Page 10, Whltby Free Pron, WednesdaY. Soptemibe 2. 1992 ont Aditionsi for 'Th Ral World' ROYAL Ontario Museum curatorial assis- tant Bilan Musselwhite lectured Saturday at Trafalgar Castie Schoo's antique, show and sale. Photo by Mark Reaor, hhby Fme Proe Everyone interesed in community theatr-e 'is 'invited te attend.,an open.> audition fobr the first show of Durham Shoostring Performers' l9th seasS, .- 1. ,The audition, will b. held Tuesday, Sept. 8, 7:30'te 10 pan. at the arts resource centre behind Oshawa city hall. The play is <,The Real Worl? by MchelTremblay, translatod by John Van Burek and. BiUfi' Glasao. .Tremblay is ono cf Canadas finoat playwrights, and some patrons- will rememiberDSs production cf bis* 'AIbertino in Five Times! tbroe semsons ago. Throughout bies long career, Tremblay has exceiled at weaving theoaones -cf bis .tfmily's Quebecois roots, and. was one of the firat contemporary, play- wrights te bring the' lives of ordinary people te the stage. in la'The Reà si WoIrld'Claude' la a young writer who bas flnaly decided tW ýshow, bis workto bis mother. She- is shaken by the intimate détails of her .'ife tat ho' lias exposed and Claude, forced te deal > , with .bis 'I mothers Cquestioning bis right W ýexploit he family in, print, muet eam his motives. <*ý- Seèven.-actors are nee&d, tbre maie andfour female. The family to e bcat consiasts cf a young adult son and daughter and their parents. 'The mother, father and daughter are.eauh, played by two actors. Durbam Shoestring Perfor- meres ielecmes peoplo who wish W oekonthe preduction in othercpcte To bro a script fer advanoe reading, or te, find eut more about the company, cail Carolyn Wilson, director, at 725-256. Gallery shows photograpUher's images- of nativre ,peol 'Travelling Duet' for HeritageDa The Whitby Local Architectural Co~sevaton Advimoy Comi- mittee (LACAC) is featuring- AI Ashby and Dol Strangwardi as Heritage Day's 'Travelling Duet, on Saturday, Sept. 12 in the downtown ares. This banje-guitar team bas been performlng for the pastfour years.Hewever, each bas bis own, pat-tirno entertainigcareer. Asbby bas .been performing musialy aince grade 7 when ho had the solo role in tho grade 7 choir. Ho . has been involved in an assortment cf activities over the yesrs including. music theatre, playing, the lead in opretta shows, cabaret shows, bardo- playlng. and .numerous community work performances.. ..not flrst class. ON VIDEOCASSETTÈ MMA~C1IJRESPRESENTS AR DY U A ROOUClHAJ.UE1 a e PmE LdiEJOS JACE IQNAIHANIRANWSIEEGAfNESAIA MUsCbRKARGUR (E«e~duc~OD8OO Z 7 :-1,1r I'ILI ~ YA.. Ashby lsa apubic achool vice-. principal. ---Eveni'ng.1and weekends, ho is a volunteer -trie r- in events such a tby LCACi annual sponsoreid 'Heritago Day, -as wef as performing, for the Valley- Farm 'Retiremeënt CènOërtre and other charitable organizatien.., Strangward started. guitar- playing.,,,in 1972 and, bas pr 1 atedin choirs ail1cf, bis -iefe. 'He aise' plays the'lead in various operetta- and :cabaret- I hows. His a self.taught,-ý performneri, however, ho did, participate in musicalIeasons as, a boy. Historical photogravures b photographic artist Edward S urtis wil ho on'display at The The selection cOf iaesi taken from lIhe erth Amferica Indian,'a 20-volume document i pictures and' ýtoit 1cf native, apperarance, dresi, habits -anïd Curtis began the project, in- 1907, and, it took bim more than ýCutiý ýwh Idedin1952, was relativel oscue fIgure in the y béuntil bis histoiy-of.pbotegrphy- hi i dry:ýpate r ese were dis- covjeréd in a Boston wareheiuse in 1970. Tlhe-. display continues until, Oct. 24. The galloryis aý ston ÉBd., Ajai. 72 Old King-. Tickets are now on sae at'al branches of the Whitby Public Ibýrariyffor a spocial ..Juno Award winner Charlotte Diamond concert at Heydenshore, Pavilion.' Ticke ts are $6, or $20 for a fanily cf.four. F Por imore.informnation, ca= the ,library at 668-6531 or- 668-6541. * .. tN i IZKAINIE1N Fr1. Sept. 4-& Sat. Sep t. 5 ffNEb &OPERATED S8V WIWAM D.-LITWE INVESTMVENTS LTD. 9:00 Pm 101:00 arn 430-7200Sun. Sept.6 CK STREET NORTH AT MARY SE, WHITBY 407203:-30pmto -630 pm Imm=.N Resewaliuft HotUne 40009fl 777 w--, ~ -~ -~ -