Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1992, p. 24

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Page 24, WWhy Fro. Pres, Wedn.aday, September 2, 1992 CIILD CARE, TIICKSONVBdkvood DAY CARE IN MY- HOME, Fuit area. Mothor of oneO wiiing to cars or part-time days. Reasonabie for three year old, and up. rates. Rossiand & Thickson area. Nutrittous. lunch and snacks. 721-8824. 432-2642.< SAINT THERESA. Waking -dis- tance Att ages weicome. Reasoin- able 'rates. Chiid-proof. home, fenced yard, f irst aid. Flexible hours for shift workers. Receipts and. references-. 668-54,64. DAY CARE AAIA L n'my home. Palmîerston Public Sohool ares. 1Before &atrsohool weicomne. Phone 666-2172. b-R.MOTHER 0F ONE will provide babàtting in' my home. Thicksori/Nbchoi area Fuipart-time. Before/after,,for chitdren attending St. Pault schoot. On- bus route. 435-0784. OTTER CREEK MOM WILL provide 'à ean, sage onvironmrrent With excellent, reliable cars. Plenty of fresh air, activities & piaymrates. One blück from Col. JE. Farewell school. Rferences avaliable. 668-6334. CARING MOTHER 0F TWO offers loving, saf e environment for yjour, chiid.' ThorntorilKing area. Fran, 436-3214. Wee Watch:® Pdfle MRilie DaCare lb. sys8tem that provides.. *Unschedluied home visita onsure quakywefrou child 0casfo yu 0 Fuily tralçid providors. rocoive qngolng Agency support - Roll a0, ollback-up covers Provldoer illness or holiidays a Comploesinsurance - Income tax receipts - Chiidren sbx weeksand Up - Fuil or part-lime For more nfM iation cali: 686-3995 a IicensedAgency HOUS, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertlsed here, 1.000' like you would b. readlng this now. COUi 668-6111 -.SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES' avallabte at Bon Voyage MotoL. At Hy 12'& 7,2km north of Brookin.-ý COZY FUIRNISHED ROON In néwer Ihome ln -Whftby. Cabteand use of facilties. $3SOImontly.,Cati 430-8740, or 721-0899. FURNISHED ,.- QUEEN, BED,' Tbathroom. Kitchen & laundry piige.Non-smoking, worklng- persbn or'student. 721-2224, leave, SEM-FUNIS4EDROOM -for rentAI bY mature, wrtkingindividual. Askig $00/onth, inclusive. hoe460909, or 666-5288. SENIORS: One-bedroom, apart- monts availabie in aý 53-unit ,Seniors' compiex. $675 monthiy, utilities & appliances included. Cati Harvest Place in Whitby at (416) 668-5660. WHITBY- ONE ROOM in 4-bedroom -bungalow. Quiet area. Washer &. dryer. Avatlable -immfeý- diti.$325lmonth. Cali 430-7103. MINU,,TE,,S.,PROM DOWNTOWN Whltb .inclues un of the houa Iaundiy, cable,-. phonoe i furndishod bedroom. $S75lmomth, or $90lweek Phono 430-0222. WHITBY - 3 1 BEDROOM, main f toor of brick' bungialow. 1>notudes fridge, stove, blinda, carpet. carport.'Watk to'ait amenities.îNo pets. $790 + part' utilties. Ms Evans, .655-3047. NORTH WHITBY- BRAND NEW, bright, -2-bedroom -basemfent:. Sepae, ,entranceè, .4ce..-th backyard.l Close to transit. No smoking. Ltlties, launfdryý & cable included. Avaitabie Sept., 1. $7251 month. J eff or Robin, 430- 1972., CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALI. FARMERS MARKET BLONDE D'AQUITAINE SALE. 75 head Royal Tradition Il presented by Daniord Royal Blondes, Saturday Sept. 12, 1992. For Information or catalogue,, cati <519) 421-0382. ANNOUNCEM NTS OSER TAXES CUTI Sieeman~ Brawery passes savîngs 10 you. Siseman Crearj Aie, Silver Creek Lager, Premumn Ught, ail In. Ste, an Clear Monitage boltdos. EAN CAREER TRAIIIING LANAUCTIONEERING ait ho Sauthwestern School of Auctoneering. Next liass: Nov. 21-27. Inornation, contactt- Southwast m Ontario School of Auctionoeerng, R.R. #5, Woodistoclc, Ontaro, N4S 7VP'519) 537-2115.. LEARN TO. EARN. Income iqx or Bookkaeplng courses by correspondance Free Brochures. No obligation. U à&IR Tex Services LiS. 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnpeg, Manioba RZIT 2B6, 1-800-665- 5144. TRUCK DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, also air brake, dangerous goods. densive driving, log book and bordercrossing. Rodgers School, Ontarlo's oldeet. CatIi 800-668-0031. SALES HELP WANTED We need you ta sait toys & gtts for C & M Gile. NO INVESTMENT, NO DELVEREP. no collection. Cati 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258-0707 forîfreea mb. A SALESMANS DREAM. lsn'l Il lima you started eaming a minimum of $1000+ vfeeicty? Coma ln an International flrm that sp, pliziasin display merchandise. No traval, no fighlwork, no direct satasi Limited positions avatipble -- 1-(416)398- 0919, 1-(416).398-0924. ____ EMPLOYMENT OPPbýRTUNITIES WE NEED A MORTGAGE BFR0KER or reat asIate broker tdaoct as morigage agont ln this area. Cati intransicon Financial Group 11-800-268-1429. Ask for BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS à assistance programa (Faderai à Provincial) for your new or esisting smail business. Information (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Psy off bits, credit cardst Start naw business. Exampte: Borrow S$10.000. repay $ 100.00 monthly. No quatitylng hassies. Intransicon Finandial, Toi-ra. 1- 800-268-1429. 1<AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low as $100. BMWs, Cadliacs. Chevs. Fords. Mercedes. Porsches. truckrs, vans. Amazing frac 24-hr. recording reveais how. 1-416- 631-4666. - STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel S treitwatl Type - nolt quonset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882;, 60x126 $22,972'- othar sizes avaitabta - Final summar cearance - Paragon - 24 ours 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE co mparison Is what il lakes Io pick out the best end towasL..werae ail for Il. Now tar.a limiled lime - Faclory Direct ROCK BOTTOMPRI CES. Exempte 25 x 30 Vaue $2,749. now $2,244. 40 x 60 Valus $8.073. now $6.188. Many sizas and types evaitable. Pioneer 1. 800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - aille for second best wyhen you cen buy the veryý best for the ase money. For ail your building needa, cati FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS 1-800488-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. --Easýf 10 ereci AtVSleaIl & Wood/Slaet bulidinga, CSA & CWB cerlitied, Authorized Stetway'deatar, Conlracting avoulable, Cati belore the snow fîtes. 1-800561- 2200. MOTAEINVESTMENTS MOTAEINVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. Only people tram amati lowns undarstanrd the Importance oi Invasing ln smatl communilias. 11-1/2% 10 13- 1/4% retums. Celi Intransicon tol-rea 1-800-268- 1429. 1MISCELLANEOUS THE CANADIAN MERCHANT NAVY ASSOCIATION open for membership wartIme service. Over 1200 members. Please contact WR. Spry 316 Tweed Si. Cobourg, Ont. K9A 2R9. Phone 416-372-2797. VACATIONITRAVEL. MOOSE HUNTERS -- 1992 ity ln or drive ta hunîs. Avettabte ln districts 14 & 21A. or book earlytor 1993. Cati 807-824-2159, tex 807-475-5841. Box 1416, Thunder Bay P7C 5W3. CANADAS COLORFUL FALL FOLIAGE CRUISES aboard etegant repica sîsamnboals. Romanllc cillas, 1000 Ilands, International SeaWay/locks, whaîe- walchlng andfjords. From $629.00. Dial-a-brochure 1-800-267-7868. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardlop- Foîdown. Fillh-wheel, Travel, Park modela, Truckcsmpers-caps. Fibroine & Leer Fibrgiass & Alumînum Truck Caps. Paris-Service formost makas including Bon air-Lion el-Lextra. Royal Traiter & R.V. Centre in Tovioldalo, Ont. <519) 343-2122. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog conieinmenî systorvr. Ovor 250,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fenclng. Indoor and outdoor systemâ. Guarantaed 1-800-661-6286. Your adi couîd appear lni community newspapers in Ontario, or rîght across Canada, i Ilor any Individual province. Space Is Lîmited, 80 Cal This Npwspaper Todayî Deriek Dutka. %VADARD AUTO »GL ASS Il.W ill honour ail, eG ocmpetitors' offers." 1230 DUNAS ST. E. 430-37331 by E UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1980'- Oafyconstnuctkon & Pmofesslonal Design I nterlocklng Bdck Drives, Patios, Walks à Retaining WaIIs Wood Fenclng 'Wood Decks àFree GompeliivéEstimates 666-9690 Seciatiing in '4 Educat Ion.' For Peaoe of Mind.- Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 CARPET Colou r. Is Important SHOP AT HOME, See s amples, Cati for Service tetfax 430-0987 GENERAL611 Fiandla CompteteRnvton Fwyl oure KICEN BAOM SKVLTSRNCH ORS WIaity eerRONG «Il o Frande Etma. 686-2827%ovtins BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"- To raach a wdrmarkt. advertise fhtOughout the rogionaimembership aiiha Ontario and Canadian Conmunify Newspaper Associatins Cntral Ontario 55 nawspapers - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 wordis AI Canada572 newsaers -$974 for 25words Fr furither ýes alteWlb re ruClstes6"9 'i Active Carpet&à 171inc.- Commercial and Residential- Sales Custom Installations 576- 7847.' FAX 576,7029 843 King St. W., Oshawa JustWest of Tiiomton ýSouth S!de-df.MIng The Mutuai Groüo HERBýTRAN"' call for quotation * « ' 1 1 1 725-6564 RRIFS - ANNUITIES GICs - RRSPS ,-1ý -1 -à t.. - ~*% i--. -

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