinct way we willt ae it back ta the community and ask what people think. Barton said there, was ne general consensus or thème. ta me commenta recaivad. «There are some services people would like tsee, but i n o d e r t a p r o v i de t e m w w o d have tgveusoething, she "But there ware ne suggestions about wiiat ta giva up.»" As a. rasuit, hospital officiais arefaced with the task cf tryinq ta combine «paopla's dasires with the «aconomic raality» of the day, said Barton. Meanwhile, as wvork continues on the -long-rangeprogramï, hos- gital, officiais stili await word om the Ontario- Ministry of Health on-an unrelated matter. A one-starey expansion is plan- ned for the northeast and nerth- west cornersof the. building. The new areas will total 25,000 sq. ft. and house rehabili- tation services, the amargency department, the ambuiatary cara unit and admitting offlices. The cost of the project is asti- mated at between $7.5 million, p 1r The TV may be blasting in the other roQm, but at this moment you're proving an important point about newspaper advertising. It requires your willing participation. And your full attention. That's a claim that radio and television can't make. And that's what makes newspaper advertising so powerful. Readers seek out newspapers. Not vice versa. They want information and entertainiment. They'll search page to page until they find it. And when they do, they'll read every word,.- You're proving our point right ïiow. When people tum to their paper, they tum there with interest. means that's where your advertising message needs to be. Which With ail the choices available, it's'difficuit deciding how best toý advertise your business. But everything-becomes a littie simpler when you remember one rule... and $8 million. Funding wiIl be shared by the province and the hosptal oia Weenet on- the nia schedule but it's stilI a, go, there have been soe positive signaIs from the ministry,» said Barton. Whiie officiais had hoped ta begin construction next Febru- ary, Barfon admittad that scénario is "virtually impossible now.» But if approval' is, givan, soon, work could commence by the summer, said-Bartan. In 1987, the ministrypÉromisad Whitby an expansion providing for 45 chronic care beds. ,- But thea government sub- sequently changed its mmnd and diracted that the funding ha used in other areas, rather, than for beds and in-hospital care. Barton said that in June 1990, -the ministry committed its share of the new project. -Donat shopý >PROM PAGE 12 take. S "One of our staff made 'an. errer, certainly an expensiv e errer, but 1 don't hold that against staff," said Drumm. «But we havýe a certain obliga- tion te the daveloper,"hai said. Howevar, Drumm .strassed that Dutrisac wilI not be allowad ta build an y type cf fecility hae wants should, the application be approved. (Lest waek, committee mem- bersý were. ,adamant-that -aýy- daveiopmant bha-in keeping with the downtawn's Victorien-style cf building.)< "Believe me, ha will have ta jumpthrough saieahoops, n said Councillor Ross Batten agraad with both bis colleas. Batten had ne objection ta a study but faIt, the application could proceed without oe.1 «I don't feel this application is detrimental ta the long-termi naads cf the area,» lha said. Still, Battan said hae may have fait diffarently about the pro- posaI at another time. Ha peinted eut that the south- wast corner cf Brock and Chast- nut streats is still zoed fer an automobile service station, although the fermer station .on the site has closed. Batten said Imperial Oul the property owner, has neot expressad any desire ta develop the site. "Eshas daemad-the property net nacassary ta thair naeds and will likely get rid cf it," said Batten. As a result, the site will ro- bably ba rezoned eventually, fa- tan-addad. Return to form PROM PAGE 30 Head coach is RickWlnr assistant coaches TMm Waber,, Rich Walnar, manager Pater Lang and tramner Rob Olanick., The goltanding is strong with, Richard- Sanders (shutout against Uxbridga)' and Daniel Flatcher, who bas AAA exparienca witb Toronto Red Wings. The defance is tough and explosive and is anchorad by Scott Gilmour, Aaron Bryant, John. Lang, Ryan.McLeod, Dan Besco and Peter Liriano., The forwards ara a fine Rmix cf speed, finesse end toughness witb firapowar -coming from the sticks cf Paul Gray, Mat Quart, Ryen (YLary, Jamie Barnett, Todd FVarquherson,- Brian Vinent, S&ott Young,GrantSuter and Dan Thornae. Monthly passes.willha:, *aduits$40.5Û ($38.50' cur- rent) > * studants $31 ($29.50) *seniors and children $19 ($18) A staffreport states the price hike is naedad ta offset an almost 4.3, par cent cost increase'ta the Towin from Trantway-Wagar, the operator of Whitby Tran;sit buses.: The last increase occurred on Jan. 2, 1992. Support hospital PROM PAGE 6 this month. With the individual donor reKr esanting the largeàt source of gis(donating 53 per cent -of al giftsta AHP member organiza- tiens in 1991), 1 amn hope fuiý that our direct *mail appeal, will generate, the funds necessary te ensure the equipment used in the prvson of quality patient care is the most technoiogically advanced. in addition, a special breakfast meeting has been arranged for area busiess. and industry that should effectively combine fun wMith fundraising. Sharon Bell-Wilson Development dhwetor Whitby General Hospital Foundation Brook4ln writer FROM PAGEZ 'for the spring. .Locally,:he'l ha at C.W. Hay bookstore at the Midtown Malfin Oshawa from il a.m. ta 13 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 19.* Dgan's aiready " thinking aothssecond bock, although he's a little busy right-now, what -witji romoting 'Murphy'andihMs da" -Job, 'teacingE-nglish, and, libra7 et a Scarborough, high But «rm ,looking forward.,ý't6p having a few quiet deys right after Christmnas and (then) I can really start revving her.'up again." Monster homes FR OM PAGE 1 being bulit in an'areacf low-rise buildings. The pair told council that homaowners on Scott St. have complained about a thraa-stora'y bouse built in their naighbour- hoed. «What wa could be leoking et is aparthents next ta bouses, said-Drumm. "ThMey'ra .(large buildings) un- sightly, th edstroy the naigh- b(ïurhood4"e Drumm said Toronto, officiais hava aisoeancounterad problems with large homes, dubhad 'mens-' ter houses', haing erected in that. VTorronto bas the same problam <and thay're trying -te deel with it," said Drumm adding that Whitby should aIse study the matter. «This bas been around for a long time. I have maýJorconcerns about'-the haigbt bylaw,»' said- Doistra. «I'd lika te sea us look'at the bya and what- can ha dene abutît,"ha added.' Following the meeting, Doistra tcld reporters he has> receivad «a number cf compiaints" from irate rasîdants. 'You can drive around tawn and see exemples of "it," said Doîstra. «Wby are we building tbrae- storey monster homes whan we have'bungalows -next te it?» ha eskad., 1Doistra said builders should tailor .naw structuras to the entild over avarybody,' conform te what's thara " ha said. Doîstra had ne speecic suggas- tiens te make ta staff,-but' said' the study shouid iook et- the whole town, both naw, and. old, LADIES A TLEMfE KAYWIE>H4 VOUR PLEA SE.

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