Whilby Free ProsaWocdney, Sepombor9, 199> Page 27. SEPTEMBER 12, 9 AM'- 4 PJL 13 Calais St. 2 chlldren's bicycles% one. wooden dube bed, one rowing exorciser. Manri other Items. 666-9993. GARAGE SALE - SATrURDAY > Sept. 12. Stroller, fabrlc, hosehdiÃŽ1ý Rtems, clothlng, etc. Ri ae Sept. 13. 59 Femnbank, Plae, Whitby (GardenlDryclen). YARD SALE SEASON ls almost overi, Don't forget ao dvortlse Iln The Whftby Froe Prose. 668-0594. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY> SEPT. 11 AT O PJ. THE ES'rATE 0F THE LATE RAY CARLEY 0F LINDSAY PLUS OTHER CONSIGNORS Oak drapfront dosk w/stained glass dors, cherry hall seat oublo boxspring &mattress, modemn dressers& chosts of drawers, fIat-top trunks.- walnut dlning table &-chairs, antique cast iran stove. refinished rocking chairs, partfi toilot sets, antique. drosserfwashstand combination, woodon beds, flat-to-wall cup- board' bottom, postcard album, aval-top trunks, qty. wooden kit- chnchairs, co-oil lamps, now è%#rtable ' dlshwashors,, cracks,, bonh- grinder,"po*er vise, 8xl2 band saw, approx. 30 antique floor & tabemdol radios (soma battery & disc playors), qty. new tools, qty. china, -las, fumiture, housohold & colloctebletms. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R D, LITTLE BRITAIN PH-ONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 NEED To KNOW' SOMETHINO ABOUT WbUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cal Phone 668-6653 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information,. AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Evory Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Là cated on Brook Rd., Pickering, à miles north of. Hwy. 401 (exi #399). Featuring overy Wed. an excellent seloction of antiques, fine fumiture, glass, china, colloctiblos, primitives and the unusuals..Sa loin usi every Wed. and partlipate 'in aneo0f Ontaria's 'tue auctions- with no buy-backs or rosorves. *Consign- ,mont -and estate selling- aur specialty.' Cati us'taday. Proviows tram 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERV ICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEULS AUCTrioN BARN TUESDAYSEPT. 1- 60R., 3 MILEà EAST*0F"LITTILE > .BRITAIN ON COUINTY RD. 4< Antique puorg an, pine bunli beds, Walnt drap-front dosk, walnut dlnlng extension1 table, cano-seated chairs, double box- sprin& mattress, Colonilches- tefed & chair, modern dressers& chosts of ,drawor, resback armohair, 30" elecrstove, bai fridge, Lloyd's cassette player, cofee &end tables, table &flioor lamps, chromo kitchen ste., vanity dresser' qty. odd wooden chairs, woodon rocking chairs, bench drill press, bicycles, qty. tools, china, glass, furniture, -household& collectible items. DON &GREG, CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN, PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 PERSONAL LOANS tram $1000 and up for an y purpose. Qulck apraal.4-4. BAHAIS B3EUEVE:.The source af ail glory is -acceptance of whatsoevor tho Lord hath bestowed and contentmont wth that which God hath, ordainod. For information and discussion, oeil 668-8665. MANY THANKS TO ST. JUDE. ILF. ADIOI PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL J oda 9 tnco F 0V IKARI GODFREY, Jernhfer Mosterd, Ashley About 80 children attended- te sohool Vaughn and Krlsty Godfrey work on crafts which ended iAu R. ..oWlb o.Po Parent educafion progtrams, offered The Family 'Education Resource Centre of the Durham House Child and Family Centre offers a -fall _rogram of parent education and- famnily enricJ.ient. study groupa and workshops. The study. groupe, ranging frmfour ta 10 weeks are offered. throughout Durham Rtudy .groupa reflect coms- munity requeste for speci*nc Pro- gr1ains for parents with teens, and basic parenting for young families.9 Study ,gaup9 imclude 'Fathers Iini transition, 'Single again and rebuildin' Strengtherunj ee-à niy,' 'Positive dsciplie Tmi on your side' (resolving con- j liétwt teenage son qor daughter), 'How ta talk ta kidesa ÃŽkick will listen and listen so kide wiIl tak' 'Livinlç with teens' 'Effective -parenting,' ai changes' (group for aduitmchu dron of alcoholics) and 'Parenting young children.' Wo-rksha e'incude 'iÂving with taddea' 'Understaziding children's miÃbehaviour' 'Dis- cipline without punisiment.' Gora rs tans FROM PAGE 17 'Building your child'as self- esteem,' Personal safety for your children'.'"Stop being a victim,' 'Creative Christmas' and 'Coping with your parents' divorce' (for those aged 10 to 14 and their parents). For more information and ta regstr, authe centre at 572- 201o68-53 Stefan £Tmms, FROM PAGE 19 demands peak condition. " ýYaure in botter * ihape ail- round...you're alway uhn yourself ta the limit.93' shn Timins, seeking a. sponsor ta hol pay competition entry and out fées, continues ta wark on improving hie cydling, but says he is gettig*stronger in the on. aspc of the competitiQn that- was slowing him down. Hoe compotes in Olympie triathlon, consisting cf a 2kcm swim, 40km cycling and 10km run. IT ii inman» triathlon consiste af a 5kmn swim,,180km cycling and 42km run., Hie toughest campetitian amen g'Canadians is Jeff r aio Hamilton. Timme has vet tiihesit People started ta write in with Krar, still unbeatenin' Canadian their aWn suggestions, including competitions. a Mns. R. Russell, who nommia- But recently ho has practisod' ted Barb's --«we sitili don't know to ho in tap form for the warlds: who Mn. Russell is, but we'd "Everythine focused on that." sure ike ta' thank her", says Barb. «She wrote i and said the hast, Volufteers needed, butter tart in tho world cames rom a email delicatessen on. the Tho Durham supo'rvised acces main street in Broaklin, saysprga offers separted families John. a safe and neuta setting i Within a woek, thoy were sel- which regular Ivisite wth, or ling 35 ito 40 dozen, cf Cora's oxéhanges 'cf a- chfld can Ate. tarte. pae Stoeo ii ete «Peplecom inandth are amPickering, Oshawa ad por not sure what they want; Weo 5Ly Ferry. tiythebuter art. Tey ay, Volunteers- are neoded to, 'Are thoy-goadl' perform variaus -duties,' such as «What thyruie say le, '«0' supervisirng visite and ecags that's not a. good bur r- fundraising and clericaldues iVs -a groat butter tart,'» says More s ializedý volunteors re John. yA came in .fren .Torota eded, including a han4riyso adds an. wanted 44 tarte,' ta build storage 'cup tirwani arutie t ake signaohe a Janand B r e-pened the postfge and -perhaps a bakery, which dates _back. ta murals; andEnglish'transiatorsl« 1947, about 20 monthe ,ago alter -and interpreters of any laniguage it had been closed by its previous Donations of games, craft awno, - 1re eve-er.suppfito, boks and sport "I think George's deire togaet equipment for children aged 8to Uip at 2 i the- morning and bako : 14,are needed.- Also, a donation -of, bread died at the same turne as a computer and, thre Polarcd - the. bg. z n.±.Iicc'..aia wu-b*.... gr ietjy. Answer s*to Whitby Trivia from page ý14' 1. The Franices Hallwing o Trafalgar Castle Sohool was financed with f unds, from. the Masyfamily in'1895. 2i The Qiieen's'Plate horse race Wvas run on a track'at Duyas and D'Hillier streets on may 24, 1870. 3. The steeples of St. Mark's United Ch urch were destroyed in a storm on April 1. 1929. 4. Theý Lafontaine Trading Post >was constructed as the Whitby branch of the -8 Ontario Bank in 1867-8 ObituaryI MMYPICKFORDWALKHR ,Mary Pickford Walker of Whitby died on Tuesday, Auut 18, 992 t Whtby oneal nas-, pital. She was 68. She was- born on March 23, 1924 in Toronto, Ont., daughter of Harry ad laira Fairbanks. She' is survived by her hus- band Derek, children Irene Stone of Whitb , Barbara Miller of cCalgr, hen Ho4bcf Brad- forilHog iCobourg, arandehildrenKeith,fIÀsa, :'Mat- fh*, Jéha,,.CourtneyT 7 and Jennifer, and great-grand- chfldren Sara and Laura., The ýfujieral service. was held from ,the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel. Intermnent at Groveside cemetery. MCatch Mates 'M A sensible way to meet for friendship romance 434-8399 jon mco PIea8e Decycle 1h~ ~e~'~papCf 6 Generations of Servioce, QUa lity & Trust *Family Monuments' *Granite or'Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting - StaffordMoumnt$ 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 Afterlourf 5Ç84»~0 or 666-1513