Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 33

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Whitby ringete Nov. 20 NOVICE ci Whlty il Sur boough O Krl iutta,2 KatBy Wh% 7 jax 8 C. alqv 4 Whltby 12 Mcmhd HIE Ray at 8., AyChaflnr ErinHav WhIby 9 Scarbouagh 6 Amandae sam 2 Whitby select XMNIR NÃ"'VICE Nov. 21 Wlby Bhb'mon, 3 Oehau Nor. 2à uh Whltby A, a aw Bllby H.d 2 s " is l l1-' 1 mAJoiI NOVICE apmmd by T. D. Raak Whltby 7 Sien Thoendyka Demli Amimwalye ShutouU"ý.-, . Julien Ow.nt Mthew RedOia 9ià -, ! Nov. 21 wbith8 Lueulda O - I i 4 Thaminl Novices. improve season record Whitby Goidwing Systems Resources ic, major novice AA hockey teain recently beat Peterborough 8-0 and tied Port Perry 2-2 ln -Lakeshore beague pl!ty-. Againat Peterborough Bon Stanten and Chris Simpson etored twice with singles gorng te Justin Gies, Justin Pottor Nck Verkuyl and Scott Wilson. Assiste went te Potter and Lucas Naylor (two each> with singles going te Stanten, Ryan- McMichaol, Wilson, Simipson, Andrwe Greenen. The shutout wenttoDarryl Forse I the ,Port KPey 1gaine, Whitby got çoals frein Naylor and Simnpson .with assista going te, Stanten (two) and Naylor. Whitby'now'bas six vins, one loas and tbree ties in bague play. I exhibition play WVhitby boat ,West FEU 4.ý0 thon lest te, Markhan r5,1'. Whitby scorers againet West FER1 were Stanton with'two, Giles and Verkuyl, with assiià. going te, Naylor (two), Stanton, Gies, Joff Pichut and ichael James A±kina. Darryl Forsey recorded theoshuteut. 1Potter got the ions. goal againat Markhain with assista ging te Ian Parker and Ryan McMichaël. GoGoif passports are now available Tho YorldDurham Repi of tfhe OntarioMarch cf Duines-is onoe 'again selling, is GoGoIf Passpôrt .te raisemoyfr Tne 1993 pasaport viii bo 'ava"lbl befereChristinas. This year's passport sella for oniy $40 * and enabies the purchaser to play 18 lholesof golf atoavor100goz; courses throughout Ontario. I addition, golfers may practice their swing and putting at 16 driing ane and 10 niini-putts. hiDraiRegion alane, thèe are over 10 golf courses inciuding Annandalo Golf and Country Club lu Aax, Country Lane Golf Club lu Whitby and Sunnybrae Golf Club lu Port Prry. Todhe GoGlf Pspr ulb soldfron Nv. 3 utilDec. *il for Chrstiss ders. Order received by'Dec. 1 il viii h guaranteeci by Christimas. To purchase a passport eaU 434-5280. Ail ionies raiSd frinm the sale of passports will bo used to, purchase asstive devices for adulte with physical disabilities -Sele et S wi ný 2 but* advran At<a. recent,. tournamont in F]Rxcating,.minnor, atoni, sélects. won thoir 1irst two gaines but _were doed paying in the' tournament final due to alack of points. The finaliats were teains that Wiy.had defeated mith provioua gaines. Thée first gaine was a bard- fought 2-1.ictory over Prince Edward County. This was a ver , htchcknggame :withLc Chasson scoring a goal lte in the < rst* period. aftor intetcopting a pais at-the blueé lino. The second Whitbyga was a shortlfandéd markery'David Besco aslsted by a fine defonsive efotby Matthew Ras. Thisteams trademark strong skating and backcheclinnxwere displayed in the fnlto minutes as Whitby had to il ,a penalty te preservo' the victory. Thé secon gaine resulted in a 3-1 Witbyvictory. In this gaine Whitby' outéhot the opposition 38-7 with the.goals being acored by David Beckford,1 Rae and Bosco with aussists going te Scott Cook, Kevin Taylor, Chiasson and Chase Atkines. These forwards as well as Mike Astalos'and Andrew Ailison displayed another excellent backchecking effort. Tho defence of Brian Lieni Chria-Michaud, Nicholas, - Ïhchie, Mike 'Kobiynovich,- Ryan R Iobb and Mike Iàske provide excellent protection for tho goaltending duo .Of JustinZaminit andDut Segenit. Aithough Wihitby won, tho team. was denied-a third -period gato gain th ecessary I orth' Yokseef au action, WibLttlly doïnn e Markhaâm in a npa9-wi Taylor led the »way with two goals with singlo markers going *te Atkinson, Besco% Astalos, BekOrd, Rs hasnand. Coo(2) alr BsoadLni.' Kiichi-Sai Judo Club had first- - lace finishes at* the Toratour-t nament ini, - . - ramalea on Nov. 15. Màain kiaunders., 5, waa flret mong white boit competiters in th ae 7- and 7- di isièn.- It wa bis first tournainent competition. James Chevers, 8, was firet ainong white boite in the ap ý8 and 9 division of the competition which attracted-250 competitors. Four other members had second-place finishes: Rob Dean, 15, white boIt, ages 13 te 15;, Jason Willis, 10, in yellow- orange; Ian Alexander, 8, in green boit for ages 8 te 10; Bill Gribbon, 6, lu yoIlow-orange. Bon Seward 12, had a- third- paefnsh in crang e, age 10 te 12, while another club meinbor was third in white boit, ages 7 and 8. Tooze rin k wins bonspiel A rink under skip Jane Tooze' won the Nurse Chevrolet Olda- mobile Ltd.* bonsilfrWib memorsatthe Whitby, Curling Club on Nov. 16., Vice waa Nancy McConnell secnds were Mary Muirheadj and Karen Cotnain, bead was SandyPennett.ý Sec6nd prime .woe.nt.te ,thorink,» of skip Betty. Hollinger," vi ce Jackie Grec' seèonîd",Chris French and iead Lana Boyko. .I. Third prime went te tho, rink of skIp Marart Chew" vice Kathy Rbins, second So Éie'Javoraki and lead Jan McNufry. With the one aeh in tho morrun neain hiogh ld Mary7 Fî ks, vice Anne Sonley second Hazel -Litvin and iea ce .garne high in the- after- noon went- tothe rn of skrip Ann Chapelle; vice Shirley- Bur- nett, second Alyce Kuntk iead Karen Koniaby. Consolation went te the rink of akip Sharon",Munro, vce Lz S9huxnovich, secod.DorisHowes, and lead Phyllisfloyczuk. Whltby Fre Prose, Wednes"day, Noebr 25, 1992, Page 33 2-1winextends streak for ,under-lO The Whitby Owaaco under-lOs' undefeated run mi the Scarborlough Indoor ýSoccer L&feague ontinues aftr a come-from-bohind win, 2-1 over Pickering. Pickering nover allowed Whitby te settle down, and the win. was oarned through sheor, bard work froin the Whitby squad Two Whitby, public school teains had fourth-plaoe finishes at the -provincialý intermediato voileyball tournarnott Nov. 13 and 14. Dr. Robert Thornton achool was fourth in the- girls', division and',Pringi1 (reek Ïacol waa fourth ini te boys' division. Justin Cardweil of Whitby will pa btho Western *Michigan Unv'ersity hockey team neit Boa- son. He je currently one of the leading scorers in thé, Central Junior A hockey league'. Asý a right . i with the second- placeMarkham Waxers, Cardellhad 2 asad2 asosts'in hie first 15 gaines, and was the league-ieading scorer at ;that point.-* «Justin has excellent offensive' skills,r- says Western' Mchigan- coach Bill Wilkinson.. "Ho cornesfroin astron~~f 'graIii and wethink he'il aZ excellent addition to our teain. Western Michigran is ranked as one- ofý the top?0 teains in the U.S. this season, -with five wis and atie in eight arnes Cardwell, 19, Ptn't the. only Whitby p layer on the* Markhazn teain. OtErs are Conal Tackney, Adamn Parke and goalie Roy Keni- nedy. whle Sacha Kasanovic w'as outstanding in defence. Wiith nô scorng at the break, Pickering wertt aheald earlyinlthe second half- But, Robbie Reid ceiebrated his return froitjr with the goa haregt 'h sides level. Jeif Rssoedtewinner for Whitby after smre excellent. work froin ,Mark Morrison.' There were a total-p o,6týeais. iu ithe tournament for grade 7 and 8 studenta., Thornten- defeated teame froni Halten :His, Barrie Scar-- berough, Toronto anI West Lynde pubIiç achool in round- robin. Thornteon thon'defeated a, Port Perry -achool and a HaIton' Hille acéhool te meve into the quarter- finals. Thornton beat St.' Marks, another Halton ýsch ooi e ai the semni-finals but thZ obt 15-3 and,15-10 to Gandatsetiagon of Pickern*n. Blis Caren scoonluScar- borough dofeated Gandatsetia- gonto.win the *'ilas title Members of. the Thornton'teain are Janet Honz, Tana Jarreau, Tracy Miller I«-Melinda .Mantie, Amy Caldwel" Jenny 'Jones, Danielle Glaclstone ,Andrea Minaker, Trisha >atterson, Suzanno Deane, Amber Corneli, Charlene Hurle'y,'Sain Turner and Alivia Webb. ýCoaches are Jennifer Sunmers and JiI Bridcut. Do you tbink police should have to file a report when they- draw their guns mn public? Just one ofthe quesions on ourreader survey.I Tell us what you thixik of this, and other issues i Iand what you like. and, dislike aboutthe Free Press1 I N Seepage 15I *whitby-minor bciseball, association * a eeatieTam oc"éi -Applications to coach Whitby Miner Basebali Rep Teams for the 1993 season are now belng accepted. Anyone interested should send'in a resume.whlch must include ypur coaching experience' and any, coaching certlfications (le. NCCP- levol -. 'These appicaion mutemreceived no ae hnDeçemLor i6th,- AnoereqingInformfation ,aboiut thèse -applications. or cA àh Lnclnsf or this coming season should contact' Dave Imesonaf'ter 7 pm at 668-9790. Rop Director Day. Imeson 801, Athol St. Whitby, Ontargo I N 4A1 Representative Teame Minor M6squyito Major Mosquito Minor Peewee MajorPeewèe Bantam Midipet Junior Players Age Le9Vel Born ln year*83 Bom In year 82 Bm In year 81 om ln year 80 Born i yrs 78 & 79 Bom i yrs -76 & 77 Born ln yrs 72...75 -'J Il, w- '4 WHITBY' S Kim. ODonohue performs, compulsory figures Thursday at the Sun Life, sec-, tional championships hbeld at Iroquols Park. Photo by mark Regsor. Whitby Free Pross r lit Y- ~ 2 schools 4th in proyincial volleybaallIl M" m e 1 IA gor

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