Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 2

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Page 2, Whitby Free'ress, Wednesday, November 25,1992 Stud ents to suffer if J agosasFr B-yMark Reesor Stùqaent will suifer if the Dur- ham Board of Education is forced te go aheadwith Junior kinder- 5arten, says board -chair: Louise arr. The Ontario Ministryr of ýEdu- cation ie giving the flurhwm Board $8 732 500 for capital pro-' jecsi 1~5,acordn'tea news release. That allocation will help <p ay fOr a ngotherprjeta, .the introdcton ofjunor âg rior kindergar- ten. The allocation alÉo includes $3 million te help a for a new elementaryschqoL <(with child care* centre> in the Sorbara sub- division nWrh of5Rssland Rd.,E. and east of Thicksdin Rd. N., and $921,000 te, help bu ylnfor a future elementary sehool west of Anderson St. and north of Craw- forth St. About $4.73 million of the provin- cial allocation would be used for vhrious 'junior kindeTrgarten ý ojects which woul d cost 6,367,000.' Local taxýpayers woud pick up the remaining cost. Farr says it's clear funds from the province are being given «at the, direct expense of students Durhamboard >may challenge, legonia."o already enroiied in our schools. £ileémone-'grated te address Part of ourjuno kindergartn needs would build one .n oe haîf schools," easing overcrowd- ing and eliminating some of the 500 portables being used across the region, she says. "They have taken.mone-y that was intended, when the legisia- tien was * introduced, solely for new pupil spaoes an'd said 'you can ne longer have it (for that)... it goes for what we tell you it goescfor,'» charged Ajax, trustee Duncan Read at Monday .nightVs board me etingf. «(It means) kids will be in portables for a long, long time te cerne..." The requirement to build junior kindergartens, a «need» FParr says the ministry has crea- ted, would cost $12.2 million in construction costs alone'and $7.2 million a'year to operate, accord- ingzto, bdard estimates. The proposed Bill 20i requireq the junior kindergartenlprograni to be up and running by Septem-' ber, 1994. The Durham' board, iý wai tingfor the legrisiation to passý before deciding'whether to chaiT lengo its legahty "The provincial. governmüent isa acting withgreat, inconsistenicy Ini advocating resrat at ýthe saine time as it is requiring, prograxns which add significant new costs to- the local, property tax. bis,» Farr charges ini-i letter to Education Minister ToySilipo.. Te province insists ne pro- çrams or jobs be cut and that tai increases be kept modest, yet increases total support «barely enough to maintain. per pupil grants..., and- mandiqte(s) expen- sive pew programb,» charges Farr. «You. must be -aware thatyour. demands are contradictory, she states in the letter to Silipo. The Durham, board is, working to make its programs and schools more efficient, writes Farr but "there is ne way... increased effi- ciencies can save enough. te pro- vide accommodation,- materials and instruction for '3,buu.new students. «Vie are convinc -ed that a with- drawl of yu proposed legisla- tien...- is tý'he. onl'y reasonable course of action.» AY NO CARG -AFFe-.: E MNHYPYET sOVERSEAS RMG e OFFICE REWCqM'O PALLE11EOSOR' PROPAC CONTAINER SE% qc ELECTRONICS HANDUING SPEGISTS z ~ Moving S ystems Bus:. OshaWa -(416) 728-1603 SPACIOUSg FAMILY HOME! Main floor faiMily room with fireplace. Cent. air, eat-in kitchen neutral decor GREAT LOCATION. Asking$153,6do.oo CAL ROSEMARY BRoWN AT 433-2121' ROSEMARY BROWN Ha ll of Fame Centurion 1 987, 1988,1989'à, l1990, 1991,E 1992 8.5 *. *T AGS "This là your captain speaking.." 0oW THIS is an announceme nt! Gord 'and Penny MI Shaw-have just received a total of 1, 733 FREE AIR MILES! WOW! That's equal to 2 return air fares to a destiniation as far away-as Quebec City. Today's lottery advertising suggests: "If you don't play you can't win." When selling or buying a house, there is NO GAMBLE if you deal with Century 21 because you always Wîn Froc AfrMiIos. II/,~3 ASK FOR ROSEMARY < IJUST LOVE GIVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES.* T1p16"4p 121I

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