Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1992, p. 3

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Whitby Fr.. Pros, Wedfresclay, August 26, 1992,ý Page DonMarioBouehow. Do ulvan wants 'to start worling, with local residents to make an impact at the national level as teir Reform ýParty representative in, Ottawa. Te time has corne for aùil levèes of pliticians to work together and. br their dif- ferences for the ¶dothe-c'oun- tiy, wlthoutw g wit a chip j on their shouldèes and having their minds already made u p on thinu*»he saYs. Suillv~aagn with Bill Foden of Plckerin*'and Andrew Davies of Whitby lis seoking the Reform Party nomination, for' Ontario' ridinq to ho decided'Sept. 9 'at te AÀNax comnmunityr centre.* "I would run my federal cern- palgntalking about what I will do nas opps to ýwhat the other gay didc t do or did- do badly,» ho Slia,58, han beèin a rosi- dent in Ajax for the past 22 years and is an administration officer for Port of Toronto police and security departrnent. The first-time political candi- date declined to run< for the nr~ ive Conservative party in te Oshawa riding ini the 1984 federal election because ho had *no respect. for its new leader at the time, Brian Mulroney. Last January, Sullivan decided to run for the Réform Pà"rty after hearlng party leader Preston Mannng speak at ameetingin Pickering Sullivan says what Manning> had to e'y made a lot of sens. to hüm and says ho was impressed by the turnout of 6,000 people at thernebeting. The m'mehp in>,théeparty's Ontario ridin association has Juipevan j 90 u..tie i th from. sulva ays bis campain is ô or. people-riented than husi- -ness-oriented, a reflection of the <Refoïrrn Part' which is not, spon- soned byany hi&g usinessos. If, electàd, Sullivan says ho would 1ke te help organize meet- ~:ings for people te give their input and get things started on a local level. Sullivan says ho would emphasizo that people,. grouipe, businesses and politicians work toehrinstead of- against each tother l the ie <People shouldn't awaswait for theéfe egverriment te do tngforthem, he says. O.of bihinconceahas been -the amount of tîme the federal govenment as well as the- provincial mihisters have spent on the national unity issue instead of focusing on the economy and the creation ofjobs. People are worried about their jobs and family securityr and want te eeo action now te get the economy going again, ho says. «What is wrong with puttingý tho 'national unity issue on the back-burnor and- kick-start the econromy,»he says.,, "If people don't have any. money to, spend, how -are ýw. gonna' get the economy golng agfaun? Another of Sullivan's concerns ls the Youngt Offenders . Act which «should-bho changed and this will ho on. of ' otp pce DON SULLI VAN sentencing, and, the majority of the members believe theosystem needs te ho overbauled, heogsys. mMe_ (yungoffenders) osbould be hfd or. responible for thelr-actions." Sullivan says offences b younq offondorsà have dramati- cally mncreased aIl over the coun- try ln tho last year, accordng te police reports. "ne .,sentences muet reflect thé crimes,» ho says. An alternative te, the eisting9 criminel strtem bý.has te b.found because 'eoro you change sornetbing, you 'offer sometbinig botter,» ho says. Sullivan, a former Metro police offilcr,Mgied recognition with the publication of 'Victime: Orjhans 'of Justice,' wbvich cbronicled'bis fiimilyes figbt for, a labour, manage bdfels ho justice after, bis cauIr amela bas.learned a lot since working was murdered in Ajax In 1980 by' bis way up, from hoing a con- acriminl out of prison on marn-stbe date sf'upervision. Sullivan says bis experience at bis currentjo has taugbt him how te deal 'witb reasonableý budgets ,and «we'vo cerne under budget every year that I Was part of. <79BORS.WOHW "You liv. wiAthin your means and' youdon'pend wbat 17ou don't have in the firut place, b e aClvnalso bas experienco as DO YOU ýHAVE ABROUI ýWINDSHIE W?,;", advertisement You can Win a free prize MARKETING SUR VEY Pick' One. of the 12 New eProducts ,Described Below Anhd,'YouùMay Get it Free. We are a marketing company. that is Iooking for a product, to seili. Would you like to- participate'in a. *short.-- marketing su rve y thatwill help us .find. out -what . y'ou -.wanlýt but can't«. find in local stores? For helping1 us'you could get one of these products free. Our company is trying .to déterminée.,whlch, fproduot 'you wo uld want of 12 new products- listed below.' Teeproduots may or may flot be into, production. Read theshort, paragraphs that describe each product. After you' are. done, chooseý oneý of, the 12 you wiould like' to have. If our company ends" up marketing the.product you chose, then we wîil send you that. product free of charge for participating in this survey.,' 1. A quick-,and easy to apply -.clear llfquid, ,-that prevents llpstick t -ram smearing *or marking,ý, drinking glasses and. other- surfaces,,.aàilday., ,When-- you want to change ýlipstick colours it is easily removeci in seconds. money by eliminating the retail store. 3. A monthly news letter that tels where and when auctians will be held.' These auctions will be for cars, boats, bicycles, furniture, 'new ýclothing, 'a< wide, vâriety.'of ,itemsi.. The, auctons. re",held i Caaa(Tronto)' and the United,,Sftfs (Buffalo). 4. Information that tells you, how to buy carsfor 1/3 to' J12 the retail price, 'every ,yearôor if you ýchose, every two or, three 'years, for theý rest of your life. 5. A hat/cold wrap for sore, muscles,- that you can throw in the microwave to. heat, it, in seconds or you can throw it in the freezer-, It stays..flexible,even when csld ' adits cover - s washable. 6. A fiat proaf tire - made, ai llghtweightpolymers. lt's- comfortable to ride on,.' Nails,. glass, thorns, staples and vandals can't f latten your tires. 7. A' hand, powered chain saw, that' can fit in yaur packet,,and yet .cut a 5" tree 'in as littie' as 20 seconds.-,,,lt's useful. for *campe rs, hunters,'the mil- itary,ý forestry workers for f ire fighting. 2..'A travel -guide. that, teIls 8-,. Aspray that coals dawn yu where yo can, ýbuy, you ,r c ar by 22- degrees Whalesale 1 and factoiy celslus in seconds% It also piced. -foad,, - clothing, - works 1*Weil on a-ppiances, furItureirtV-amerboats, frÃ"m -the "manuùfacturer.- It -planes or even a room in giveS the locatio'ns' '-along .y.youir'house. theý highways. - Jn àCanada. andf United States. You -goï- '9. AÂiiok, with information and shop on the way to that helps you get id of your vacation.'Y.ou sv lege.Ddyuko that depression,* hyper- activity, poor. memory, a- short termn attention span, inabllity .,t o., Iearn, . (somne label this "being'stupid"), even anger canb e ,caused. by allergies?, 10.« A ublicatiohn ,that,.telis you hod* to buya hoûse -10 ta 30 percent Ibelow market prices. It! giiesyo the step ,b y step,,method of finding a'house, and, then buyirig *t i11.'Would' you be' intresedingood quallty well ,:known, name brand stoickings that you buy in bulk tô Save'-,money. We ^Would also supply dish- washer soap, and laundry detergent. 12. -A three dimensional jigsaw puzzle that> 1is shaped like a cube." The puzzle h as -only one solution and it tests you or olur frie n d's, brain power. f you want to -keep, busy for hours this will, do it, they ý may ney er find the. solution. If you have a product suggestion, or something that you want'but can't find cal us- at 434-8128 and just tell us. If enough people caîl for'the same, item then we'll be able to supply you with it as often as you need'and at a price, you wilI like. Càî 434-812 8 to tell,',us- which, ite',you picked. If you leav _e your narie and addres " we ,w*ill be able te give you the.'Item free if we stafl te, market 'it. We would Iike to hear. your opinion. Cal between,9:00 arn and 9:30 pm Monday te -Frday. , Cal 434-8128. Spirit of

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