Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 20

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Pfage 20., Whitby Free Presa, Wednesday, Novembr 4, 1992 Minor aos atureDetroit xtravaganza, The Whitby niinor -atom AAA club, sponsorqed by,* Dundas Centre-Guardian Drugs, captured the ' 1992-93 Detroit, Extravaganza Tournament held this past weekend. Competing, in- the major, ýatomn division, the Wbitby squad fasçed tougli comppetition ý.froin .temais made up mainly -of older players en1 route to, their title. luthe pelimi.nary -.round, ,Whitby ýdefeated a:club- froib, Londdn '10 on the srngth of :aý Bobby ýMcBridéeWS ga n shuteut effort fonTa asn. Tu ýýthe second- conItetWtb tied a ,.local 'Detroitî cëlub, known as, 9the. A.F.I. Thunder, -1-1, -witli Mike Morri--éôcouting forth vi sitors. *, ,i I the third gaie, Whivtby> fouglit hard against an older and bigger club from Sanit Ste.. Marie, Ont.,, loqing 5- 4. Mcrde collected two markers in the third game with-singles oing *te Sean MacRury and laine éDownr. -- 'Their 1-1-1 -record advance0dte) localsteo'..the .teurnamert's serni-fna) game .agaiinat ,Garden City, ":Miggxn, on SAu day,the tournment's fina dy Whitby't'Wice rallied fromi dpfcites ,,te .fie the: score at 3-3 with ..ofiy'.30 seconds left i reZgulation time -and the :ëoaltender on the bench. Whitby made, the comeback com plet bywinningthe gaini te thrd period of sudden-death overtime.ý Down, had 'tbreè goals in the gain e.- ncluding 'the- tying and winning goals,ý with Steven Farquliarson notching the other. Wbtby receive a> stroggm frmgoaltender Mike N erniz, who made' several key saves in Defencemen ike MorrHsoni Sean Walsh, StéphaneLnkae ;And Jeremy Fisherpbayed well as Whi tbywasshort-staffed through' the 'tournament ^andfoedt play with only four defencemen. With only, two hours between _.-their thrilling' overtime! victory :and the toumament!n'sflInal gamen, a tired Whitby squadi met a club from Redford,, ichiigan who had ;re ceived a bye inte the final'. -'The rested Reédford teai, held.a 2-1 lead, after' two perioda before. Whitby turned it oni in-the third.' te record a 4-2 win. bat :3.t e o Richmond actin hai misedHill-Vaugharn oti (ct-25 :before Walsh, whohd r8e' defeating Oshàwa 7-1 on Oct. 27.ý Sa ur ay ti n w ith the flu, The loss -,eo -'RiFclm ond H ill- reonethe next day te record, Vaughian waë orily their second i tw oas inin ng th lîe fl"gpîy',-,tisseason, both te tournainenta winning gos). DOWfl the, clubiconsiderýed. one of the and ;Matthew McKay collected bs nti n*e the others.,bs nQee~r rvne VWtby basA.wo goines during 'Ja son ýPeyman and Jeif Frazer the next weeèk, playin in also. played well in t ,h e Ajàx-Pickering,, on Tursdayr tournamnent picking 1 up, four before .clasing, with YürkcSinicoeé asisseach i n the *five. games ;on N6v., 4t 4 p-m. at qiyýO a with multipýle helpers lso.going Park.;pad'one., aone)dKyeLalonde (2). During; - thé Nov i4 Prior te travelling,» oDetroit, *qcipate. M 1 the Kicheni the' Whitby squad colbected, two ,Blueline, Townamient, then,,,play wins'and a los in Eaâtern ,AA-A in t'hée silver siick -teurnîamen4 'ege play. Ar' downingwhcrusfimNo. 27 to 29 in Quinte 2-1 on Oct. 24, -the bocals Wyhitby. .' Peewees are î--ýB'ig9 Nic kel final.ss WHITBY'S Canadian champion under 14 soccer.,teami. -From' .left, (rfear) -Richard BeIlew, Jeffrey Macean,. Neill'Mair,".'Neil Perrym an, Kistian Gliuscie, Mark, Bu ms (middlle) Ashleigh Williams,,'Ryan., Stim- mirýg,,Kwame Wiafe-Annoh, Ronald Death,- Jamal -Jupiter,' Jim Macean, Iah Burns (front) Ian '.Braithwaite,, Frankie Barker, Mark Williams and, Adam Klukowski. photo by Mark Reesor. Whitby Free Press I Win and Hos for novcesleets WhtyTD Bank novice sélects Mantie. 885ist5. eeteNorth,,Torüonto 9-O in Amurawaiye ,Healy, Ma "hw OhrtaiiebrsaeCr their first gazne in the -North Graham anddSean Braàckin each Diarlo Robert Laba, Kyle Iàm--' York select hockey league. had two asi' kilde, kurtis. Lindeli Julian John.Gillard scored two goals InA hefr-seýondgame, Whitby Oen, MTthwRes9a with singles by Sean Thorndyke, lost- 5-2 to Oshawa Canaclians. ~~si Shanie- Healy, *Elliot Fitzsim,- Muir adAmurawyesSoedfor t, neJ 1 Lrd Lnd0 mnDami «Amnurawalye Robert WhitbX while Thor-ndykeKurtis maae6s8 oyOe, sitn Mir. J.P. Galipeault an àBr:yarýn Linde Mantle' and Mir hadcohs are Roy, Tsagris 'and Mike Healy. *The -Whitby Owasco under-lOs continued their early season wnigform lu the Scarborough IndreSoccer League as they réecorded a 6-4 win over Glen Two goals from Curtis Emo inu the, firat, 10 minutes gave Whitby tfhe 'lead but Glen'Shields'struck back four minutes later.. Ott',nibrite in"halloffme Aune Ottenbrite, forznerly of Also inducted were Alex.Bau-- Whitby was on. of five Cana- mann whe won two god at the W dian O piec wold medal swim- '84 Olympi -;Victor Davis, who mers reoently nducted inite the won a_ gld sd a silver in Les Canadian quatic Hallbof Fane. Angèles; Carolyn Waldo sud eCaméron- Id zm the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. mat the 9 lmpc l eo A minute before the breàk Emo was aga'in involved as he directly shot across the face of the goal for Michael Bowerman to net whitbe rd. Early intotheseconkdhaifGlen Shields again pulled,to within one back before Nicky Morris scored a -fine solo goal, and Jeif Rosas and Bowerman, with his" second, netted' to increase the Whitby lead toý 6-2. The final -10 minutes saw Glen Shields pull to within two goals but Whtyel4, on tq, arn A strong opponents. Whitby's major peeweeAA hockSey te P-rached the final' of a ounaet in Sudhuiy over the weekend. The . teanisponsored .,by -Makateel Service CentÉe, ott Tornte Red Wings in the inal. Wbitby lias now reached the final, in two straiglt teurnam ents. Whitby racked up four wins in the' l3th annual Sudbury Big, Nickel Tournament. Joeh Evans picked up MVI> honours: in the firtgameagainsit' the Miasag eaosas lie sliut them qut. 2-O0'and --tured aide'21 shots. Mark' Haynes, converted.' passes - from 'am Hotchkiss- and Steven Death te open tlie"s'coring wliile Matt' ýCapson cashed in" -asSIsta fromn Death and.Justin7Collins. 'The second game saw Whitby set back a deterznined team from Thunder Bay 7-5. Haynes was McKay asud Robertson waa very stayinfot of the -gôaltending duo cf Evans and, Laàwson te secure the win. Deajl*te their succesa> &lu- the firèt fougms htyfl é~r in their championsbip.match-up with the éTL' lite, Toronte ,Red Wings. ,Only Capson, off, a setup -fro ' 'CampbeH, sud Croucli, efromÏCollinssd'Capson, could flnd the mark., Hotcbiss was awarded- MVI> for-bis hard worksud Haynes selected to*-h.teunament Last Thursday, Lawsen shut out YorkSimcoe 5-0 in Eaýteîin AAA ýleagiee'acton. Death had ýa parof'goals wit~h singles fromn Roersn, Crouch and Hotchkiss. Hotchkiss and Robertson also Siad asstawith, others off the'stiks of ICollins,ICartwright, HàIyne8, MacCarl aud Lewis. awarded MVIP based -on bhis bat, trick'anid two assista. Dethpottdapgir with one assiat and Hotclikiss pitched in ~ with * on. plus two - assiste.,~ Defenseman Mike Robertson ~~ made 4 great end-to-end ýrush te round off the sconing and add te bis two amists. - The Whitby major novice AA& Other '.assista came off the hockey teain lad a win, a tie and sticks of Bry- Coc (w) aa sDi cent bOa meaction. AdamnMacCarl (two<), Darryl . Whitbybot-7.3.22 te .Richimond Le*is-.ýFmrDavid' rson. Hill-Va -han - a gaine in wMhl LeWs sd DidWhitbv red te' ab firt place, TOM: LaWsou manned the nets pm aSon EÎ and.-turned aside 39, shots lte fter a shoreesfradeid preseve te 75 ifl.Richmond Hill-Va'ugian sere Tii. peit .gaine matched the wc nteseodpro u Makteles agint iSt got ýthe winner iu the -third Sudur. van scped 2 h05pericd. an-d Cocimatc-h2 k-2" iotý Late, scorînin uthe third aud forechecdngwith a goal sud e riodforWhitbysonsored by assiat gain MVP blonours. Dn Cerzy's Grapevm'e, ws b *Haynes, Capson aud CoUina Kevin'Peel and Jamnes Hmnkson. pICke up the rmiiggoals Joshua Tuircotte, -Kyle WNail"es with single ,lielper fr<>m and Hmnkson had1 assists. Fearqu o,- Hôték1des, C<on- Matthew Taylor and Brandon -Deat, Mke CarWright 1 McBridéeàch scored two'u v-als lu- Luke McKay.a70 win over Cnta Farquharson.gained Mjp Wobves. tri bsPeel, Hinkson aud Wailes eachi honours-lu the.fourithgain'eas he scored a goal while Bryan Sands two goals led^ Whitiy t6 a 5-3 ot the shutont. victory over Gloucester. One of- Ryan Matthews Mike the1 goals came . w'ith the Kubrynaki Turcotte, P5el, Hink- Miaksteelers two men short. - son and k'aybor eacli had an Haynes aIse liad a pair with a assist. single frni Hotchkiss. Both Hinkson scored both goals iu a Death and Capson notched a pai 2-2 tie ith A f-ickeHîng. Ian of assita' with singles fim WitrukandMcridehad sste. ~ Macarl.Csrt XLWibyrneets OstawaILegion. i

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