Whtby- Free Pres, Wodnesday, Oober 14,1992, Pagé 25 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL, ,silver, FIREWOOD - SUPREME quaiity. KENMORE ,ZIGZAG sewing WHITE, WROUGHT-IRON-love- new paint , new tires, new brakes. Maple,' beech. Weil-seasoned. machine, with sm'all cabinet.,Good seat wanted. 668-7929. Certiflable. '$1,300 or best offer. Very dry.'Ail split. Honest condition. Best off or. 668-4674. ____________ 430-3366. measurement. Free doliveryTr ___________________ he best quality. 416-753-2246à . 1984 COACHMAN Mtorhomeé. 23 fi.,- crulse, cab air, carpet, sleeps six, 3-pce. bath, large fridge/froezer, 4-burner stovel oven. Mint condition, only 34,000 miles. Cail 668-2233 or'-705-484- 0859. McMILLAN & IFE LADA SALES & SERVICE- New Cars from - $51495 4x4s .from $7r745- 3yr. 72,000 km. warranty Many Used Cars ln Stock 666&3361_ý 799 B UR.WOHAWA INood a car - Coedft proýboms? LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 -J.ff 1985 V65 <100) MAGNA. New Dunlop tires (500 km.), vWnd screen,.alarm. 9000 km. Lots of chrome Maroon. $3,500. 433-2946. WESTINGHOUSE- -STOVE, white. Good shape. Asking $225. 666-8714. FRENCH PROVINCIAL chester- f ield & chair, $600. 4-pce. white French Provinciai young iady's bedroom -suite, $Suo. Alitems in excellpnt condition & can be sold separately. 434-4537. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, 'less than hait rice. Large selection. McKeen ~urniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. PINBALL GAMES FOR SALE and wanted. Arcade games wanted, any -condition. Days 430-1727, eves. 721-2446. BERKEL COMMERCIA L meat slicer. Excellent condition, $650. 430-6929. KING-SIZED WATERBED. 12 drawers. Good condition. Complete ýrails, mattress heater. $300 or best off er. 430-6929. CAR STANDs PORTABLE for new or used car lot, $1,200. Heavy duty safe, approx. 30u X 30". Ex- cellent conditilon, $1,750. 839-6398. FIVE PIECE WOODEN kitchen table, good shape, $120. Excorcise bike, $25. Typewriter (Brother Correctroinic 40). works great, $60. 3-man tent, aimost new, $50 or best off ors. 668-7018. POULLUION SOLUTEIONi..bolve your drinklng water problems, with a Shaklee Aqua System. State-of-the-art ln-home purifier rémoves bacteria, lead, chemicals, tastes, odours, smells, other, impurities. 1 Instails easily. Economical. For -a no-obligation domonstration, caîl 576-9649. Shaklee Independent distributor. FIREWOOD FOR"SALE. Weil- seasonod hardwood. Haif-faco, face* cord, bush cord, kindiing. Pick-up or deiivered. (416) Sewing Machine Repairs Ail Makes Complote Tune-up $39.95 Reoonditioned Sewing Machines ftrm $59.00 TOPUNE SEW1NG CENTRE 571-1385, 400 Kng St W. Oshawa MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. MoKoon Furnituro, 524 Simca. St, S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. COMPUTER, 640K, 40 meg. hard drive. loaded with softWyare,, monochrome monitor. Greà t stu- dent machine. $450. Wth mouse, $475. 668-8620, beave message.. SINGIER DELUXE Free-arm sewing machine, used once. $480, or best offor. 30" gold Kenmoro stovo, $50. 655-4539. BEDROOM SET, preferably single. Lawnmower, must 'be electrice. Please cai 721-0919. TEAM OBIEDIENCE.* Evening, afternoon & Saturday classes (puppy, novice & open). Next classes beg in Nov. 7. Smal groups gaatd. Cali 430-0025. HOME GUARDIA N, bonded and Insured house-sitters. Reasonable rates. Home, cottage, businesses. Anywhere ln Durham. Caîl toll-free nor. r;1-416-550-2660. FISHER-PRICE CARSEAT with - canopy, $25. Deluxe Jolly Jumpor ERROL'S APPLIANCE REPAIR bath tub, $10. Camel-coloured cor- Washers, dryers, -f ridg os, stoves, "LEAVE VOUR CARES Bt home duroy Snugli, $10. 14 colour RCA microwavos, etc. Usdappiines with us." Prof essional pet/home TV, $95.- Convoiter, $30. Child's purchasod. Major creli cards sitters are fuiiy bonded- and 12"1 bike with training wheels, $35. acceptod. Monday to Saturday, Insured. Custom Hornewatch 721-2081. 432-7734. International. 666-5353. ISAAC$ AGNES' HARRISON, née Blid -At Altarnont Nuring Home,, West Hill on October,3, 1992 là her 93rd year. Belovedwf of the late James Dudley. Mother of, John and his -wife' Olive of Peterborough, Douglas and' his wlfe Elizabeth 0f Alaxý, Gordon and hiswife, Helen of Colllngwood, and Katherine 0f Bracebrldge. Loviîng grandmother -,of egt n great-grandmother » of sixteen, children. .Cremation. Momorial Service to be held later. PICKERING COUNTRY Craft Market> 4th Annuai Sale, featurin country crats and deorating accossories, lnciuding 'folk-art.- pottery, furniturel, 1wreaths, preserves, staîined glass, doils,. chocolies and much more.,Satur- Jday, October 17 &,Sunday, co ber 18, f rom 10 am,. to 5. .p.m. The Kahn Auction Barn Iocated 3 miles north of, Hwy Z01i on Brock Rd., Pickering. $2j, kids frée. (416) 649-3597. COMING EVENTS Cal 668-6111l BREMNER'S A RT( «VA N T 1IQU E Selection of Primitive & Formai Furnishings' Original Painuings & Collectable Prints S 1 Antique Glass, China & Porcelain Period Lighting Art Restoration & Cleaning MARKHAM; 60 Bullock Drive, Markham, Ont. L3P 3P2 (416) 294-1104 BROUGHAM: 1570 Hwy. 7, Brock Rd. Brougham, Ont. LOII 1AO (416) 427-6977, Jdeu~Ceramicsý Greenware-& Supplies Finished Produots Custom Firing' CALL ABOUT OUR' CLASSES Conducted by Certif ied Teacher 1400 Myrtie Rd. W. Ashburn 655-8022