Whitby Free Press, 23 Sep 1992, p. 4

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Pagé 4; Wtutby FMb!PêB. WMM~é"%aj, Bdp*'<tWe 23'1199O2 Waste Reduction Week 'I Ontario, bas chosen the. wesk >cf Sept. 27 t to-. 41992,as Wast Reduct«i nWeek throughout the provinceof Ontaro. The. mayor and councfilof the 1Thef t t rooklin store About $600 in cash was taken betwee'n 8:30 p.m.. Fday aud1 Town have endorSed, this uelectioeiby .proclieming that week as Waste Redution Weelc, 1992 In Whitbly. after a. break-n at Cashway Building Centre- on Ferguson Ave. iu Brooklin Fridày evening or 8Saturday mor«nin .Someone forced thir way into the, foreman's office someétimeý 8 arn Saur4y, na OOk, an enve- bop. containing. the money, acicordingto Police. Police say it could b. an inside job since the money isn't nor- maýllykept there. Thé. investigation is continu- B WMSANâL>G±'YUtI:fmfIh'Ihi 1992 isa anletn eri wastsreduction. The poiCe of Ontario is committed to a 25 per cent reduction n *waste and 50 per cet lytheyear 2000. . <The" Rwelng Council cf Ontario bas a new approach to wtereduction week for. 1992. They have taraeted< the different day. cf the week for specificidnds cf reduction. The ay are: Monday - reductioM tiesday. coïnpoStig Wednesday 'zero -garbage; Thuraay'-conversà.in; Friday - Iexcbangi or reuas; Saturday- communitj dean-up. q Tii. acuivitieS panned by the Town for WasWeRfducion Woek include two displays featuring waste -reduction information and a draw for a composter (four copoterst.b. given away). Th.,diisplays will b. locat.d- at the municipal offices (8:30 a.m. te 4.3)i.0 Monday..te Friday) and at VeWitbyLibraiy main branch (9:80 a.m. tu, 9 p.mý. Mo'da' teFrdayand 9a.m. to 5 :W ee i .a )Y'durlng Waste 'As weIl, Whàty achools bave been asked te participate. Elementaxy grades will b. ding posters 'bas.d- on the waste reduction'themes. Tii. higiier grades are asked to, design a logo, pertaïiing te thé. Towu's solid waseprogranma . Tii . Business ImnproveMent Area members will b. displaylng the pq "ens'and logos designedl by the. echools. Whitby's diversion record is' 28.3 per cent- as cf Aug. 31, 1992.- Tii. ýTowu .bas 'diverted -29265 tonnes cof blue box. and igloo recycables, 1,320 tonnes cf yard waste, 80 tonnes cf metal and 10 tonnes cf tires fr-om the Iandfill site. Vew waste reduction displays sund fiLUeut a ballot te van a composter. Anyone Who bas ideas or would like te bhelp, call the. public worlcs department at 668-3437. Open Saturday 9:00 arn to 12:00 pm Quotatlons, 145 BROýQKT,-WI Ai 1BEDROOM rM. EXECUTIVE' Albrick. M.F., family rm, firepiace, hardwood floors. SGWO toý interiocking patio and'fuiiy fenced yard. Cent. air and vac. Basement 90% compieted. Super Whitby location. $204;900. Flexible ciosingavaliabie. GAIL DANIEIL, 436-1800. EXCEPTIONAL EXECUTîVE - WHITBY Approx. 2756 sq. ft. Main floor den. Every homemaker's dream kitchen. Eiegant hardwood fiooring in famiiy room plus many other fine features. $244,900. JOAN SCOTT, 436-1800. PQWNrPWN$.IOLDE"WHITBY -$1 39,900., Terrific ,67'xl 62' lot in preferred area. Possiblilties Plus!! Couid be'a reai charmer. The piumbing and wiring are updated. Gas heating. Vinyl siding. ANDREW WOOD$ 4436-1800. Associate Broker. wi Cozy 3 bedroof Red. room with bath., central dish Brook lin ,developrn'ent FROM PAGE I DapgffffSad the -added com- merciaàUblock -1iâobusiness' people, in downtown'Brooklin very worrid. The. entire plan is expected to tl.five year-,With hous*n construction bgnigin, the fali of .1993 and fstoccupancy iu the summer of 1994. The apication ilbeds ainit Mouday's ow ,meeting. Don ý't cha nge 'priorities FROM PAGE i says a goo d e ample of: the over- crowding las a dance'held at the' centre Saturday. «Eighty-fiv. eople can go and that's it... because you getý the ticket, atthe. door, if youlre. not thexre among the. first 85, then forgetit.» sù asa. some of the older miembert'bave, given ,up gofing te th, -centre - «tiiey say) thereds no poitinme goig becau;se I can: tgetin ... » «Athogh Ws g reat te se'. young pecoplewhowant te parti-. cipate in sports,,» says .centre member Margaret McKnigit, «w. as, seniors have a]ed sacrificed in the past, when; our children were growing... "The youuger generation seems te thinkthat.,ever.ything's juat golug te b. handed te tii. McKnight says oestends te- see the same peop le at the centre aIl the time - the ones whoi live close and cari b. first in - people who cornefrom, a grïater distance ère often out oflucëk Centre member Rose Skoreyko says a lot of seniors don't Corne anymore 9because they've gàiven up.» She says reisterg for acti- vties, for example, isano6rdeal. «You stand'in lin. for hours te getin, then you gt a number - whe the numbrscaedyu stand in lin. for the particuflar. event'you want' oe ou üget there and it's- fuif... i s very, disheart.ning, (so) they step coming.ý For al.'ot, of therne it' their ouly (social) contact.» Mitchell tsays bis support'for a new -arena i. based on ."«very substantial private fumdraisihg - you)re talking iu the area of at least -abaif a, million dollars - before yýou could s.riousl y'1go to councul 'and look at putting some- thing in >place!'" As for the. seniors' centre,I «its always been pr.mised -on .very substantial provincial- fundinq.. we're holding back on the officia application because were basi- cally being told 'don!t apply now because there'. nôt'money... -,W hnthat Provinc*ilfumding cornes,ý that seniors' centre wi Mich1isaýýîs the two prjects aren7tt"0cometgwthacohr -h. aysheTonis't go6utoe clip into its, tai reveénue and build either project o'n its own. «(Ti., seniors centre)' has alwaysvë beén in a'special categr and it; almoët certanly'iln qpenbiltaead ofan grena, ~thepo~ceever cornes in to an1 money... "In mîy-own view, 'rd put the seniors' centre ahead of the, fire ,hall, (on;the priority l ist);ý I -don't se.ë* the need, right uow for But anarenaremains bis top <priority. «The seniors' centre Ja right at capacity' or probably over capa- City... they need anoéther seniors' centre, but minoôr. hockey "la juat gettingto:the point where it's not g to b., able to *,function wvithioutanother ice pad.. "I juat don't know'what more theýy can do, to "mnage, whereas the seniors certainly. could use a better centre, but b' y the sèmme -token, if you!re ta]kdig.about the next -twoè or 'tb ree y.ars, they could probaâbly manage. Op0ratons~ce~1tegibgn On Sept. 16, the Whitby mayor and council memibers took part lu the official sod-turning oereniony marking the start cf construction of* the new Whitby operations centre. 'The facililty will consolidate Town cf Wbitby operational services ani'parka functionsi eue facility within the current V# t operations com _und The uew tructure, will provide a modemn, efficient wordng environmieut for departments that' bave, with the draniatic- growth iu the towu, outgrewn the. existing accommodation. The eisting building constructed in 1977 and workforce. incorporated employees at that time. was the. 26 mTe neW --facility consiste cf 6,06 4 sq. m. (65,250 sq- ft-) and the totalcoEe-,et tii facility including design, équipmënt and furnisbings will b. *6.7 million. <Thé new operations centre 18 expected te b. ready for May of 1993. Charges laid after br'eakmn A 17-year-old Whitby youth was arrested after being. fouud biding bebiud a piano hi the basement of -a house that had Y T I-jIB O LD ALLLY LOCATED x 133 fL lot, finished basement. à b.drooml, plus another 3 piece .9s. 2. steves, washer. dryer& been broken into. He's beencharged 'th break and- enter sud theFt.: Police were called te, the Ma- flower-St. house 'around 1:2 p.m. Friday b a lady who retur- ned home te fImd the dor epen. The investigation la contiuing - plie blivethere '.,nay be oühersa involv. A shiot dr"-~a, mornmg i lu dowutowi Sep 1 üi~reci rways nightc itby. <' ýc offierswork- lub were told the. when. bouÎnesn and sthe Distiii-bance iiivestigatc-d Ic-e i-ï 1 1 l*

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