Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 3

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Item>s fl.rrom WhibyCouncil agenida(ï) Monday, Nov. 2,1992à Recommenda-, tio ns from th Planning and, development COMMittee 'That an, officiai plan *amendment applica tion and rezoning.application tram, BrookllnMeadows Ltd. tara 20,000-sq. ,fI. commercial- plaza opn.the, west side of' ThiMcksonRoad, north 0f Win6hfister Road, bereaferred> tt0,he revlew and updatq study. fWhiby's officiai plan. The application seeksa.a change ln the current agriculture designation ta. commercial tô permit the plaza.. * Recommended to council. *Ta a fficiai plan', amendment application and rezoning application trom Brooklin Meadows Ltd. ta' remove the hazard lands desIgnation on two minor tributarles.of the Lynde Crewest of Thickson Road and north ot Winches- ter Road be, approved. The property in question Is part of a 1.247-unit subdivision ta be- bulft on, 260acres in'Brooklin. Town planning staff feit there would be ýno. detrimental effects on the environment in reoigthe hazard'lands designatian. Recommended to couneil That a proposed industrial *plan.of subdivision for a 13.47-hectare site on Champlarà Avenue, east ot' Thickson Road, submitted by 810406 Ontaria Ltd., be circu lated for publ ic Imput- -Reconuneàded to'c'ouncil Receommenda- tions from Operations- Com.mitte That rram Building Graup be released traom its committ- ment ta build a, public *akwaytrom the end of R asden Court to.provide, aacss ta7open spaàce beisîdeê Contripae. Staff says a veytight bed n thel ek south ot NichaI Ave, .causing continuing erosion ai :the West bank near prôperties, ifronting on, Uplands Dîr.-The deparmnt says a minor, realignment would 'corrctý t t promises everyfor Al-tied-gp PEOPLEAgainst Pornograp'hy wrap. a giant. ribbon ,arou acting mayor' Ross Battenp to mark" 'white ribbon agaih pornography week,' w'hich ended Satufçlay. From -,I' Shelley1 Daniels and son Jesse, Barb., Laing and ý'B'a Knibs, wrapping Up Batten. Photo by Mark,,Reesor,* Whltby Free Pil mnd inst ýeft, irry Burnimng our, garbageý-1 not. the answer: Grier By Mark Reesor, Incineration isn't the answer to Durham or Ontaria's waste dis posai problems, says, Environment Minister Ruth Grier. 1 Whitby and Durham Region, mong others 'recently.urged the minister to consider altatvse local 1'adfihls, incluid- ing: inineration and sending wdLk.aste ta an oid mine near Speakng a a OTA,(Office cf-the Greator Toronto Area)/urham Region workshop, Grier said she refuses ta approve incinerators because they «m7n tatally counter ta the '3Ws, and that's Where people in tis province have said, they -want us ta put the emphasis.» «When you build an -incineratar, and create that' very capital-intensive monster, you've gat, ta feed it - ana. what you fee it with is the paper, t he plastic, the wood - the'elements for which we now are devêioping marketa as we pull thse "out. of the waste streanC. Grier says incinerators also create new poilutants. «When you, burn, not oniy doyau waste resouroes- but. you create new taxins. There are thase that teli you that the sëtate, of the art wiil prevent this happening, (but) there is not, an incineratar in existence that doesn't discharge something... "Ironicaiiy, the more effective your emission contrais are, the mare toxic .y aur ash, and sa you end up not oniy looiing for a iandfiill with a benign residue that can't be -burned, you alsa h.lave ta look for *a hazardous waiste landfllit itefr the taxic A third'probiem is -cost. Grier ays'an incineratar capable cf burninig 100,000 tons wouid cost between. 15 and' 20 per cent more , bothý in, construction and operating costs, than a landfill' that could handie the same aniaunt.- "I think they're dinoôsaurs whose dcay is done.»' Grier was asaseabu oter:,cantroversial item - legisiation expected ta p Ëss nexît week maicing it esésier ta, create and rent apartments in private homes. Many, municipalities, inciuding- Whitby,, have -strongly spoken 'out against the legislation, saying it would 'destroy neighbourhoodis and foroe local mgoveérnmento ta spend 'millions expanding. the local infrastructure ta cape with the- extra >dUner says it is simpiy recognizing reality,. since there ý is already «very many» cases of two fanilies ini singe family homes. "W.e don't see subdividing >of, single family homes as a.ccommodating two million more people over the next 30 years (the'amnount of growýth expected to move ta theGTA); we see it as reflecting the reality of many communities and famîilies... * Itis. not'going ta, resuit'in a:sudden, mushrooming cf any area,'I believe.» Gier,,uses her ri'ding, in an pMe at fEoioe.,s p exampie. fprpr fEtbcle sa "A iùberoftheý homes hadý-a second apartment in them. As ý familles grew, they (àpartments) -were tumnied., inta rec rooms and they.,were only sngefamîly homesf..o "As 'épeehave -retired, kids have gane '(and). a number cf toesecondazryapartmentshav corne back on trea.' She says same municipalpoliticians hav worried1 that «big old Vict'rian homes» wilI be divied inta two or more units, increasipg an area's3 population.:, Something similar can, already happen under current legisiation, says Grier. «Threi's'nthing-to. stép a &amilywith six kids from moving ini.» Evronmenalits.~1 orf '. îe Start Hee *94t1 Poli.ei nvestigate fraud',on'senlors Durham , Regianal Police are investigating a fraud scani on the elderly. On %us>y Oct. 27 at about 11:30'a.m.j7s- 83-year-old Whitby woman, received, a phone cail from- a man who identified.himself as a police officer. He told her he was investi- gating the theft cf nioney frQm the'bank accounts . of-, elderiy'" *people and asked her for assistanc e. He;c9nvinced her ta go ta the, banc W'ithdraw, a large sum cf cash 'and >meet -hlm, a -short distance away fromthe bank. He- sent a -taxi 1ta pick-her up and takeý her ta the bank. . She didass-he was asked and turned the mîýoney over ta him after he produced what appeared ta be a police badge. The man then left and has-not been seeni since. The. suspect is described as -à white maie, ýapproximateiy aged 40, .5-ft. 6-mns. ta 5-ft. 8-ina,, Halloween masks stolen. About $100 worth af Hal- loween masks were staien from - thepropet -f aitby farily 0 'o Teda ast Weelc.. The masks :were part ofa front-yard, dispiay by Jack-and, Jane N'ash at their home atl18 BarberyCt. Thbe famuiiy has had, a Hal- loween. dis pay ,.or about eight' yes ýand ýuntil. this ,year 'Nbdsever bothered it," said Jane.-* Janie said four masks were takehn Tuesday morning., Four neýw ma"sks were- purchased and then placed in the yard, ,and *- these-were then stol,"., Som etiin,.. around.6 p.m.: *Arnofg those first-staien was a, Grim Reaper mask, a more rare vieyvaiued at about- $60. Tethefts made for'a less- than-happy Halloween for, the famnily who nevertheless plan a similar, display 'next year -but with one change -- «We may nail it down,» said Jane. heav buldfaigr co Mixo deanshavenwith ge air. *He wýaà-,wearing, a dark coat with a dark fedora-type hat. A similar incident occurred on Wednesday, Oct. 21 - at- approximateiy the same time in, the Oshawa area when a man contacted 'a 77-year-old waman, using, the same tactics. No cash waësîstIen on this« occasion. ,Durham Regionai 'Police warn the Public ta be awaire of this'con man. Police are aliso asicing'anyone with any information' on the identilS' of the suspect; ta cal 579-1520 or Crime Stappers atý 436-8477. HISTORICAL FEATURE in the Whitby< Free Press 1.Whàt Whitby buildings were destgnedby ,the noted i9th century-Toronto architect' Henry Langiey? Cenotaph and in what year? 3.Where is the oldest g'ravest'one in. Whitby? -4. What was the f irst bank established in Wityand Answlers on Page 26 This feature provded. by DR GIRISH HATTAY' Fam'ily Dentistry @,New Patients Welcome *Days, Evenings.& Saturday ( * Appointrnents Available *Emergency Caîls Âccepted *Uplo -Date Sterilization Methods For Your Protection 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207 (Rossland Garden Plaza) WITfBY (i ROSSLMrR O. EAST- ELEVATOR For banket verge cf AL the homos and/o *businesses i Whtbyfle to selected amasonty, cal the V*teyFrS Piess Iyoucidnotgetaflyer wtih Étssd forful cûstibtdil give us a cal. 666-"024-4 *Lilian Nrth, SRe/Mgax-Summit Realty) selected homes)ý * undas Centre/ Pringle Creek-GUaïcdlan- Drugs (selectéd, ho.mes) '~3 i .awmung~..aima i ~i I~ ~ --

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