Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 24

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EDITOR Meranda Waters holds copies of Hawk TaIk, Henry Street High School's f irst sohool newspaper that hit the sohool halls on" Monday. Photo by Matthe Stolk, Free Press a-op student Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON C.V.I. Anderson is featuring, many different performances right now that are available for ,everyoqne te, watch. In last meks article, I mentioned thate Anderson "-will soon be presenting Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' and -that tickets will be available te the, public in. December. In addition te 'Macbeth,' Anderson will also be, showing- 'My Fair Lady.' Thé- play' will take place on Nov.. 26, 27 and 28 and -tickets may Ibéýpurchased from cast members or in ,the front foyer of the school'on ýthe evemnng of the performance. Tickets will cost $3 'for students and $5 for adulte.« If you were te rent the movie «'My Fair Lady,' it would cost you almost as much. However, come te, Anderson to, watch it'and youll have an entertaining evening, -fun for, the whole famùi.- The play is being directed by Miss Joyce and produùced* by Mr. Eaton. Students playi*ng leading roles are AlaynaHunter as Eliza, Steve -Nevills as Professor Higns and Junior Anderson 'as Colonel Pickering. It's going te be an excellent. performance, folks, s come on out and support these talented people. Another musical performance coming up is Anderson's 'Autumn in our Town.' The concert will b. featured temorrow (Nov.' 5) atý 7:30'p.m. and tickets will besld at the door. As well, this Friday' students will be filling out forma for AndersonIs annual 'Airband.' Everyone will be getting their act tegether for 'auditions, which will- run Nov. 16 te 20. We are, now- three days inte Career Week, Nov. 2 te -6, and Anderson's students will b. taking part in a number of programs te, commemorate the occasion. Student services anid the, co-operative education depart.. ment 1 are offering an experience te, students in which they, may p articipate in a Job Shadow. Eprience. More, than. 40 students will be visiting job, locations, this week te discover career options. 'Weeked C'legel Shiftworkers, prns and comuùters can aclrt their edcton at Weekend college einning Nov. 14. at the 0shwaWhtby campus of Durhamn College *The -continuous .larning division ha scheduled a nuinher of courses on Weekends for p1 l who may have diffcuily attending Monday to, Friday prograras. Courses include customer service excellence, income tax, personal computer overview, personal computer WordPerfect level 1, personal success development and Spanish level 1, and are offered during this fal term. To register or for 'more information, caîl 721-2000, ext. 507 or 1-800-668-5843. TAXE TIME T REMEME TH OAL C AINLG Alanna Brown TRAFALGAR CASTLE In the laët, article Tory wrote from a boardèr's perspective. ThiÏ week- 1 will fil1 you in on the -life of a day-girl. ,Weekday ,mornings I drag miyelf out of bed at the crack of dawn te be at school *on time; chapel bell rings at- 8:10 a.m. sharp (8:05 a.m. on Wednesdays). Upon entering the chapelI arn greeted by Mr. Kamcke's warm smile. ,W. proceed, tojsing, either hymns or jovial song which are quit. invigouratixigand -get students into a zelochserful M"oc Before- commencing, the first classwe begin'the day with a 1992 marks the 25th anniversaryof Durha> Chrisian I-gh Sehool in Bowmanville. .Officiai ,celebrations for this event will take place from Nov.,26 to 29.,Many volunteers have been busy workingin preparation for this significant event.' Over -ý 800' graduates who attendsd " thekchool betweeén 1967 and"1992 haebeen i'ited from acrose- North' America and EuIvents to' be held as part of the anniveorsa.arviy clude an alumni hce game, buffet supper, nostalia eçv enng and opený hous which ýIwill be held at thes'àchooôl,on*Saturday., Noàv. 28. .On Sumday, Nov. 29 many of the cuce throughout the feeder area for Durham Christian ighI School .will, be holding, special services, i n honour of 25 years of Christian education at the secondary echool level. For more information cail (416)'623-5940. enlightening, Afler two stimulating classes I haev 15 minutes té relax and enjoy a cup o ta that is, if I arn flot buldozed by the hoards of starving s 'tudents groping for their share fc' cooldes and. chocolats niilk. B reak is. rather a chaotic moment in the day,,perhapste be avoided by people' with 'timid demeanor. One. a day-girl hua penetrated the walls of Trafagar, there is no turning'back. From the moment I sign, in,, attendance is taken tbrougfhout- the day, includig luneh-tims, te ensure that I am not. denied'a well-balanced, meal céomplimented by an unlimited supply Of. fruit. Once disrnissed by Mr. Karncke, pandemoniurn breaks loase once again as s tudents rush out of the dining hall te, their schedule'd meetings.. Trafalgar boasta many clubs andteama for its modest size. :At, 3:40 'p.m., it is theé end of a hard day at school. -However, before going home, likeý most day girls, I, insist on getting involved in the many activities andjhous events. -House plays and comnpulsory. hous games create an outlet which allows- studentà to'Ireleaas built-upr -- tFe7ià. Thdiéy èTàIô' contribute .te a .healthy competitive, environment' within< the school. Incidentally, congratulations te Hare Hous for théir firist-place finis}k in- house- soccer. -An honouirabîs mention should be given te Karen Macnarnara and Yvonne 'Macnamara, for their bili ant play -. they are nýow, revered b Hareites. Maxel Huse will: surely make up for this since we have started hous baskebau"' . Thursday, Nov. 5 marks the- beinInof orlogawaited, wel-deserved long weekend. 20-minute reading STUDENTS' Sendl submisslons for C.LASS COMICS1 to the Whutby Free'Pre"ss By MLt ra 4 ANDERSON CVI recently presented-an, award to the to student in- each, year. (rear, from Ieft) Keith Armstrongt a n EÉlena. Ignatiou tied for topý honours in grade 12, each wit a 93.1 percent average; -grade 10 student Jason Ellis ha, a05 percent average; front) grade 9 student Beth'Gil(» had a 93 percent average; grade, il1.,student Ka- i!ý -J E"" 'E' I Il Il - ""hd ViLioaa cul . 1 1 7A

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