WITBY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGU8T 12, 199n PAGE8 Candidate elrdfr eomPrySPRING WATER, The Reform Party of Canada _Thé'Sept. 9 candidate selection ho heldia h ja omnity DISTIL LED 'Ontario *Riding ,Association wl etnfrmmesoly ilcnr nMnrhAe choose a candidahot e pt. 9 forfrmenesol, il -etr nMoaéiîAe the next federalelection. Three candidates - Don Suli .IP~ v4 S~»> ,van, Andrew Davies and'Bill1~~ I ~ ,Fodeen - have been endorie4 by the riding association.A MI Sullivan, an Ajax resident, .,JJ DI L an administration offilcer with " the Port ofToronto.A lone maie got away with'a gun, although 'none was seen, h&crypu eoi Davies, -of Whitby, operates his "substgntial amount ofrxnoney», and demanded cash. S"à rypu eo't own computer company. after robbing the Canada TrusEt T "he bandit;'. described ,,as a', DURH AM BEVERAGE' Fodenis a3 W Pickering resident. branch in Thickson Plaza,. acro -s .white maie, blond and wearmng a GROUP who practises law in Toronto. * from the Whitbyr MaIl. purplish-pink jacket, was ,seen, Anoéther -can£didate, -although'- - Polioe' say h ne he ettinginto whatsome witne"ses 'i11,staeyOtUnti notendrsd b th asociat Ion, branch around 10:40 a.m. Thurs- ecrb as an oélder. model, ry<etT heis is BotBrnsoaPcein. . -morninoe. indicatedhe had aChvle C hêwi1p-ê (Mà Mt,* ONTARIO ýLitîeeralLeader Lyn; M CLeod Was'. in Whitbyliast Wednesday to, meet with: management at, Bail Packaging before heading -off to Oshawa, to' speak, to the Durham Busi- ness and Pý rofessional Women's Club Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press at eber Dôw There Wil11 be horse-drawn wgn rides at Heber Down Con- sevtion 'Area in Whitby.on Tuesday, Ang. "18,* startiig, at 6:30 p.m.ý After a ride ($1.75 perperson) visitors can enjoy a bonfire, sgsog and roast marshmal- lows. To 'reach Heber Down: from -Broik St. N., go west -on Taunton Rd W- northon Counfty Lane,' Rd. té t U conservation area,. NEWMRSTORICALFEATURE in the Wi;r tby Fre Press 1.Iji-what Whitby -building.,was, there an unsolved murder that was committed on Dê.11, 1914? 2. In which Whitby church is there amemorial to an English Lord? 3;Whére did Peter Perry build, his store when he settled in Whitby*in 1836?" 4. In what downtown building did Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's f irst Primie Minister, makea political speech? Answêrs 'on Page, 27 7his feature provi ded by« Locil Aarhitnij CMW.UM ilnAâvwoesCom.I*aa. DO YOU HAVE A BROKEN 060 > 9271