Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1992, p. 22

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Page 228 Whltby Froê Prees, Wednesday, October 7,1992 Wendy Nickson TRAFALGAR CASTLE As we- enter our third week of scheol, I1 pause- and reflect the events that, have already made this school year a success. From what Ihear, the juniors had a wonderful time on their camping weekend at Laurentian Lodgo is Dorset, Ont. Despite the weather, the grade 7 te il1 studonts maintained an energetic spirit throughout the- windy weather. Some activities they enjoyed were horseback1 riding and canoeing. The campfire and the meals, I hear, were something' te -talk about, tee. We seniors get te, tales a crack at the wilà north this woekend. I, hope I- can manage the rock dlimbing airighl SWe had our first sudent council meeting on Monday and everything went very *well. The minutes of the meeting were promptly posted by Sunniva te, let the rest of us Le in the know. This was the first official duty of Our newly-elected class presidents, te, whom w'e ail send out aur congratulationis. This successfU event was followed Iby another on Tuesday afternoon. For the first-time in recent history, Trafalgar Cast1là' soccer teani defeated Bishop Strachan School of Toronto. The pumiilating score was a dovastating 4-2 for Trafalgar. Congratulations teý the whole team, and keep up the good work. Along the same -Unes is aur house' socoer. Carter *as victerious in their first ouin against a rather shocked Mxweil House. 'This is an occurrence that' I assure yuwiilno*ver Le repeated. The juniorgame betWeen hMaxwel and Carter ended in a score in' faveur of Maxwèil. This week we aise put the Big/Lttle- Sisteir programn inte gear. Eacli year, namnes of senlior students are drawn eut of a bat and correspondingly placed with a junior girl from' grade 7 te 9. The prograni lets oIder girls Lecome more friendily with thoe in the younger grades. li aise gives us somneone te go trick-or-treating with on Halloween! This year, Oct. 31 is not only Halloween, but the date for Trafalgar Castle's annual bazaar. T7he themne is 'Halloween,' and we invite you ail te come and walk through our haunted house ...,if you. dare. There wil L e the traditional bake table, along with the Oriental room, books and plants, craft table %and nmiany ether treats. Meranda Waters HENRY ST, H.S. After- reading lest week's article, did you feel ... incomplete? I mentioned al of* the student ceuncil's exciting events and the success of al of Hery's sports teains -- except for one. Question., What would Henry Street Le without football? Scary, I know. Fm sure it is a relief whenà I tell your-that Henry-does, ini fact, have another football team with as mucli pizazz as last year. The senior Hawks' opening game resulted in an astounding 19-6 win over the Uxbridge team. Their second game left the Jffawks with a 2-0 record afier, they defeated the Spartans 19-8. Excellent p1ayby uarterbaek Tory Locker, Paul Dailva, Andy Burton and Kevin Coodricl al deserve speciai mention. Hawks' noxt game is at Civic Fields. Suipport the teani as they show Paul Dwyer how te, play 'reai' football. The junior boys' voileybail team bumped, set and spiked their was inte the season with a first-place finish in the Madoc teurnament. I ail, the boys plyed 15 games and lest only one. Thougli M love te mention ail the team membors, let me just congratulate you -- you know who you ar. Murder'Mystery For many yearb, Trafagar Castie School bas held a bridge/card, niglit at the school the first Wednesday of October. However, due te, a Murder Mystery Niglit -to e Leheld Saturday, Nov. 7, the school is unable te -hat a card niglit this year. For more - information regarding the' Murder Mystery ?îiht;-contact Tracey-Adclio at On Sept. 29, the LOSSA senior boys' golf tournarnont was held at Thunderbird. Bronze medal winners were M hike Galbraith, Craig Talent Scott Bates and Steve Wood. Congrats on your success. What do Matt Jones, Brian Sigsworth, Greg Smith, Tim Ambler, Jonas Derks and Kerry Wishart ail have in common? Thoy ail finished in the tep ten at a meet in Pickering last week, of course. Keep up tho gobd work. ReelyCris Cook repre- sented Henry Street in the Laser clasa of the Loakefield College regatta. Tight competition was obviouslyne, match for Chris, as ho was the firat-place finisher. Everyono at the guidance office lias been kept quite busy these past few weeks, but now ail their activities are in fuill, swing. College and university reps are malcing their onnuall fail visits, se, check the guidance calendar for your choices. Parents of university-bound QA students were given plenty 'of information in last evening's guidance presentation. To ail the OAs, here's hopig you cari oraie ail of that; great' ifration in the next two months. 1< C......t.......j More than 100 exhibitors are wanted for the Durhamn College Craft Show te Lbe held Sunday, Nov. 29 fi=o* 10 a.m. te 4pan. at the college campu .nOsaa Reserve a. table by cafling 416-576-0210, ext. 496. Tables carr -te eshared- -with- anether FAIRVIEW Lodge resident Harold Boys jokes with E.A. Fairman public sohool students Clare AiMen *(right) and Jennhfer Pizzolato, who are drawing his portrait. Students talked to seniors and'drew pictures of them, which will be displayed Oct. 29 at thie Whitby Mail. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Fme Press IN L A Heather Oleson FATHER LEO'J, AUSTIN Another 'school -,year lias commenced and the -halls are crowded with new faces. Try>ing te' get, from one class .te another seems te be gettfingharder *andc harder overy year. as our school population grews. Net only are, the halls crowded, se are -the gyrnnasiurns with many teanis practising diligently. If you look closely, you can see the detemnainonteplayers' faces and the thirst for victery in their oyes. Austin currently. has'teains for golf, cross-country runrdng, tennis,' basketball, soccor and volleyball. Se far aur teanis are deing great, and we hope they keep up the good wôrk. We 'are .aise very 'proud te announce the Austin Co6mmunity Thçeatre's ,ý-1,.ýfirsÏt dramnatic The play will Le produced by Ms. Seten and overseen by a team of directers consisting of Mr. Shea, Mr. Labriola «and Mr. Dashiiey. Auditions have already been held and everyone. is eager, te participate. Some new clubs have alse been added te our list of afler-school activitiesý, including a self.defence, club for girls and a weight- training club. Everyone at Austin is anticipating a great school year., ANDERSON Last week was: an -envr- mentalweekfor ail Andersonians. ýBeing Waate Reductien Week meant that each day a ie dferent theme, ainied at cleaning Upour ,environment. Friday,Oc t. 2 was a d'Zer Garbage Day.' Provided ',that students brought litterless lunches te- sehool, free' cookies were given as a reward. Aise, those who teted *cempletely recyclable lunches in reusable containers had their names placed in a draw for a .rize. On Monday, Oct. 5,wAderson' cafeteria Legan composting. Way te go, Anderson! Aderson's first ini their anna 'Great Debate' -series, was held Oct. 3. The referendum debate was refereed by Mr. Aggit. TI one corner we hm Rene Soetens, ini the other Don Sullivan. Anderson's student ,council's fundraiser Legan Oct. 5 and will rn for two weeks. Students fromn school will Le selling choclate bars te, help raise money for, school team uniforms and trips.. Andorson's first, charitable teamn is underway. ACTIVE is'a, volunteer effort involvéd iii fundrais[ng for local groups ad charities, such as the' UnitedJ Way. With a fçst-approaclhdng. Thiksg ii Auiderson W<ile putting on thoir annual Turkey Shoot, Oct. 6 te 9. Prizes will Le awarded te the winner of each grade levet. 5peaig of turkeys, Eber Down hed a. turkey ToaSst on Oct. 3. Tfey had a good turnout and ail went weil. With winter gaining on us and Christmas (Christmas?) just around the corner, this first semester is slijpingbyqc . Let us hope tht it doesn7t get hore tee soon., Constitution O Ctu Day at schools .Education Mfinister Tony Silipo menibers of their families, out te Day discussions into the announced recently in the vote on Oct. 26. That's why we curriculum. legislatur 'e that Oct. 19 wil l e set ~chose the theme, ' Constitutional TOýi rd.!p pca aside as~ 'Constitution Da? in Day*- We Can Make -a i poucin pca Ontario schoolp. i«erence."'lepr ogrm e e aired Oct. 19, Al'schoop are encouraged te The minister is encouraging ,-l- whi rh the ininister encourages use this day te, involve students schools -te kick off their local schools te watch. in discussions and activities Constitution Day events by Costiipon stressed that aimed at helping themn taldng students outside at 9:30 Cosiu i a atite wl understand th't issues around the a.m. te sing 'O Canada."' Schools not Le used as pat orma te push Oct. 26 referendum. might want te invite members Of the 'Yes' or 'Nd' aides of the "We Lelieve it is important that' their communities te, join them,,e referendumn debate. young people in Ontario under- said Silipo. "We believe it is important for stand that they cani haveî an The Ministry of Education will students te understand the issues influence in the referendum," said send schools a special and te encourage aduits te vote. Silipo. Constitution- Day poster and I this way, our young people cari "lVe want students te, use their guidelines with suggestions on see that they cari make a influence 'in getting the voting how teo incorporate Constitution difference." 114*1 @AIE*STUDMTS Send submissions for I CLASS COMICS Whitby Free Press i =Re 0 THIS W EKSC MC LX -~By Matt I. ae:. &

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