.~* ~ J. . I., Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Auguat 26, 1992, Pag 15 Moe than haif of the 578 human resource executives participating in a. recent survey, conductod by* Oloten Tremùprary. Servicesa , report increases of women 'and minoriies in, their workplaces and management rà nka over the past'five yeare, reflecting a.growing diverity. Three out of five (57fe cent)rpotmore women ini their workforces than f Ive yasmgad53'ercent have more minorityr employees. Women have made dramatfc inroeds into management;. seven out c; f ten (68 per cent) now have more women managers. More than a »third (36 per cent) have seen in creaseà inthenumber cfnilnorties n nnmgment.ý Ranging in size from ,the: Fortune- 1000' to s 'mall usness,6 per cent7'of-the, coenpanies report that corporate cullurýes anýd imbedded- attitudes are the graestchalenge to, managing duveraty M«oethan haif,(51 r cent) a"opont to snà eased neea otratining and s1idlsa development that, arise out of. i0ther- challenges' citied by. reapondents inc.lude communication'barriers (50 per cent),, rMviding caree growth opportunities -for women and ýmmoèritiea, (48 -per cent) andf the need4:te identifyr andi develop role modela or mentors (28 per cent). Moe han a third (34 per cent) of the comnies report that,- thei need for employýees with mùli cultural comnmunlcaton'ikilla . necessary for doing business in other -nadions- and communicting with a diverse workforce -lias increasd over the past five years. "Increasing workforce diversity'.is a real strength for al organiations in, North America," commented Luci Cudmore, assistant vice president. "Orglobal economy demande the flexcibiity of a multi-ýcultural and multi-feaceed workforce, and this survely shows that -companies are addressing this need." Since 1966, Qîsiten lias been represented in the greater Metro Toronto area by 10 ofi'e. The Olsten Copration (AMEXOLS), headquartered -in Westbuiy, New ork, is oe cfe the leading eviders' of temporary personnel in North America, employing 340,000 personnel in 1991.' .Under its trade, names Olaten Temporary Services, Qîsèten Healthare and Oloten, Professional Accounting Services, the company niaintains 'a network of more than 700 Offices throughout North Arnerica. B oat, show'sold to association Canadian, National Sportsmeni's Shows (CNSS) chair WaltêrOsterrcentfly announced, that theToronto-based * producerf sporta and boat shows 'acrose Canada has od theToot International Boat, Show to the National Marine --Manufacturers -Association (NMMA), a, S s based, international marinetrad association and the world's largest producer of boat shows. »Thle, board 0f directors felt the -NMMA, was; the best organization cf- those consideredý to enéls ure that the Toronto 'International Boat Show contius its-ption as Canada'aprmir boat show and maintains the alreadY *high, standard it lias established during its .33 years, of * opération," said Oster. * The Chicago-based NNM includes oiver 40 Canadien *companies among its membership.* Similar to Canadian, National SPertsmen's 'Shows,, it is a non-profit organizationý with a -man"atota p'romote and protect, the boating industry and sport." L IThe Mutual G roup Merb.G. Tran I 40- King Street West, Suite 710 Oshawa, Ontario Li H 1 A4 gus. 725-6564 LmewWI MutW Lffe 01an d PtguWJflnvotOe Inca Il - OPEN I WAREHUSERI to the PUBLIC MON. FRI. 10:00 70 8:00 SAIURDAY* 10:00 10 6:00 WE, MEABUNES Compete 481 Incl: 4 MbRAI 105Mb H< 1.2 and li VGA Coloi MSDOS 5. Mouse ar Full Warrc See us fi Cor 15011. K/33Sytem Dr. '1742 .00- more!, ALL your office needs! ,,(416) 4088 * reehpfees $ 1000(c GSi) for 9 holes. Weekdays &Weekencs* Public WeIcome winhester Rd: (H.#h âd Tutou 655.GOLF, * Hwy. 47just eaýt of Uxbridge Play 18 holes foronly $6.50 before 2p I offer expire9S Spt. 30192. GST extra. Call852'7962 ~Rd. PLAY,& SAVE NEW FALL ýRATES.,, Effeobve September 15/92 Weekdays <beéfore',i 0:OOam & atteri :OOpm $8O nlud 1ng PoWer Cà rts BROCK RD. NORITH iCKRN 683-3à 822 IFTH OLÃFIRANGE 0F.Tiff 90 is now accepting,-appli'cations, NeweGolf, Meê*mberships, SNEWRATES -FOR-1993' M i Pm for $20Ã"0tle N I .Must phone for tee times. Please mention, $2.0feewhenbookià g Cail (416)885->8409' -Play -anytime during the month of SeptemberI on the following.days& times; L- Mon., Tues., We »Fr1 Sat. -l 2pm -4»rn4 - DALE ROA'i'Dý, PORT HOPE 40<1 -East.- Hwy. 28, North",to, Date. EastonDl3 km to-golf club. 'For More info'rmationCail.,(416)885-8144 i Y MONDAY' S CHOI9 OLF CENTRE h zxm ,1, l . 875,Taunton,-Rd. W., Oshawa I1 Just west'of Thornton Rd.I 433-1506, - - - - -- - - - - - - a