Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 11

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WhIlby Fee Pres,_Wecdipsday Nemr2,99PaeI Ii Whitby pro-mo t-io n-, hits thera By-Mihe Kowalskil Te Town of Whitby la hit- ting the road. urmore precisely, an 18-wheel trac- tor-tirailer with a slogan pro- moting Whitby emblazoned on its side, will soonb. travelling the igdhways of North America. Aprroject of. two area. business peop e, the freshly-painted trai- 1er was inspected by Mayror Tom Edwards and Towni officiais out- aide the municipal 'office sat friday and pronounced'readyto roll. Measuring 50 ft. long and 12 ft. tal, the blue and white trailor carnes the following message: «Whitby, Ontario, Canada ... A Great Place To ýLive, Work& uI'41685803iHot LUne To Mayor Tdm» Owned by Verspeeten Carte of Oshawa, the trailer was p ain- ted bYlemployees of Signet Sigs, a Whitby *ig-making firn loca- ted on Thickson ]Rd. S. There was no charge te the Town- for either painting the trailer or' using it to advertise themun*,Icipalty.t As Signet Signs' owner Don Rogers explained te, reporters the. idea for a 'mobile billboardý cameétohim 'shortly after Edwards' election as mayot^ last November. "About a year ago I read an article that the mayor had i the paper aboutgtting industry. inte town, said Rgers. ZSoldecided to do a prjoct te let peop le in the rest of Ontario an dCanada know about Whitby.» Remiembering that a similar venture Utilizing a trailer was used te great effect about* 10 years ago Rogers approached Dennis Ver;s p eten, . general manager of the Oshawa coni- pany with his proposal. Verspeeten, a recent, resident of Whitby, was receptive te the idea. (A family-owned business foun-ý ded in Delhi, Ont. in 1953 by father Archie, the Verspoeton firmn now bas its head office in Tilsonburigurhae (EarliorYthis year itprcae the.-former Kingsway -Transport company in Oshawa.) «I. knew he (Vospeeten) had ordered 100 new trailers so I tged hlm for one," said epgrs. faingbeen based i Whitby fo but 30 rears, Rogers said the motive be ' d the idea is te give something back t. the coin- munity. «We do well i Whitby, itfs nice DON ROGERS (Ieft)of Sgnt lgs nd Whitby Mayor Tom Edwar s in front of the travelling biliboard that wilI promote Whitby. Photo by Loma Ravary. Town of WhIlby assiuant marketing and econonilo development afllier that we can throw our hat in t. supporting the te6wn»he said.. or ërspeeten, 'this is the second tixne one of bis trailers will be used te promote a munici- pality. Ban kru ptcy Borrowers, lenders, landIords, and- financial professionals face draxnatic changes in new bankruptcy logisiation, which takes efffect Nov. 30. The new foderal legislation - Bill C-22, passed in June this year -- is the firat major revision te Canada's banlkruptey lawu in more than four decades. "The insolvoncy commumity has been busy for montbs studying the effects of the.new logisiation t., be able te, provide their clients with- detailed information," says Kenneth Tessis, senior vice-president, Tessis & Partners, Receivers and Trustees lac. Among the changes te the bankruptcy procesa: * Revenue Canada will no iongeor enjoy prof.rrod statue undor the BF pty and lnsolvency Act, but will b. treated the sanie as -other croditors in the* distribution cf a bankçrupt's assets. e Consumer debtors will now b. able te make offeru of settloment te .hofr creditors with veiy littie reporcussion if they fail te moot thein obligations. Thoy will have five years te ropay their debts. If thoy dofauit on their payments schedule, they âill not autematically b. piaced in bankcruptcy -- as in the' past .- but their cdebts will b. neinstated. A trailer teuting Tillsonburg is among. the approximately 750 units the company owns. «I live in Whiiby and wanted- te help ,Whitby,» s aid Verspeeten, even though bis business is loca- ted outside the border. "If Oshawa wanted one I would do one for thein," he said, noting that the company still has two more trailers waiting te be painted. Vers eten sad the, trailer' coul C use tohaul goods anywhere from Quebec te eo-- gIr did not know if it will be statloned in Oshawa or Tilîson- bUwards saluted Rogers as «an active momber of the 'business co0mmunity who doesn't loue an, oppontunity te promote the com.n- munity» and he commendod hlmn for enlisting the services of new-, corner Vorspeeten..i «We are fortunate, as a. com- munity that we can attract in- dividuals and compames like those two,» said Edwards. Describing the project as «talc- ing the advortising to, the poople," Edwards said, «We hope thatif people are interested they Mil look at the. phone nuznber He promised that ail calîs stemming froin the trailer's advertisement will be recorded by the Town. «This is fantastic, Signet and Ver? eoten should bo applau- dd- said Whitby marketing directer Peter LeBe. «It's invaluable the impression this will crate for us. This sort, of advertisinig worýC, rm sure we will have poople calhing." aw overhaule'd *Another change te the Bankruptcy Act will see automatic dischargos for inclividuals who go bankrupt for the first fine. e Financially-strapped com- mercial tenants under a ProposaI will be able te break a commercial lease sinxply by paying the maxidmum of six montbs' rent te tho landiord. *Suppliers will be able te seize unpaid-for inventory sbipped within 30 days of a bankruptcy or receivership. 0 Credit unions registered as securod creditens will no longer be able te garnisbee up te 20 per cent of an indebted member's income. *Recoivers acting for, socured crediters must provide detailed reports te ail creditors as wel as: the Superintendent Of Bankruptcy. "lIt wlIl take some finie untiL, the effoct of those changes is. dotermnined," TessMi says The new act cals foar a review proceas within three years and for a comnrittee of. the Hlouse cf, Commons or the Senate te report on. year later. lets. takon 40 yoars te se.e changes te the legislation," Tesis adds. '~let'u hope we don't have te, wait- another 40 yoars, for rovislions t. correct errors. vDzeffl& Taxes... eIIl hlrffrr viTf ne.T Do0 you own: *Rentai Property? *Cottage? *RRSPs? *Family Business? *Investment Portfolio? *RRIFs? Con ept Cail 416-434-6119 for a complementary consultation. DEREK DUTK Group Fi y rst time in 40 years

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