,~. -. .' Whitby Free Prous,,Wednesday, September 23. 1992, Page 13ý EVEN SOME coaxing by owners didn't work with some dogs.facing a jumpb Sept. 20 t Harmony, whlle- others made It look easy, during an obstacle race held as part. of thé society's building-fund. People &- Pets, walk-a-thon held by the Oshawia& District Humane Society on Valley Conservation Area. Fundsý were ralsed'for mhe Photos by Maurico Pithe, WhItby 1 o. Pros V WPýOINT: ýT.akitng responsi*bility for our community PFROM PAGE6, then watch TV or read Toronto newspaperm, Ail'the wonýdèful quaitis. f eighborless "and commimity spMitare, created oly thOWIeffobrt and« involvemnent' cy mà f us. Almoost everyono inCanada. obtaine a home w.ith theintent o moving somewhere for a 'igger,ý and hetter" home or job within a few short years Statistics state that within the next five years more than two in five Canadians will niove toaanother new home. Those who were heoi, rsised and still -live in --Whitby>1 are a very. emali minoity. Ffyyemrs ag they ;wee the vast majority. We are ail hooked' on the ,relatively new idea that alhater life feourselves and7-our families liin changing homes, jobs, neighhorhoods, communities. It is the same patte n of consumption that w. are locked inta for buylng the newest car, electronic gadget or clothes. Moving is the sfingle biggest reason why true communities and neighborhood are hecoming rare. Who wsnts te invest the time and effort te hecome involved ini the lives of their neighhors and their community if -they are going ta move in a few yesrs? Who wants te waste ail that time getting ta know theý people on your street when there is a movmng van in somleone's driveway every other month. Our moblityV is also why crime, is on, the increase. Theives will now park a truck i a driveway and fuil>it i mid-afternoon. Neighhors. watch, wonder and assume that, those people in the next houa. they nover got a chance-ta, know are moving on. We need the deep roots of caring that corne from staying in one place. When that happens, we naturaily extend our sense of personal responsibility beyQnd our own property Unes. Witout that, there can ha ýne neighherhood or community. And- without really being' part of a place, our lives are impoverished. Councillor. Longfield's urban- ization conunittee proposai is net the solution ta, the growing anti-social problems in Whitby. While Whitby could use ideas from such a group, , the ý,real, solution lies with each one of us. To have the k Iind of community we ail wish for ourselves and our children we have ttay heme, te be at home hors, and te take responsibility snd care for our neighbors and our conmuùnity for lon hauL say te ourselves and te our community, that 'Tou can count on me for' the next, 30 years. I arn not going ta move."t Trhere is neo other way te make a place for ourselves, and our children that will truly ha home. Opinions expbresed are those of thze author. Sunnyfield ,wins Champo Hoistein SUPERINTENDENT Robert--Brown (right) o Whitby. receives a Canadian police êeemplary seèrice meda fi or30, yeas o srvie wih urham"Redinlpolice.Also hionoured- at a w ards eceremony' Sept. 1il "in' Oshawa were David 'and Eet Clarke of Pickering and Michael Wiliaof Ajaxfor their help in the capture of tWopeople who attempted to steal a seniors purseÃ" at Whitby Mail. ,PhotOby MBTIReesos, W&It.Fiee Pies 1 626 Charles,.St., Whitby 666-0430 PA!. 2n.«»:Fn.-9-5, Sat.;-lOý3 By Jool Bagg Farm Management Specialist Cecil Snoddon and feamily of Suilnyfield Hoisteins,' Sunder- land, exite the grand champion Cow at the recent OnaroCounty Hostein Showý. The outstanding four-year-old,, Doni-A-Dle Sultan Dixe, bas been.,grand ,champion at the show for three coesecutive years The reserve champion wastho' firet prize, senior two-yea:r-old, Dappledà li,.Eclipse Chloe. .She. ~vs exibiedby the ýPhoenixIý Bros. ofGreenbank. The junior champion, Ronbeth Star Missy, was exhibited by Hot oeHisen fPort ,ée niwas te inerofthe iterlyearlng cas.This oustaýnding, individual was thé 1991 ail Canadian intermediate Sports exohange at Meadowcrest Meadowcrest. public school in Brooklin will -hold 'a> sports exchange ,fundralieron -atur- day, Sept. ,26, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m., Wanted are new ýand used equip mnent and' clothing for figure skating, hockey, skiing :and lacrosse. Bring in priced items ta' the echolol gM on iFriday, Sept. 25,-.6 ta 8:30pm o prcn f ail sales go ita student progrsms., Unsold itemns can ho picked Il from 3:30. ta 4:30,p.ma. onp. 26. For more information '*cal Sue Berrey, at 655-8896 or Sorja Graham at 655-4079. Cash only.. The first 11îze Summer Yea]ring, Fette InsPiration Belle, lwss ý,réserve juniorý champion. She.is owned and bred by'T. Robert Flett cf Oshawa. The -Wïerry ,'.Familv of Loa-De-Mede Farm MLd4 shw» wasthW. -winner of the fuZntre-'e as, it Ià oadDe-Mee sniration Dixie. Loa.De.Mede Farms Ltd. was awarded the premie breeder awaird, while Phoenix..IBras. received ýthe premier exhibitar award.. This was the 54th Ontario Coumty Hostein Show 'held .at Port P.erry Fair. The juçige was Brent Walker, Guelph., One hundred -and ýseventeen head were exhibited by -32 exhibitmr at the show. j I M MIM Mil Md ld-MM Byscouts from 2nd Brookdl en d goup will ho selinghoney, $e3 for _ 12 lay& S,on' Ltc a1-oz. cotainer, on Saturday s'ept. 26, 9:30a.m. 12:30 P.m Pet and Farm Sple Soiswil ho Supplieskn doort-do in the Brooklin ares, andaiprft wiil go to eiPËport écoeuting. For, more information, cal -98r-0914 or 576-0210..~1 9 % 1 ,ars M 3~çns The 'Broeklin Spring !'irfo Ou C som r Association wii hold its annual Frldaefordefjanmeus Saturda general meeting on Thursday Octobe 2nd 010 arn -- 3 pm Octobe Oct. 8, 8 p.m. at Brooldin United Four inlinain çhi WDbDSret oiIn, Ontab SLOB iCO (416) 655-MI6 6.Cambel treet B k à Sà . ""Èhj -Il1 m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - av. , d' ý m. amffrIl-