Whtby Free Press, Wednesday, September 9. 1992, Page 9 ----- ---- ----- ~ la <The Whitby'> Chamber of Commerce was pleased. to learn that the governments ofCanada, Mo. and the United Stated had concluded negotiationu on a North American free-trade agreement. 'The changes \in the global marketplace are alteingethe world around us," ad Teo Bardons, Fresident of the Chamber, "ard new. trading agreements are essential for.oer Canadian economy." 'It is necessary now to careffiy, study and refiect on the NAT, said Lynn Woods, chair of the Chamber's government relations cnmttee. It is adetaled and complex docuneftt that reqires meticulous study before- com- menting upon opecificsi." "It is importan~t for- business people to have an opportunityto, review- documentssuch as NAFTA," said general, manager' Deb Pfiip. '!We h.ave copies of m a ydocuents suh as this n. fireand ae ontainually adding to our library.", A copy of the -NAFTA will soon b. available for verusa. o IANCING EILLw As LOW ASSECALO LEASE JII-ize ickusý .RATES andGe 3ON SELECE GeMeeCtvrtb ODSMOBILES3 At Your Chevrolet* Geo* Oldsmobile Dealers We're makIng car buying easier with "no hassie" .wlndow ,prices. Geo Metro Hatchback Coupe. A Small Price Chevy.Cavalier. Canada's Best Selling Car. ,With Air Conditloning, Automatlct <ý'Transmission, Anti-lock'Brakes, AMIFM Cassette# Chv OFFiCIAL VEHlýCLE VEHICULE OFFICIEL ICHEVRULEt OWSMUBIL ai Ii ai IIWtflIKItlflmlCR. taqualfie n tUbuytsIIafliflghE$fUlCaltSe onm4 a m/C a xaimum 48 month coa Eim WpIC For fequIodM lthe aWWU l O et e ,IutNIcie iteala afwlmaae aa neetaeî L ~ .~. wal N1.378 oecçdJçlIPIYSeyupMiIPtIldaltlacmpeedtil. Yadaleaincaçeltald-flfgoalanUC s 92nwwidedI tIO mdlsfhelvyalle I9MauaaII suge ltMl peI aku" tI2SOcshdU a taddqupedh lmal ddlClsFelf. iene nsfnE.GTnddetpUabeawln<IcuedCII eeehyeldllt eaemysl oçe. eoalna slt4 THE ONAL COUNTDOWN