Whitby Free Press, 19 Aug 1992, p. 9

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PlEEfl1MDT11W¶AE framewoýsPrk foer Otro 1" yi d tummd Wit<.4C You have probably read' about smre of the programs 'that thei* Ontario ovriet bas implemented tooa. uiutcfOur economèie reëesson. ITii.Jobs Ontarlo Traini und, andios, Ontario Capýital un> reexaimples of the.'mjoar investment you goernent=bas md iiiDham Region .in the. Pat fw weeks. But o f the questions I arn askod mos ollen îsý"What is the, plan for Ontarior or "la threalan for rcoveryr The. industrial polim rmework forintaloothe '.course of change needdI Ontario andtii. plan to maintain and in*crease" our standard cf living W. aim to enable ail s'egments cf buies labou~r and gvenmn>ti to-work. together as partn.rs m in dusti *dvelopment.W. must enhance our compe, titive advantage in the, world we canno loniger rely on inexpensive naturel resures ta ptve usùà our comptitive advatage - w. noed an industrial policy ta ensure that cmais worékers, communities and gorN"MMents are- working and moving in the. samne direction. ý W. zeéd a policy ta mivàor econi omta'higher value added' aicti'vîities whichi create mûre value for customers. This can only b.don. by impoinur oduct iimprovingquality, neeo innw products through research and development and inovtiemarketig. Ts government believes that value. can beaddedinaicoràofthe economy. .W. plan!ta change'tii. way we invest forth. future by making greater, ý ri* ti.cet nvestment ntaining t raeahighly sldlle wiorkforýce;, by investment- in public and technological. nfatutures ta ensure ,adequate, transportation, communication,, education and technology facilities. We must change the. way we work, with. comparues by working with economic sectors, not' matindividual'companies and we must change the way ýwe manage economic change -- to improve fleibility ini workplaces and ta, devrelop the. participation and coertin-necessary, ta sustain continuous innovation. <The situation facing, us is becoming increasingly apparent. Other, advanoed industi eeonomies-are invesing h.anvily in researchin people, andi inew productionimetod. Tese invstrent ar gnerating a ordid. sift ta higher value added goods and- services. The choice is clear -- either -w. restructurie towards low-slcill, low-paying, low-value added jobs, ;,&o tawards an conom based on high-sldll and high-wage employment producing igher valueaddod n evcs know what my choicewould ha. Asa sociy we ail share the. cosisof our policies and our s-trategy mnvolves ai;unique< made-in-Ontario, approach ta, inidustriel h* It.-is maïket-led, with an active roi. for governmentf and ail other sectars. lit expands the boundaries of innovation and views cepration and competitiveness as complementary concepts, *integrates economic, sociail and environmiental policy- -- and it, emphasizes fairness in, the, adjstent process. I have copies cf the -Industrial Poicy Framework for Ontario, available in iny office, (430-1141), and I encourage you to cail or drop by ta, pick on. up. Your government plans ta, work for and with you in making positive changes which will resait in long-term prosperity for' us ailH. As Ed Philip, Minister of Industry, Tradeand. Technology stated on July 28: 'W. need a policy ta address such challenges as our relati low levels cf R & D, Our low level cf reinvoementand investînent i training- and ii. fact that Our productivity growth lias been slow, W. need a plan, a- policy, a- fra mework -for-ýaction'that can change the. oconm, not only inithe short terin, but for the. long haul. This is what tii. Industrial Poicy Framework for Ontario is meant ta, ha." I hablieve that we can meet the. challenge., I believe w. can make.tii. changes necessafr, and that as.partners we wil ,see .conomic recovery. We have a plan and it caile for concret. action and nnovative programs. It will enable us here in Durham ta, diversify and strengthen our conimunity - and ta plIan for a real futur for those ta, follow. LUNCHEN OUTDURHAM ldieon Ouat,' meals fr. DDGE I FAMILY DENTAL-CARE at S112 'ATHOL ST., #200, WHITBY 6658-«5815 EFmergenCleS Welcomel HéritageDay on Sept. 12 The. Whitby Local Architectural Conservation Advisozy Comniittee (LAAC) wiil boat a display c f. activities and events for Heritage Day on Saturday, Se-pt. 12, 10 a.m.,ta 4 pm Inu- célbration cf WhitbyPs Htag, LACAC* has organized severalinteresting, ,educational' sud -eutertaiuing events that will ha furn for people of ail ages. LACAC is organizinga huson- cal ýwalIng tour encompassng a route, that hast represents the Whitby cf esterday. Eanl Pasoe's antique c1omk sud button display wiil be located at the. Bank cf Montreal. Pascoe wil aIe have on' display an antique bicycle dating back ta the 19209. Por chuildren, «the Whitby Public Iàbrary wiil b. hoat ta numerous, entertaining events, including a children's story heur, a, craft- making display, as wel' as a carousel hors.écllection. ln addition ta, the childrenls activities at the Wbitby Public iàbrary, a 'magical buaker' wil b. roamidng downtown streets, mesmnerizing tii. public with his, niagical stunts, juggleiy and balance on a unicycle.* > The. Whitb Brase Band and a travelling udtwill provide ROTARY CLUB EEINS The. Rotary Club cf Whitby meeta eveiy Tuesday, 7:15 a.m., at the. Golden Griddle' Restaurant, Kendalwood Plaza, Whitby. For fuwther information, contact Peers Davidacu at 668-6759 'or Krisii Krishnan at 666-3642. Whtbiàruth the' authentic seuuds.. cf acetrpat Thi. original bra sband was oranzed in 1857< ta pefornifor muniipalactivities and ta, ge <rll entertain the. community. .Today's Whitby Brasaý Baud r-e.grouped in 1952, ta take part in parades5 sud other- tawn, flinctiona. Roland mIE, conductor,ý leada the. 35-member amateur band in playin*g a range cOf muaic from classical, overtures ta :ýold, faahioned roclenroll. Tii. baud can b. seen everfy second' Thursdaynight playing their musical mix at the ga ibnl Wbitby's Rotary Park adon Heritage Day, Saturday, Sept. 12, in addition to playng for, Whitby audiences, the baud aise takes part in- activities, in other municipalities such as Nax- Oshawa and Kirland Lake, andâ for a number cf, years hn ee asked to, play the national anthem for th. Toronita Blue Jays. The baud is divided inta aa junior and senior baud. The junior band practises every Tuesday, 7 p.m. at Heydenshore, Pavilhon, and the- senior band practises eveiy Thursdayp 8 p.m., at Heydenshore. !Finally, in conjunction with tuis year's Héritage Day, activities,- LACAC will ha celebrating, ,Whitby's *,founding father, 'Peter Perry's 200th birthday. Balcoons and cake will ha given ta ail those.participating in, thisL y.a?s Heritage Day activities. LACAC is an advisory conimitte. that helps'te ensur. that W-Vhitbys -culture ,and heritage are protected. DON'T PAY THAT T..FFIOTICKET MI~ç WE CAN HELP YOU TOi 1lst CONSULTATIONi F R ME CaliNow 619-96,87 TRAFFIC'- TICK.ET EXPERTS 377-MacKeie Ave., Unit #14 AaxI- fNl CORPORATION 0F THE TQWN'.0F.WHITBY WHITBY'PUBLIC LIBRARY; BOARD APPOINTMENT The Cauncil of' the* Corporation cf the Town of Whîtby Invies applications for appînient to ü* Wity ublic LUbraiy Boar te 1bd1a vacancy in hiemmbrhp of tie Bor= if you are, lal a resident f t"i Town of Whity; b) at least 18 years old; e) a Canadian citizen; (d) interested in the management and contrel cf h. Whitby Public Ubrary; and, <e) ne! employed by eiUier the Whitby Public Uibrazy or."h Town cft Whitby; you are invited te make application for appemntment te the Board. Applicaton - ous are availlable from the ClerWs Office. Completed applications should ta submitted te tihe Clerk by no later than Monday, Augs3l, 992 for the Councl's consideration. The lest date for 9'ubmlting appilcalona la Mondsy, Auguet 31, 1992. Ail applications wvill ta rviewed bythe Council and applicants wU ta advised of the Councils decisien.1 % > ODUCTORY OFFEMR - YOUR CHoicE OF. STEK&, ýSHRIMP NEW YORK STL4K W#7H FANTAIL SHRIMP PRIME RIB TENDER PRIMEAUJUS BONNE FEfMI 1A S4UTEOF MUSHROOM, C4F!RS PAPSEY& IM-IIE M ON A FU£T 0F SOtE G4ES4RS4flA B4XED FOTATC VECETABLE COFFEE OR 7E4., .DONALD 0. MOKAY CLERK THIE CORPORATION OF THE tfO0F WHITY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD'EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LIN2M8 PHtE(416)668-580

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