Page 28, WhIey Free Press, Wednesday, November 25, 1992 Prevent winter woes with proper car care Cold ,weather can turn min( car maintenance ýproblems- ini automotive emergencies, warr the,, Canadian Automobi Association. "Poor tires, cars ýthat won stland malfunctioning l beom e hazardous. in.* weather," according ta PcP Curran of CAA Toronto. "Motoriste should prepar their cars -for winter drivig an, protect themselves from ,ce troubles by performing vehici maintenance before the. ensetc winter. 'Wany people think cà maintenance in difficuit c expensive, but it doesn't have t b.,Sil ays ..Curran. "eguls preventative maintenance can b accomplished ia' short periodc time and goes a long way tawar increased reliabWlity. better fue economy, and avoidà ce of costi repairs"1 .The ,first step -in winterizini the. car is a tune-up. Normally,j tune-up consiste of adjustment a. replacement of spark pluga, a requlred; oil and filter change; ai filter change, if necessary adjustment of engine timing inspection of heat riser valve carburetor adjustment, i required; PCV valve change, ï necessary- tightening of boita replacement of ignition wires, ii necessary. For winter maintenance, alsc ask the mechanic ta check anc change or correct anti-freez4 solution, inspect water hases anc exhaust systemi for leaka; anc check, battery charge and capacity. Also asic the mechai< y Our car now!l Here is a simple 1check list of pre-winter driving 1. Change oil & filter and lube ail doors and hinges. 2. Check ail ights. . 3. Check ail fiuid levels' & top up. 4. Pressure test cooiing systemn and check for ieaks. 5. Check ail beits & hoses. 6. Check tires for wear and any damage; also check Pressure and rotate if neoessary. 7. Check brakes, inings& ail mechanical components. 8. Check spark plugs, ignition wiring, cap & rotor. 9. Check suspension & front end components. We are ottering this compiflete inspection or te dcean battery terminais and it grease them ta guard against nes corrosion-- a major inhibitor ta, ile engine starting, especiaily in cold weather. et If the battery is weak or old, ta replce it befere it lets you'down. d W the. temperature drop9, tii. Et condition of yoÙr battery usuafly determines i f yeur carý starts. .e A brand-new, filly charged d battery at O degrees icentigradle is Ir only 60 par cent efficient; at -18' e degrees, 46 per« cent. Think what of happens ta a battery, Wvhich .isi handicapped by old age or. poor Ir condition. )r Mount snow tires after they bo are inspected for cuts, bruises or Ir wear at this time, toc>. )é When having ofi changed, of OAA Toronto advises motoriste ta dl make sure the weight cof oul BI they've been using wiil performn [Y satisfactorly in winter. A multi-gradeocil (such as 5W g9 30Oorlide30) works well in a almost a enginesand has a )r flowing consistency ta meet La vmng temperatures. Ir une lower number refera ta its ï;" ability te, flow adequately in cold ;:weather (the lower the number, fthe more cold it will withstand), while the higiier number rindicates that the oul will IfmainMain its ability te lubricate during hot weather. > Throughout the winter season, Imotorists should ,check th cifollowing: See that ail lights, turn Ssignais and emergency -flashers are oparatinQ properly. Keep headiampa cXean for greataer visibilt. Check windshield wipar blades and replace if old or worn. F11 windshield cleaning fluid reservoir with a' solution that contais an antifreeze for winter use. Make sure heater and defroster are working properly and have them repaired if necessar. Finally, the. auto club urges motoris ta carr these items in their cars during the winter: traction aide such as sand,-ldtt littor or traction mats saai shovel, ice sçrapar and snow brush, flashUight, £iares or safiet triangle, booster cables, dry loth or pa r tawels, and a b a nket. They'll prove invaluable should an emergency develop. ISUBARUS new Impreza éedan wiIl be between the Loyal and Legacy. A wagon available, in early 1993. It will be- priced will aiso be offered. DRI VIN. SAFEL with RANDY RANDY MeLEAN I5 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mk. MeLean has reviewed thousandsýof Individuai motor vehicle accident. reports anid his close worklng relatlonships with police encies, governments, safety assoaatious, industiy ad he public, have given him a true overview of traffio sa!ety issues, problems and solutionsin CanadaL. SAFE DR1VING AND THE HOLIDAY SEASON - - The holiday season is quicly approaching. lime for ail the Ebenezer Scooges of t he world to change their 'Bal Humbugi Me First, Money making, C et out Of MY way, Lot somneone else pay' attitude, and become charitable, caring, compassioate and community spirited citizens. oundalike a, tali order, yet every year there are hundreds, if not thousands, if flot tens of thousands of converts. Unfortunately, the behavioural' changes effected by the ghosts of holiday seasons past, present and future, are not as long lasting as we might wish. But,-for at least a short whiie, w. seem willing ta torgive our. worst enemies for their trempasses against us. Even world wars have been temporarlyinterrupted by soldiers singing carls and exchanging greetings, rather than artillery, acros the battlefield.- Forgiving the driver who nlay have inadvertently eut in front of us, however, sems like quit. a different matter. Apparently, some Eins are abSolutely and completely unpadonale! So this year, rm going ta change my approech and suggest you drive defenively not because it's the. reasonable, rational, courteous thing t o, but because it is on. of tle.moot selflsh, msely profit niotivated activities you could ever imagin being involved in. Decide nôt . ta give more money.ta your insurance company, decide net ta support your local car body repair shop, decide net te louel time off worlc, decide not te pay te bav, a telephone or television i your hospital rom decide net ta b. adniitted ta hospital, simply dcde net ta have a traffie accident. You'Il save la fortune, if -every driver in Ontario were 50, cheap, we'dail save a fortune.'. m Te 1990 Ontario Raad Safety Annual Report. indicates that between April 1, *1989 and March 31, 1990, almoot 14,000 people were admaitted ta hosptal with injuries received hi motar vehicle accidents. In total, these patienits, required 164,405 days of hospital car.. At a nominal coet of $1,000 per. day for basic-care, thatls more than, $164 million in medical costs alone This year make a New Year's resolution ta b. cheap. -Teil your family, friends and colleagues ta b. cheap as weil. Be a Scrooge, the. cheaper, the. botter. Drive down ta, your local ,car body repa* shop and tell the owners they may have te make do without a turkey this year, ince you don't intend ta given themn any business. Take ail tii. mon. y you save from net having an accident and pay own your mortgage, invest in tii. stock market send your childrôn ta. university, or take a trip t tii. Caribbean., Whatever your motivation, ta save money or ta Bave a life, Drive Defensively.. Don't let somneone else invelve you in their accident. It will only cost you money and raise your taxes. For those of you who don't think like,ý Ebenezer Scrooge, there is sUth i.e ld-fasoned reason for avoiding accidents. Itsthe. propr thing ta do, you might even prevent an injury or save someonels hf. December 1-7 is NationaVSfe Driving Week. This year's tiieme, 'How Safe is your Comnmunity,' focuses on, vsit communities and businesses. can do in order ta prevent deaths,. irgnjurie and economic lamses caused hy.motor vehicle collisions. If you would like more information' about local or national safety, progm, contact the. Ontario Safety Leagu., Suite 100, 21' Four Seasons Place, Etobîcoke, M9B 638,620-1720. Sincere best wishes for a HapTy Holiday Season and Jujous, Prosperous and Saf. New Year. Drive safely. Gffts forcar buifsl FR OMPFAGE23 1938 Lincoln, 1953 Ford pickup, 1954 Ford. and 1934 Chrysler Airflow. These models are net ciieap, but they are net toys; they are highly prized by diecast coIlectors and over the years will increase in value. Finally, if your recipient lias been very good and has a large tree, visit the Fawcett Mater Carriage Company at 106 Palmerston Ave. (at Hwy 12), 668-4446, where you cen pick out tiie perfect gift fram their selection cf antique and classic carsa. Don't forge t tabuyexr wrapping paper. As for me? Well, I've lecving the garage door wide opei ý on Dec. 24, and I hop Sat remebers that Packard ,I mentioned wvhen I saw him jlown at the shopping centre yesterday. Merry Christmas toalal, and ta, ail a good nighl BRAKES Faultiesa brakes are a ¶must' for winter afety. Have the. equalization checked. A pull te ene side can cause a dangerous skid. r- - - -- -- ---- - - - - - - - i I I Do you think elected representatives should represent the majority views of their constituet regardless of their party's position?,et Just one ofthe questions- on our reader Survey. I Tel us whiat you think of this and other issue's 1and what you like and dislike about the Free Press Soe page 15I Ausmoti, Cej tejt Make sure your car w'uII starn! WINTER INSPEI ýCTION, o Compete vehicle inspection a Lube, oil & filter e Check starting system o Check washer & wipers *Includes 4 L free washer fluid with inspection 317 Hopkins St. WhitbyA <Beside Van Hemmen Tires) 4mf Ask about our fleet discounts, m