Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 3

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Whitby Fieee Press, Wednesdaýy, Novembor 1 1992, Page 3 Smyth is Re form's urham candidate Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Mondays Nov. 9j 1992 Recommenda-, fions from the, Pla nni10'ng and Development Committee, That a site plan application, from Sonterlan Construction Corp. for a 306-unit condominium apàrtment complex on the no rtheast corner of Dundas and Garden streetsbe approved. The development wiil consisti of fourapariment buildings with a maximum six-storey height. Although councilipreviously gave bylaw approval to the project, site plan approval was delayed to leam more about the proposai. Council had concernsabout financlng and tenancy, but was informend that under the provincial Planning Act, these matters are flot of a planning *'nature and therefore not relevant. Carried That a rezoning application for an auto body repair shop on the southwest corner 0f Boundary Rd. and Crown Oit. be denied. 'Council feit that the proposai submitted by U' Autobody-was not the ,1 preferred -use for theproperty now zoned prestige industrial. However, councli directed its marketing department to work with the applicant lnf Inding a more suitable location. Carred That an officiai plan amnendment application and rezoning application f rom Brooklin Meadows Ltd. to remove the hazard lands designation on two minor tributartes of -the Lynde Creek, west of ThickçsonIRd. and north of Winchester Rd., be approved. The site is part of a 1,247-unit subdivision to be buiit on 260 acres ln Brooklin. Carrled Recommenda- tions from the. Operations By 74k. Kowabou A 24-yvear-old computer consul- tant wxll be the Reformn Party' candidate in Durham r"iding in the next federal élection Ian Smyth 'of Cour *ce ,wàs chosen fromn a field of six candi- dates during a nomination m*eet- ing held in Bowmanvillo on Mon- day. Former Newcastle councillor Ann Cowman and ýBroýoklin rosi- dent" Harry. Tunbridge were axnong the eiefeated candidates. Rathor' than,'gothrough a, marathon series of ballots part>' officiaIs in Durham opted for Q preferentiai system of voting. Riding association members listed their choices ini ordor of Fprefoere'nce'and the ballots were ëfd into a computer. Smyth was the consensus choice of the 119 people who voted. .Smerh * who issingle, is mak- linghis Ïirst attempt at political Durham riding hich include Whitby north ofT aunton Rd., is now held byPro!gressive*Conçier-, vative MIPRossSteve son. According te Smy, gettin~ politicians- account abie again wili be a major issue ini the eloction campaign. "People are fied up with send- ing pohiticané teOtt2awa and n ot hearing from them for four yoars ~eople want change,", said Pie said Canadians have neyer p aid higher taxes and réceived loss in return.' «There's a $30-billion deficit. People are forced te tighten their beits while thepolitimians a andsend. it has sent onl1 MP to ,&taWa, Smythbeli the. Reform Party îwill sti chord with voters in, Dur riding. He said the part>' has than 600 members in. the"n rural -and urban riding an capable of p ulling off an.upse "Look a t the provincial . tion, the N»DP (Gord Milis)ý elected in LPurham East and! was a surpr$se,"said.Smyth.ý ibhis tim e 'there wfll b pesnwho'.w.ill be responsi what people, want and sommoe who flioWs the,.p lino.» In_ addition 'to Cowman Tunbridge, -other unsuccè candidates wr Alan Gar) Loblaw 's plan may go- to OMJ FR OM PAGE 1 study prepared in support of Graywood's proposai.' Pennycooke's letterý states that the complex will impact on the Oshawa Group's existing and pln-ned retail facilities in But -the information required b>' his client te determine the "actuai and potential impacts» on its operations is 'the market WhVitby man awarded for work with scouts' Hugh Robert- sonofWhibyhas à receîved the pro- vinoe's highost /hotieur for roc- neation volun- teers and profes-' sionals. For his 30 erof work with Scouts CanaCRobertson re- ceived the Corps d'Elite Ontario award at a special ceremon>' recenti>' at Queen's Park. Robertson has served scouts in Ontario, Quebec, British Col- umbia and the United Kingdom. Ho is a m'ember of the National Councîl and'is a former poncal commissioner for the OtrocounciL. Robertsoni described as a. "su- perb tramner and manager,» revamped the'Scouts' provincial training- and development com- mittee, helping te, increaso the qualit>' and quantit>' of training courses and trainees in Ontario. One of his training modela was child abuse prevontion training, and it was later copied b>' other agencies across Canada. In 1987, Scouts Canada awar- ded him the* Silver Acorn for distinguished service th scouting. Ti erho receîved the Si- verWof Ïr'service «of the most excetional character te' scout- stu Penycokewrites. "Çé have>'repeatedly asked the Town for a cop>' of this document and wero denied,» he states. Since the study has not been released, Pennycooke said the Oshawa Group has «no alterna- tive" but te appeal the bylaw. Ho adds that the Town's refu- saI te rebease the market impact analysis has also been appealed to the Ontario Freedom of Infor- mation and Privacy Commission. But in hie report te counicil, Whitby' planning director Bob Short says the 0MB appeal is "frivolous in nature» and made without an>' support documents of a planning nature. Short's report states that copies of the market study were available bo the public'when the officiai plan amendment applica- tion for the proposaI was before council. 1 "The opportunit>' b> the Osh- awa Group to review. the rationale and conclusions of the impact study has been -1made availabie including ' other intereeted parties,» Shortstates. Ho adds that although the Oshawa- Group has known for some time about Graywood's pro- posai, "ne lettere or documen- tation have been presented te identif, or -demonstrate .their concerns.» Councillor Joe Drumm, for one, was puzzled by the Oshawa *Group's action. "I can't understand the reasen- hi g f this appeal,» said flrumm. "Theey say we refuse 'te give thmthe report but the study was mado available- during the officiai plan- review,» Drummn said. «It was public knowiedge, we didn't withold a single thing. ..the study was available te, the whole world and I caret; understand why the>' didn't avail themeelves Councillor Drn Mitchell, howe-» ver, asked %Ihy Graywood now objecta te, providing t ho Oshawa Group with a cep>'. Short replied that Graywood officiais now coinsider the report te contain privileged information which might be detrimental te the. company's plans for leasing spacé in the development. "]But, rm at a loss at how they (Oshawa Group) could acces it thon and net; now,» said Mitchell. Town administrater, BilV lace said that since GrywoI the 'owner, of 'the report, it stipulate, that, the docume"ý " h~f~ it iould be pre cialte their development ani are du bond te abide by saidWallace > Mitchell 'was still net cor ced. "If we ask people te c market stiid> itmuet be si how relevant te. what goos o tewn,» said' Mitchell. "I don' see the need secrec'.» Mitchell;said that; if the pute is simply ."some kînc intercorporate game play between Oshawa- Greup Gra>'wood, thon the latter shi pay the Tewn's legal ceets., "We shouild ask the Grayv te reiease :it or give'ust resens fer net doing it,» Mitchell. Des ite Mîtchelî's objecti counci> voted' te ,obtain 1 rpsntation *should the C no iss the appeal withoi hearing. $2 million so far raised for UnitedWa More than $2 million has-I raised se far in the United' campagn for Whitb>', Osli and Neweastie. That represents>65 per coi this year's goal of ovýer $3 lion, and campaign. direct&r .A Kinsella, ls encouraged by response thus far but stilI hi tehear froma. lot of people.» She'says that many compai have' just started their c paigns, se more contribut-, will be mnade in what will h «busy» November. Hoydenshore- Pavilion on Frî, night; 'Relier skate for United Way' at Whee lies Fan Bolier Centre in Whitby Saturda>', Nov. 14, 1 te 5 p. and a craft sale at Camp Sai in north Oshawa: on Saturi Nov. 28, 9 a.m. te 3:30 p.m. pend r one jeves ike a rhami miore nixed id is et. Solina, Randy.Flint of Newcastle village and Cathy ,McKÇeever of Courtice. Sullvn: 'Nod méans.moye ow to other matters eloec- With- a 'No'ivote in tho recent was roforerdum, if's now time te turn :that' attention 'te the economy, un- epoymont- job croation and lowor -taxes ,aysthé' Roform. be a part>' candidate for Ontario rid- <not Vn.on Sulliva >n, *who prosented Parity 'No' arguments iinman> debatos and information sesslins, some fand locaîl>', with reprsetative esful~~~ 1rm reYs'iebefore the be' of redorendum, says reformi of both the economy and- the 'criminai justice systeim'are also concerns è f "our francophonieneighbours.." "If woaccomplish these goal .u racphone noighbousiI not let thoîr political leaders take Va-themn out 'of Caniada because Wa i- the',to, share these concorns. o ie 15 rferendum -showed that cnQuebec 1«!decides' their future,» 't be said Silivan, adding that. ho didoesn'believo Queboc wantste beave Canada. WeSullivan could[ almost have it," been described as a.one-person 'No' committoe before the refer- ivin- endum. But he notes that ho didn't tell people how te vote, do a onl>' what he saw as wrong with' ýome- the constitutional agreemnent., n, "n I explained the main issues and said 'Make up your own for mm,' said Sullivan, who min di-tains that the 'present constitu- di-tion is woring.' d Of Ho feels "specialists " such as. 'ing" aboriginal leaders, and'not politi- and cians, should work out reformns of Lould the constitution. î Wood said ions1 out a HISTPORICAL FEATURE in the : LY Wbitby Free Press been 1Wa htycuc a Way known as the Methodist Lawa« Tabernacle for 50 years?* nt Of 2.There'are stone monuments mil- commemodrating two old' %,nne churchesin Whitby.Where the are they? opes 3.There were two men hang ed Lnies for murder in the Whitby'Jail.- am-* Who were they? ;ions be a 4.Where-was the firsi Masonic' corner stone laying ed n Whitby and when? edi enta t at 'Answers on Page 23ý iday te nil>' This feature providied by mac W J r" «riC.......u.AJý;ar ...t" da unasCetr Guardin Drug (seletedRoes doNto . lhlg nlle .. .............

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