Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1992, p. 16

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Page 16, WhltbyFr.. Presa, %Wdnesday, Sepember 2.1992 T,-een assaulted, robbedI A 17-year-ol voluntéer witii 'Youth ga nstDugwas jum- ~edb~Iveyouths and rbe Pouice say the teen wa suelling cookies along William Sep8 n son Dr. -to rais. money frthe. group. when ho was assaulted and robbed of a smail amountbf cash. .He was'treated for mmior in-~ juries at Whitby General Hlesi- tal and later releaed. .Miinvostigation i. continuing. lica Henderson retires. PRIMPAOE8 amfe bxsuntil l«gdtcoc b. found in a'sais o h.maya.- 1But mit.9of thi eat surprise birtiiday. 8h. was caSlled to the trea10My deparbmnt only to find the. area cm pletely ampt - the. entir. staff was hidi . They surprise her. witii a birthday ift of a large picture of ail tiie orkrsàüdthirfamt- <Hendersn aysmn fti staffiiadboe:naoanlday,intî cluding'some inthUû .,and came back juat for the. ocasion makcing i even more special. "'As far as Fût concerned, there is no place like Whtby to live, work and play. And having wor- ked for thia Town for 29 years, lv. been spoiled by the. staff here.' Co-workers were also there. during thi. sdder times as wel and are there fryou when you need them.7 Co-worker and longti*me friend Verna Robrts satys Henderson was alwatys the kind of peron on. could sither laugli or akt in good and bad timtes. Honderson, boni in Oshawa in 1927, liaslived in Brooklin for the. past 38 years. 8h. h g an working for the Town in 1963 doing a little bit of everything including secretarial work anc1 accunting. ?rhere were oril two -of us, doing it ail by han sh. says.' Heînd«mersltrmoved to the. - treasury dpartment wiier. she, witaessed the. population çrowth of .Wýhitby, particularly mn the, 1980.ohé says. Bo far, Whby hms retained its small-town atmosphere despite, growth lise aya aI woldn't b. at ail surprised if Toronto oventuaily extended to here, but hopefuily wve wiil con- tinue to kep ourýunique'identity. hor.» Ovor the. yoar, councils have tried to preserve the. small-town iioritaÈo through various pro- jects, particularly at Cullen Gar- donssihe mays. 8h. considers herseif a very lucky woman blessed with a mariage of 4 yoars, sons Noil, a senior planner with Durham Region, and Garry, a commercial credit managor witii Shl Canada in Calgary, and four, grandchildren. «If you look forward to go to work everyday, that telle you how much rve enjoyed workiing here. And it's been a challenge over ail these years.1 Henderson saya oh and her husband are now Planning to travel a bit, starting by .ing west to visit son Gariy in <a- ary before heading south toCa- formia. «Life has been too good and I just hope ]Pm worthy of it," ishe says. PALOMA PAREJA (left), - Kyle Attanasi a *y's suffmer reading club. Solphia'read 79 anidSopIhia Gody were the top three 6- to books, Kyle and Paloma each read 52. 7-ýyear-old 'readers in, WhityPublic Ubr- P IDb fk Resio. VM&Fm ePom Verna -Roberts served 6 mtayors FR M FA O 8 promoinl ra l ta attract bsin intoes ler.. The rgrm asitdi obtlnngsom o ti.companies Whitby now has, sucli asSoniy.' In180, Roberts was appom- ted exocutive assistant' thtii. mayor and council'and began ta regularly attend .counîcil- meet- ingsithe fqollowing year. , Since -then she has seen Whitby's popuÏation growquickly' - from appro)ximater y 18,00,in 1962 ta over e60000 in 1992. "You have mixed feelings about the. growth- but Whitby has been fortunate ta lceep the. amalI- tawn eclia eling,» shesays.. Roberta says the increase i lton i. unavoidable in part ueof VWhitby's prôximity ta Metro Toronto but the town lias "managed. %ta keep a certain uniqueness ta the. downtawn area.' Improvement and restaration Of the. older buildings in the. downtown cor. of Whbitby ,would ho honeficial and ii.lp maintain the. small-tawn atmosphere, ah. 4*elhonoured tao have wor- ked for 30 years for the Town of WVhitby and iiopefully I helped in improving different ares. as boat as I could,» ah. sayas. Roberts says rown saff.are very dedicated and devoted ta Whitby, and, it shows with -the quality of services in the. parks, with the. beauifcation- in -tawn and witli, immodiate services suci -as snow 'removal in the. winter., 1 It was a great plac. ta work and lIl, miss -the. people but it was timo ta spend time with my family,» ah. Baya.' Roberts Bayé ah. will keep in toucl with staff and hopes ta *iv. aometbing back ta the. town fy doing'some volunteer woDrk, particularly at Fairview Lodge. rBigi s$. o n

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