Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 20

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Page 20, Whlty Free Press, Wedfesday. November 18, 1992 L ines oatonpas o harngea o - The' .recéntlydotd $400 te -thé çÇUoJscfCanda te /osfouandato cover thé cost cf a hearing eartdog., ThéeLions. Founidation of Canada is the umbrella covering dog services for clients in need. acrosi Canada.. Lioi' F eundation of Canada is located 'in a renovated public school in GOakilile, the site for training canine vision <logs for the visually impaired, hearlng ear doge for the hearing imapaired and spécial sills dogs for the> physically challeüged. Th~e various dogs used' byethe foundation may be bred- at the centre, by professional breedérs or donated by humane societies. The doga are then boarded with foster families for a périod of one year ini preparation for' the training process at the ce ntre.' The training at the centre is .handled by highly-trained, professional staff. When te dogs are judged te be ready te be part, of a teain, a qualified client is selected. Following a compatible successful training course lor dog and client, the teamn is considered Spcfcbreeds of dogs are selected for canine vision 'dogs such » as labrador retrievers, golden retrievers and . german shepherds. Sinail te medium cross-breéds are 'usqed for hearing ear doga and, spécial sldgs. Srnaller dogs are -preferred for clients with hearing or phsical impadirments, as there may be- occasions when the dog ImUst lert its mastr by jumnping ente a lap. The costte Lions Foundation of Canada. for providing, these services is considerable. Funding for these services cornes from private individuals, service, organizations such, as Lions and Lioness clubs, , corporations, businessésk and kennel clubs. Thé s'upport fom these. organizations, allows, a client te receive a dog- and comnple thé- fuIl training . procéss without incurring any costs. Thé cost of dog ser vices varies 9 according to the' degree. of customizéd tining needéed. The cost for a canine vision dog'is *$6,000, a hearing-dog, *4,000 anè a specil akilîs dog, *10,000. H' -Iearng e rdog are dog guides, similar'te dop' for the blind. They wéar a spécial drangé lead. and collar te identify themn on the street. Hearing ear, dos are chosen for^,-their vIlingeste pleasé friéndly personaltyand inq-isi tive nature., ,i epenses, pertainigt h dog are ta-deductible. Childr en' s Aid hosts conference for teens,- The Durham Children's Aid Society hosted a 'Conférence -for Youth in Care'Nov. 1, 2 and 3. The threé-day conférence at the Camp Samac facility in Oshawa brought together téens who are wards cf thé Children's Aid te have them sharé their expéri- ences and develop common understanding. The conférence forrnally began on Nov. 2 with opening remarks by the Députy Minister cof Community and Social Services, Charles Pascal. Afler bis address, the 50 teéns in attendance had an oppority te ask questions. Teéns then wént through a series of small groups te identify some issues- related te being in care. On Nov. 3, thé teens presented their issues and recominendations te a panel which includéd exécutive directors and board mémbérs from thé Children's Aid' Societies. oHE L EIR ir FX Eggshell Interior Latex - %f*OMIOL Darker colours slightly higher. Interior Latex EILl Ceiling Paint Sl N'TE *Prime r Sealer $171 ~g w ~ ~ CORPORATION. 0FTHE TOWNOFWITBY ON-STREET PARKING &-ý WINTER SNOW CLEARING'- To assiat the Town of Whitbhv in keeping the streets clear of snow, the pbi s requested to co-operate bylIQI parking in a manner that will inefre wit municipal snow clearing opérations. The Town of Whitby has a Trafflo By-law, By-law 16-5 that states, in part, the following: No pe=n shahl on any highiway park any vehicle for more Ihan three (3) hus Setion 44 (g o persn shallon any hiîgway stop anyovehicle in such a manner as tinefre with th ovementof traffic or the clearing of snow from the highways. A Provincial Offenses Officér appointed for the canryinq out of the provisions of this -by-law, upon cisoVery of any vehicle parkced, stopped or standing in contravention of this by-law may cause it to be moved or taken ba andi placed or storéd in a suitablé p lace and al çosts and charges* for removing, care and sborage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehle which rriay ha enforced in the manner provided by The Repair and Storage Liens Act 1989 (Bill 152), as may ha amended ftrmUrne tb lime. Should you require additional information, please cail us. Your continueci co-operation is appreciated. PUBUC WORKS DEPARTUENT OPERATIONS CENTRE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING buring the winter months, the municipaiity cleans -the snow from ail sideWalks ln the Town of Whitby. Please hea acfised that the Town will RR 1 h responsible for any damages caused by municipal sidewalk snow cleafln equiprnent b t objecfis such as wood, concrete or brick driveway edgungs, hxegs or shrubs, fences and flower beds placed by residenits on the public road aliowance near or adjacent to the sidewalk. Repairstb darnageci sod will ha undertaken by the TowNn, as deemed necessary. Should you require additional information, please call us. Your continued co-operation is appreciated. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTUENT OPERAT1ONS CENTRE 668-3437 ~pp #ý&ý4 't 4,4

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