Whutby Free Pros, Wednkesday, SepteMbor 300.1992,, Page, 21 DisplaysinWhitby for Waste R.ýc n 'Wek The Town cf Whitby kicked off 'Waste Reduction Week 1992 on Sept. 27. This cne-week Ontario-wide environmental blitz is itended te challenge al W learn about and practice the 3Rs ý-- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle -- inereeffectively. SWaste Iteductien Week M9 is an annuai project cf the Recycling (Jouncfilcof Ontario' (RCO), 1a non-profit environmental advo- cacy group educating -society, about waste minimization. . The Recycling Ceuncil of Ontario bas, a new approach te. Waste Reduction Week 1992. It bas. dedicated each, day c f the wee tediferet spectscfwaste reductin:Mon*day, ý-Reduction Day;' Tuesday, CompotingDay;, Wedânes;day, Zero Garbage'-Ny; Thurd, Cnservation, Day;ýo Friday, Exchange-à f Rfue ay -a.udY,. omu ityCenu nTopromote the venture, ýthe. Tqww pf Wbitby bas set UpWaste Reducti on 1992 displa'ys, at'twoý" The <isplay at' the *municipal offices is open for viewing fromý 8:30, ýaim. te '4:30 pam. until- ffliday,, and the displaiy at theý Whitb ty Library in m'braiich fôim9:30 .m. te 9 p.m. until Friday, and. 9 a.m. te 5p.n Saturday.ý. Eà elh display will feature two comosera--one bardmatic. and =e ie-bin -a blue- bo>4 ad a varioty ëf literature on ý-how te t reduce waste will be available for residents. Whitby sehols are. alo Parti cipating in Waste Reduction. ,Week activities. The elementar (FROM LEFT) regional council 'lor Marcel Brun elle (from left), Works department chair Wayne Hancock and Town employee Murray grades are »creating 'posters based on Waste. Reduction themes and the. intermediate and senior gradefs aedesigning solid waste lgsfrthe Town. Memnbèrs. cf -the' Whitby Downtown Business Improvement Area have agreed té display the posters and logos designed by the Gale at the Waste Reduction Week kiokofi Monday. schools. Schools conduet waste reduction activities tbat include the recycing of paper, glass and pop cans, and in niany-cases even compo sting programs. The Province of Ontario la committed te a 25 par cent reduction i waste for 1992 and †/.* . **** *** . **.~*.**.*. *................*.*. *.*.*.~.* .*. '.'. '.' .'. *. .*.*.*.*.* .*.*. . . *.*..........'.' . ~ '. **** '. .*.* .' .*. h ... .*. ......*.*...*...'..........*. _____________________________________________________ 4 ~ v »..~...... ..::....'....~:. *.. Hot' Wheels- seeks new members Durhamn Hot Wheels, a lub fer rh hysically disabled athletes, isa COng for new members. ' For more informnation cali 430- 0721. Motor ct soccer league (mens) STANDINGS FRut rDIVISION W L TF A FPM Ajax arriors 14 2 4 50 16 32 Dham Celtic il 8 6 62 232 2 C.C.5.C. Adria il 4 6 64 26 27 Oshawa Turul 11 4 447 2726 Oshawa ltalla - 6 6 9 38 41 19 PlckerlngOtrlker 6 128 63 45 15 Durham County 3 161 27 1087 Oshawa City 2 162 13862 6, SECOND DIVISION Osahawa Patuguese 10 4 .4 38 21 St D&ArWanderm u 10652 2625 22 PatbronUnited 8 4 534t19 21 OshawaTItant 7 4 6 26 23 20 Oshawa United 7 6 5 27 1a 19 Uzbrl4ge United 4 121 13 84 9 Petubarough City 2 133 19 48 7 GOALSCOING LKADEJW Fiat divfiel Clan Graenlaw, Calie 29 Scat Murdock, Plckenng 15s Danny Zinga, Adria 16 AMlanGraham, Ajax 1e Scomd vsion Steve Dahby. Paibran- 10 Richard Andrew.Pazbran 9 David Harord, Wanderos 9 DarroaMcGeea Parbcan Set.24 Dub.County 3 Oshawa tlia 3 0mb. Partugues 2 Oshawa Mians O Sept. 26 Durham Calila 6£Oshawa City O Adria 3 ick 0g 0m. Portuguame 2 1saaUlo t v f Photo by Mark Reosor, Whilby Free Press 50 per cent by the year. 2000. Whitby bas exceeded provincial goals as of Aug. 31, 1992 by reacbing a 28.3 par oent diversion in blue box recycing, yard waste collection and special collections programa. Anyone visiting the' waste reduction displays can MIl eut a ballot te win a composter. To help with nextyear's Waste Reduction Week, ideas and assistance are. welceme. The last day of Waste Reduction Week, is Saturday, Oct. 3. the -Recycing, Gouncil cf Ontario bas designated this day as Community Clean-Up Day.. .Anycéommunity greup, achool or individual who would like te organize e édean-up of- municipal parkland, open spaces or, road allowances will be supplied with garbage baga and'- a special collection service can be arranged through the public- works department. For further information contact the operations 'centre Monday te Friday, 7:30 a;m. until 4 p.m., at 668-3437. Last year, over 300 municipalities and erganizations organized activities' te awa ken, people te the reality of the'volume cf waste that is collectively generated. Durham Region has imple- mented and is actively promoting many waste diversion programns, including. *the 'distribution cf over 107,000 blue boxes; e the operation cf 48- igloo sites, recyching drop-off depots for glass, newspaper, cans, plastic gpop bo ttles and 'household, btteries for residents without curliside collection; e the' peration cf thre. regional transfer. stations for residential Tecyclable materias including tires, scrap metal, l appliances, cil, propane cylindera, cencretei, batteries, *clothes, diywall, wood, yard waëte, cardboard ,(OCO), ,telephone bookçs, food and beverage canas patc soft1 drink continers (PET) and glass; * the operation cfaà household hazardous',- »waste .1depot ,at Oshawa transer .station ,accep- ting materials such as cil, fuels, stans, pesticides, 'batteries, aerosol cans,- etc., and- the operation cof a paint exchange at Osaatranifeir station 'or usable paint; *the> distribution cf approxdmately 2,500 composting barrels and the sale cf, over 17,000 ccmposting .imita (Bardmnatic and Biobin), 'costing $15 each after subsidy from the MOE. For more information- on prograin, or to fin'd eut how te participate during this year's event,. cail Sherri Munns at the Region of Durhams works department at 668-7721. Community Care awarene ss iOctober Durham Regien ComID t Gare has established ctobr a <Community Care Awareness Month' in Whitby. Whitby Community Gare, is ;a home'ý support program for seniors, ani adulta with physical i Clints receive a variety cf services, including Meals ,,on Wheels, transportation, home help, -home - mahýtenance. telephone reassurice and, general information. Community Gare ini Whitby bas almoot 130 active volunteers who provide services'te 55W cliente tbiroughout the Whitbyf Brooklin area. Anyoîne *interestedi -volun. teering or who wante more informaion , regarding the program ca g o- W the Whitby Cemmunity -Gare office, 209- Dundai St. E., #3 'at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 20. The offce wloe any caflh at 668-6223. LAKE ONTAiOl "ICISTEEL COMPANY. ____HOPKUNS ST. S.ý, WHITBY c r '~~;'t~i* k t.. Toronto Union STANDINGS> (Mu lot.t 3) Diviion W L T FPA FIM Yeomen S 1 024811816a Iriush 7 3 0 218 10 14 Wandereru 7- 8 O 238 170 14 Beach 7(l) 3 O0 239. 109 12 Brampton 6 6 0 171 229 12 Scotlsh a 3 80 66 90 6 Noroadç 3 3 0 100 78 6 Crusaders 2 .8 0 130 190 4 Seruacena 1 6 0 79 170 2 Burlington 2(l) 100 86, 254 2 Standing. for Division 1 romain unclmngod far peut tew veeksaua Ontario playoffa do nt counI in the TRU tables.. Division 2 Broc%& 12 01 22 70- 25 MBdilaian1 12 2 O03WB 109 24 Oshawal1 9 3 1 '263, 118 19 Irishb2 8 4 1196 142 17 Markhaml S8 5 O 226 '138 16 Barrie1 S 6 0 177'204 16 Beach 2 9C2) 4 O 224 187- 14 WeIhl1 8(l) 4.0 279 142 14 Nomad 2 7 6 O 182 182 14 Brampton 2 7 7 0 304 272 14 Scotlsh 2 6 a 1 178 150 18 Limal1 6 7 0 168 161 12 Crusadera 2 6 7 0 297 266 12 Beach 3 7<2) 6 0 248 165 10 Yeomen2 -- 6(l) 5 O 271 108 10 Barbariens 2 5 8 0 119 230 10 Saracen 2 4(l) 10 O s11 5 .3866 Peerboroughl2- 110 107 410 4 Wanderer. 2 1 130 107 -425 2 Burllngton 2 1 120 48 409 2 Divisfase3 Lindsay il 0 1 S 60 23 Bramnpon 3 Il 2 0 816 83 22 Markham 2 10 3 1 276 120 21 Barre 2 10 4'0 188' 8,9 20 Beach 4 9(l) 3 2 126 :107 18 North Halton q9 5S0O-290 124 18 TImberwolveal 7' 6 1 146 .-148. 15 Irish 3 7. 51 170 -131 15 yemçen3 8(1) 6 O 269 140 14 scotti.h3 7 6 0 181 214 14 Peterborough2 6 6 i 95 132 18 CrumaderaS 5 6 2 177 169 12 Nomad@3 a 7 0 145 151 12 seacena83 7<l) 7 0 139 230 12 Wanderera3 5 7 I1514 182 il Buccaneena 6 6 0 157 132 10 Oshawa 2 5 9 O 186 269 10 Lionsa2 4 100 100 227 8 Yrork County 4 100 139 223 8 Barbanianas 2 102 81 303 6 We"a2 2 120 89 291 .4 Burlingtn S.10 U30 46. 3<7 O Diviala. 4 No repota of any gemesa iymO la Division 4 mince mad (August. Figures te brachets la 'aW c«lua roIW l results phaned in by 1h. oppositifllon bag pduhaobaag Wbitby men's hockey, STANDINGS aie etSepL 2 4 W L TFA P Que'Htl 2 0 0 10 1 4 Natnlrut 2 O O 13 6,4 Dodd &Souter 1 O0 I1- 89 a NRSBReaty 1 1 0 12 7 2 Attersley lire 1 1 0 10 8 2 ooda 1 1 0 6 8 2 .Ji davon 1 1 0 9 11 2 Brotha liza 1 10 711 2 Cutom Auto 01 1 7.9 1 Nurse Chev-Olds 0 1 1 4 7 1 C.K.Auto Body O 1 I 4 S 1 Roy'uEnterpries 0 2 O 6 16 0 Gama ReMata Sept. 23 & 24 Qusen. Rotei 6 RoyalWaada Dav. Duggan 2 John Ptte llarryUrwn Wayne Wlchuck Ed Pryxakia Grant Mu-1anemr Atteraley Tire, 7 >Roy'.Enterpriama 1 Joe Kennedy 3 Doug Wlbur JM Smnith 2 Mike Mackey Mike poster Dodd & Sauter 4 CIL Auto Body 4 Jim Daabeg 3 Don French 4 Steve Robnaon Brother. Pizza 6 Jlm Davidman 2 Bab Smafly 2 Marabli I Tampomi2 Enzo Rinaldi 2 Rob Buah Bob Gallagher National Trust 6 NESileal 8 Bob Moi6aV4 Anthony Lober 2 Bucky Crouch Mike WeIla Jlm Philipo Nurse ChevOlda 2 Ouata. Auto 2. Pat Sheehan 2 JoeFenry SergeDupant Ploye et theWek Bab Mowat, 4 goule, 1 amaat '-7 - - . ... 1 - - .-- ý . - x P:!qlrll Ir U.1