~~1i WNitby Fiee Prea, Wednesday, SepteniberO9, 19M2. Page 3 uoi mrKei~uiu~ii ri Emp~loyers.., i- $a- Rgon expect lirngprospecà t o-rmi faorble thrughthe endof thé. accordin results idthe, ~ietemploynment outoksre conductdb Mnpwe Temporary Srvices., suvyed,à bout'.:fourth.quà ter irgplas,15 er cent expect to addmor worersduring the, Octobr, November -and Déècmber period, while fivepa cent aicia'tée- Cutas, reported L .raine StevenSon, local Manpower Espokeprson. "The remaiming- 80 par cent antiiptono change in current ,.The cretoutlook' shows little -change:firom either last Cel ebra tin he6th birthiday, 112 (Wb), wil ýhold aparade. downtoin and an >afternoon ' of funa in Rotary Centennial park on Brock St., S. on Sunday, Sept. 20. There wiil be- free hot dog, coffee, pop, birthday cake, clownýs, face-painting, bailoons land music 1w the Whitby Brass Band. - uarter or that of a yeair ugo. ee é,montha ago, 18, per. cent of the' empoyers intended to- ýincrease peirsonnel and nn 'Per cent, expeted, reductions. Laut, ea atthis Urne, 19-,per:'cent oeatm-ore hirlng and aine pa ct >laa -ed decreass jo 0pprmuites apper best falin ùtansprtation/publicý utflities, non-durablie goods* manufacturinig, -wholesala 'reêtail tr-ade, eoducation 'and 'public administration. S taff 1cu 1wi are - epected'in durable gooda manufact uring and services. Nationally, only the. wholesale and, retail trades, with holiday Iiringj showsi positive employ-. mnîrt intentions.:For thé. nationa outlook;,, ilpar cent -cf-eMpkyers Ini the case of showers, therel be a large tent on site. The parade starts at i1p.m. at the Ibranch -onfByron St. S. A, , service- will .-beheld at :the ceniotaph, thon, the 'party,,,at, Centeinnial 'k from 2 to >4 p.m. Thewill be-anopen house ii the branchclubioom, for adul ts al afternoon. lntend' to add staff beBfoe yier-end, while 18 per cent, will attemïpt toutrim employment rouls. Anothfer 64 ýpar cenit wfll' remnain atpeetlevels and seven 1'>er cenit are.not*yet cerin. Open house, at lWhiletby. Yacht'Club The Whitby' Yacht Club. Will hold its 25th "anniversary open, house on Saturday, Sept. 19,1t 4 ~m here willbe a.spiaýltre patig ceremony v-deo and çdslys <of >the cfbshistor wadgtours of the gond speclaî,prfesentations andi memorabia fOrsae The silver anniversaiy affter., moon will alo a ceto a live jazz band. ,WHITBY FIREMEN ralis>ed aimost $90 f1or Muscular Dystrophy "t hrough' two rebènt barbecues. That's platoon chl*iot, Ken Corner <mdde)wlth' Clarence .Bl'ake6ly Crght), assistant man ager ofWltby IGA that donated hot doigs, -POP ,and czondiments -for -a-,barbecue at IGA plaza that netted $875o and Joe- -Garofalo . Iet), owner of Brid lewood Sunoco - $220 was*raised through a barbecue there. Superior Poan uppiied a tent, babces and propane, and Red Rooster donated shlsh kabobs., %M b MwkReeo, GeneratorD not returned OýYOU HAVE A. BROUMN A 5,000-watt generator'valued at $1,595 has'gone AWOL from- Stevenson Renit-aU on Dun6das 'Police say a ian renitedtIi.ý generator and'didn'treturn. it - a cequeoshowed h gvna addréss where lhe -hadnt livedfor overayer Poic aeinvieetgating- ThL ueft at t ore, IIHT-BY AUTO- GL ASS 'wVsheciait ltd. taken during a brea ad enter,~Al orInuac copaywltave your f lau Wenesayat. Celebratons d educlo on stone *~4f ~ Q pn teGOo Tnckson RdU N. at repairs ta keep insuranco e M.f tlme<fpbt»s. Dundas St.E.CoSt down. . Police say ent!y- was ed n&aby Toil free 1-80-668 -9247 00-8'20O breakng alock onthe EÃ"tdoor..--' '4, Dna t .W tý * The s)fpn.dt e~en -klWeSeioGtà anteWodmnW 1 udsS.WI of reys. Legion bsrthday Legon.toclerate, l -ErbHTATBY SATURD-AY,.:SEPTEMBER 12TH L ACAC *and the.BMA in vitie you to corne out a nd j oin the fun.- Busker and Minstrels Apple Pie Contest WhitbyBrassBand Historical Walking zTour 4ClUrinCnes Peie Perry's Bir-thday Cake- CIBC Heritage Stor. oueWhitby Library Sculpture Installation« Station Gallery' Earl Pascoe's Clock~ Bank of Montreal Antique Cars-'roli Cycle QitShow- Olde Silver hrbl FOR MORE INFORMA TION CALL 668-5803.