Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1992, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 26,1992 ~ Mww The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by ÇWhîtby residents for Whitby residents! Publishedevery Wednesday by 677209 Ontario. 1mc. at,' 131 Brook St.N., -Whitby,, Ontalo 11 N, 5S1 Phone 668-611,1 Toronto Uine'427-1834 Doug Anderson - Pub1lisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandm ,Martin- Production Manager 2nd*Class Postal Registration #ô5351 Tîrne A Summer Contest of Architectural Identification Each week £the Whitby Free Prea willpublish a pictureof an architectural detail i bb<ninng Brooklin, Ashburn an'dtl A draw wiIl bernacefdue cretatisTewo' an h »correct identifcaion wiil be published in the next week's Free Press. If you can identify dis piclur, submiltiis entry to die Whitby FroeePmms, 131 Brock Street N, Whibhy LIN 5S 1. Mue winr will be selected nextTuesday at 10:00 amin. WDCATION- Napm Address Phone Number 216 GILBERT ST. E. Only a few blocks from Downtown Whitby stands tbis deserted gem of Ontario vernacular mircbtecture. Despite year of neglect, the Victorian Meas of ibis bouse rmain i remarkably good condition. LAST WEEK'S IENNER Carmen Gelette PRIZES DONATED BY ~~q444 ~~ett94~4 4% WJJ& AUJ KERRHMAGE HOLISEIinâied LaJo 1 l> TRADING POST Nextweeks pdzcdontWby Rosseau. Viewpoin Reéal solution to crisis Part two By Stephen G. Leahy f yau had ta carry ail the water' from a well 50 metres fromn your back doar-in big buckets and then fetch the Wood ta feed the lire, ta heat the water in order ta have your morning shower, would yau have one every day ? Not- likely. Few of us hanker for'the good aId days when' that was an, ardinary part af living. Vet, this serves ta make the following point: the way in which we9 live. Qur 'lifestyles' are directly proportional. t he amount af effort involved. Anather example:, if we had ta peddle some kind af bicycle ta generate electricity for aur homes, we wauld take every canservation measure possible ta ensure aur cansumption was minimal -- probably a tenth af what it i8 now. Take the same idea 0f' the amount of persanal effort involved in the' disposai 'of weste. Rlght now, ail w. need do is shave aur waste in, a bag'and drag it- down ta the curb if we live in a house. ln an apertment, disposai is a short waik ta the garbage chute and down the, garbage goes -- somewhere. 1Imagine, instead, how the amaunt af waste we each produce would be reduced if each ane of us had ta safely and properlydispose af aur own garbage.. Before we created landfllls out af aur own backyards, we would find ways ta ensure that whatever p roducts we bought would ether last a lifetime or b. repairable or capable of being campletely reovo led. .The concept 0f,,disposables (disposabe diapers, plates, lighters, etc.) would b. considered foolish or 'crazy. After ail, who would.want ta f111 Up*their backyard with ail that junk -- and then liv. with that ever- growing mound for the rest of their rives. In reality, we do end Up livng with ever-grawlng mounds of garbage. While we don't have ta dig up aur ownà backyards or physically bu R tourselves, we pay people ta o i o s Our odemcMvlization allaws. mani of us.ta pay others or invent m=hines ta do things we dont want ta do. We may have distanced aourselves from 1h. garbage disposai but we still pay in terms of tax dollars, the despoiling of prime foodland and, most lmpartanty, in losing aur connectian with the reality of aur lmpao n the enviranment. Ths daes not mean that we need ta live the lifestylesaIof ui great-grandparents. It does mean that we 'have ta properly account for the, convenlences we have created ta make aur lives easier. And, f proper' accounting were done, we would find, the pnice toa steep for many of the t hings we have today. We -need' a' much .better understanding ýof the ilmpact we, have on the environment. In order. ta develop ýa.true understandinga direct connection with týghe. enviranment .15 nece ssary. Re-establishing our connection ta the' earth is a persona] imatter. We côantconnect ta ýthe global enviranment without cannecting ta the enviranment that surraunds us -- the trees, grass and other plants in aur gardens, "the farest and f ields in our neighourhoods. Can we reaily have a sense.,0f aur 'imi-pact without a good feeling or relationship with the local' ecasystem. After ail, that is where, we liv. and w. shauld know anid. have a deep feeling and under-'ý standing of aur home. 1YetI each,0f us knaows far mare about the world dut there, about aother cauntries and events thausands ýof mlles'away than we, do, about the origin af the water we drink and faod we eat. Learning, ta do.-the praper accounting af the .costsa and impacts af. aur lifestyles 'on the environment can only be done eat a' persanal, local level. Theti s why' it Is wrong ta shlp aur wastes someplac far up north. Haw could 'we leamn the true, consequences' and coassof our waste production 'when we don't have ta live wlth.-t? Thet ila SEE PAGE 29 To theedo..o N ig htmarish i mpact To the Edîtor: My residence is located about 1.5 km south afI the candidate landfill sites 12, 13, and LU in, the Tawnship af Scugog. While many people have came forward anddressed the terrible effects a landfilil site would have If created ani this prime agricultural land, and the' effects a f traffto,' water contamination and tourism, I would 1ke 10 address the Issue of social impact. 1 believe that the impact n the communities surroundingthese sites, nam.ly Utica, Manchester. Myrtle Station, Myrile, Ashbum, Port Perry and Prince Albert, have been inored. Soi impact deals with the issues af displacement an disruptlon. I believe no ane shauld have -the right ta approach this subject and apply criteria af this nature unless- they have experienced this sa-called disruptlon and displacement.. Disruption and displacement are two very generic words that do not begin to describe the horrible situation people living, on the proposed sites will .b. in and the emaètionai turmoil they will suifer once their site is selected as the fimai dump site. 1. have .xperlenced- this type of rsonal nlghtmare twice in my- i fetli m e. The first tîme was duringWarld War 'Il when my parents were uprooted and lost everything they had 'worked for, a nd were separated fram their family and friends. 1 went through it a second Jime when the provincial govemnment decided ta put a citybeside the prQpas9d new 'airport in Pickering. <I1 thérefore, feel I .can tell you about the'social Impact that theý location of -,a -Iandfill Site an' someone's home will have on their family. I can assure1 you that the feeling la the sanie as if living In -a war zone,'-- nat unlîke Sarajevo. There la no difference 'whether aý bomb la' hitting yàor home or'a bulldozer la pushig iR ver. Bath cases can ýkilI, peaple -- If not physic-ally, then mentally. -Older people living an the. site will-rapidly decline in heaith due to fear or aggravation-af l1sin their home, famlly farmn and' ail they have worked for ail their lives an,' perhaps, for genQerations in their families' I have. seenfamilies Split up because of the pressure and tension'everyone is under in their hames. It-becomres unbearable. We. send. our 'armed ý forces ta ailler countries ta Save lives and' pratect peaple from distress,- but we are not capablf stopping he govemmentfrom doing this ta aur own people. I, therefor., urge everyone Invalved In this pracessta explore ail ~ ~ ~ eýS posMî e valbes snot- ta disrp n lives. There are very isoîlatedareaInt his pravince that could be, used as sites if that is the goqvernment's ultimaite decision.' However, I feel there are -too many, ather alternatives avîallable that would eliminate the need fora. landfill. Walter Ankert -Myrt le Station* s 4r 0W~.~ .ia

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