Page 268 Whitby F ree1 Press, Wedniesday,'October 28,19 ,92 L M Heather Olesonh FATHER1 LEO- J. AUSTIN > On-Oct. 26, millions of Canedians,. inciuding some students freinour echool, heae te the polis "te, help decide Cana<Ias future. Austin (along with- other high schools across the country) held its own paraele referendum, The. resuits of the "Austin referendum" were called inte CTV studios 'as pýart ýof a netionwide survey of youth on the referendum.- On fTursdà y, Oct. 29, e member of the erined forces will b. visiting Austin te, inform al interested, students about a career in the fces. A captain wvill outline .c'areers immredie.tely following bighschool, caféers and .,-trainiing through bRMC Milltary College, or' education' with ti erzned forces tbrough other postsecnday istiutins.Se, forailyou~sprin oficesout theenwsyrchce Ail our wild and crazy curlers can now jein -the Austin. curling terim and the Whitby Curling Club's Junior curlingprran Registration is being held t the Curling Club on Brock St. N. and a semsons fee, of $20 le required. Teseason runs, frein ctobr te, April, se get eut there and curl. Are you between ages 16 'and 18? Getting - good 'te, excellent grades in ,schoo? You canï serve as an "ambassador" for Canada. You cân join the Rotary youth exchange, and'-go te AuÙstralie, Europe or Afri ca for.ayar n interested WMhy student who is >eccom panied by e parent is invited te an Information' Night, on Tuesday, Nov. 3 et 2:30 p.m. in the library of Henry Street Hligh School.. Se, Austin, whet are you waiting for? Lucie Rochette CHARLES GARNIER Salut. It's been e busy week. Being a French school, trust us te get involved in some way with the referendum. On Wednesdey, Oct. 21 the head of the histery department et Our schoi invited MIPP Drummond White and Gilles Bisson te, ta]k te us about the Oct. 26 referendum. Theyywere ind enough te explein the new constitution, and then te answer studenti' questions. The students who assisted the' f resontation were freni the senier oe é 11, 12,-OAC) as weil as the grade 10 histery clas. It was e veryinformative moening, and we thanik these gentlemen for takcing tume out of .their busy schedules teý comâe te telk te us.> Aise, thank you te Drunimond White whe presented bis speeches te us im French. l'm sure this "infor session enswered many questions the students may have bad about ti erLend On a lighter note, Thursdey was a non-uniforni day te "Support the Jays" in their quest te victoiy in the World Series. Students were required, of course, not te, wear the uniform, and te Wear Toronto Blue Jays paraphanelia. If thejy didn't own items that reed oronte, Blue Jays, students could wear something blue. This was on. of, the only times when we were, ellowed te wear basebail caps in class (provided that they were "Jays" caps). Wey te, go, Jays! (Sorry, h ad te -say that). Although it hà s aiready snowed (depressinÃŽg isn't it?), Halloween is confing. I hope'everybody'has a fun an& safe, time out trick-;or-tr eating. Our student council lias eorganized- a danoe'on Ocet, 30. Looks like a blast., WeIý, gotte fly. muet> start reviewing for exains coming up in Merand'a Waters HENRY ST. H.S,. Sports. Hwlçs. Win. Do)es anyone se. a pattern here? 0f course, you do, and my pit is that,- this past week has been an,,incredible. on. for H-enry's e sports teanis. Come te think of it, when aren't the Hawks' on top in the, sports departinent? The junior boys' voileybail teamn recently, took a roed trip, t compote in the Brockville junior i tournament. Mie .drive -was worthwhile as the boýys won al but on. gaine, making them tournmentchampions. Congratulations to the ,entire team. thy oplayed in a tournament Kella recntlythisone titled the and: Alex tihe senior bo S. make it -ail the e Co-OP student before being beat out by Donevan. Chry nn'MacKean,, ANDERSO'N'C.V.I.' Attention alShakspeE Andersons production of]1 will soon b. playing. The1 be opon for anyone 'whi like te attend.' The Ieading, -roles of? and Lady' Maceth - porformed by, Anderson Mark Rainiey and Darlen Mr. Craven is directing t and Mr. Trites is in cih productions. Costumes and make-- being ce.ordinated' by Rodgers, while Mr. Epenu takting car. oflighting. Al of. our teacher students have beeni extemlyhard, ,gettin pou tio tgether. Remember, Shakespear everyone. He was not t] drab, boring, confusing that some people think, 1 Andersons production of IN is 'lively,. chock full of aimed only. et those i w young at heart. *The flirt' perfoemancg only b. open for atudents school. But dor't fret, Y will be,*able te, get 'tickets. sales ,will begin et the December et the school Jan. 7 and 8 performanci te, ail you Macbeth levers. are fans. MIacbeth absent when interini reports are distributed this afternoon. pay wiAlwelthe results of Iast c>wudThursde's junior ewardsnigh Mceh were favourable. Five'hundred wi4 e-thandfifteen- e wardi were ill b. distributed te deserving'students. L' W1The top students during the l. Dole. 1991/92 school year for each the Play grade -level were: Beth Giflles for iarge of de 9; Jason Ellis for grade 10; Rthryn Fairchild for 'grade il; up are Keith Armsterng for grade 12. rMrn. Congratulations te al students 7 will b. who won awards. ' .In addition te al ef this s. and excitement are you stili with working me?) this Saturdeyis D-day. It's ig this finally: here, the-day that lidds under age- 12 al over the world 'esfrhave been waiting for. Halloween. hie duIl, I will b. dressing up'this year writer te attend a costume dance. So, if he -wes. you're eut, this -Saturday night gacbeth and driving, pleese stay s@bor and action, wetch out for the lit.tle ones.'*(And (ho are have ,,a good time.) LetIs have, e safe and happy Hallowveen. es will E; of the ou, tee, * Tcket end of for the es open Aise, o as long as we're talking- about Shakespeare, teday some students of Anderson will be. attending a perfermanoe of Romee eand Juliet et the. Stretford Festival. -I, one of the lucky few students ettending, -Will1b.' -I Dont despair, guys, you'll get' eni next tne, <Whatwas -crowded, muddy and held in Bramnpton on Oct. ý 15? PNo, net ,the 'annuel ,Mud',Wrestler's Far or th-e,meeting of C.M.P.M. (Chronic .Mud Pie Makers) i>ýut the .,Heart -Lake i'nvitetional .mieet, of course;. A loud 'Wey te o , Hà wks' goos out to the junior boys' ":teazn who placed, l3th out of 60 teains. < The music departmnt at Henry -has kIcked ý.off, its funraiingcaznpaign this week. The senior band ise looing -to rais. nioney togo *to Nashyile,ê Tennessee and",theitemdiateý band is eager to participate .i nan exehange.-with -other students, in ingston. Be sure te support your bandé.' Representatives from George Brown, Western' and 'Liaurentian will.soon ývisite Henry.ýso.belsure te, ggn up in- the, guidance office, before it'stoo,'Iate. And a, short mes e to OACs:Hv o your umversity applications? -Drop by guidance, Ms.- Stonkus- will' be happy te IKdon. lest question before I sign-off for another wveek. Whyis the entire school jealousof ron loi1 and'Pt.; 7? _They "are -the winners of the yearbooÃ"k contest te promote the sale of the 1992-93 yerok. Ail I have te aô e ey tat pizza add five'pounds te M:. 'A .'Halloiwen Bazear for Charities' will b. held at 1'rafal- gar Cestie School 'on Saturday, Oct. 31,4 p.m. hebaze*arwill raise funds *for various charities, supported -bY the school, inciuding ' ,Denise House, a -local faxnily ý and: over- seas foster children. Visiters te the bazaar cen gem-, pfie international odprhs bokplants, baked goods, lwatch adraentic presentation and have afternoon tee. 1Free babysitti ng.for childiËen and visite to the Halloween, Hgiunted Dungeon. Catýhollo challenge' theme of PA day 'Affirmation end Challenge. ef the Ca tholic Educator'will'b. the theme 'of i.edircter-s profes- sionai activity day held"'b 'tiie Durham separate scheel board on Nov. 6. fo h or Al educetôsor h bad will attend tii. meeting, 8:30" 0141$ E@AIE1 a.m. te ý3: 30 p.x., et the Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering. Guests will b. Sister Lucille Cerrigan principal of Monsigner' Fraser ôollege'in Metro, eand Rev. Gary, Be 1.diocesan youth director in ý uka 1o, N. Y. S TUDMTS, Send submissions for ,CLASS ýCOMICS to the Whitby Free Press By Matt Gracly & David Barsam lï%ý