WIilBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGU8T 12. 1»9% PAGE 25' NORTHWEST WHITBY -3, ARMOIRE: CIRCA 1800; WESTINGHOUSE 10,000 BTU 8 HP9, 30" NEW, FORD 5-spee 1d GARAGE SALE, -SATURDAVI bedrooms,+ 1, llargefamily roam,' originated ln Denmark. $2,000 or air conditioner, $180 -o.b.o. Also, riding mower. Onie Supermini & August* 15. 10 a.mý. ta 4- p.m. 380 approx. 2;,400 sq. ft. Landiscaped, best offer. Cal 434-5170. 5,000 BTU,. $150 ob.o.- Nintendo X1 Homelite chainsaw. Ladies' Taunton Rd..Y. (Beside *Cullen> fenced .yard. -Close -ta schools, ______________ system, 5 cartridges& Game bicycle. 668-8081. Gardens), Whitby. Tharens shopping, etc. Asking $225,000. Genle, still ln boxes, $280 ob..______>_______ turntable, Panasonic, hand-held Phono 430-6890.- FREEZER, 12 CU. FT., like new, Canyon af Doom raclng *set, used computer, 8-track player, china, $30. Ldis' 0-pee, $5. twiep aid '$125, 'sacrifice $85. DEHUMIDFIR,$4. Dressr crystal, aid records. Bý.ain dete:> _________________ Glass, 2'. x 3', $1' per sheet. Hitachi 'VHS camoorder, 5 mfonths $40. Chrome table with 4 chairs,Sudy PO. 430-1852. old, X64 zoom lens, paid $1300, nlght, table, end table,, dishes, ONAL~~~~~~~~ seil for $1100 firm. 666-0181. bdlntos o' ie ose MOVING: 2 DESKS, 2 waterbds, 2 love seats and chair. Fireplace screen, ladies'. bike, basketball hoop, aquarium, etc. 655-3502. STORAE UMITS *Find your garage or basement fuil? *New-home flot ready on timne? TRY OUR MINI STORE-lT UNITS 1760--1 HWV 401 VICTORIA WATSON STORAGE UNTS- IARBOUR -ST, WIIITBY Fenced Live-in Sec urity, AIl Sizes o Fully Paved 1979 VYAMAHA XS, 400. Runs Weil but' needs' some 'work to certify. Make aân offer. Cal Rab, 668-73w0, after5 p.m. TWO HONDA 125 cc motarcycle Scooters, silver (new), $1250, red like new) $1100. 10-speed-men's Sekine bike, ý75. Phono 430-11659. "'MOTORCYCLE, UNSURANCEýý 683-9725 4.4 INE, RIDGE INSURIANCE 1988 MERCURY SABLE wagon. 8-essenger, ioaded. Very gbod condition. $7.600, certfiîd. Cal 723-5852. '84 LASER TURBO, auto trans, $1.500, ob.a. 668-4289. 1974 NOVA $S e'350. Excelint condition. No - winters, oriInal Calfornia car. Bost affer. Calil Jim> after 6- p.m, Monday..tao Friday, 430-1999.. SNad a cur*WHdftprobm? Lu»e b omn wiynul. onu« 'caM*difrue'. fflnm bri» qUm LEASEINDE AUTO LEASIN 4364837a Jeli 1981 CAMARO, slight body work and catalytic converter needed. Sacrifice $700. 666-1445. 1983 VOLKSWAGEN JTA grey, 5-speed, four-door. Very good condition. ^Must ses to appreciate. Reduced to $2,500 f irmr. 666-5213. 83 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Supreme - V6, 4-daar,,automatic, AMIFM cassette, vinyl roof, Cruisamatlc '& ciock. Needs new transmission & exhaust. $600 0-b-a. 666-4779, after 6 p.m. only. 1979 CUTLASS SUPREME, 2- doar, pawer windows, air con- ditioning. AMIFM cassette. Needs work. $850 or best affer. 666-0181.' DESK, SOUD WALNUT 48- x 201, S8 drawers, solid condition, $80. Solid brický fireplace facing, $85. Couch 3' seater, with wood frame, $30. 430-2075. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. 12-PIECE PLACE SETTING of Rayai Albert, Trillium pattern, chinaware. Alcompleter. parts lncluded. Value $3,000. Will take best off er. 655-3525. "UIKE NEW" - Twin 1987 Citation Ski Doos, electric start, ail injected.,HardlyNever used. $3.500 for p air. 1980 Arctic Cal Lynx. $500. 668-1468 days), (416) 985-9461 (evenings). IBM COMPUTER MODEL 50Z, 1 MB ýRAM, 60 Meg diskç, VGA, mouse, Co-pro, -Ioaded with p!rograms. $1.600 or best 'offer. must selI. (416) 666-9281. MATT RESSES and box springs, at haff price. McKeen F urniture, 524 Simcoe St. S.,, Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. DRUMS FOR SALE - Ludwig, 9-plece, ichrome finish, $800. CalI 666-9626,after,6p.m. FREE TO GOOD HOME, black Iab mix,,maie, -7 months aid. Has ail shots. Please cati 668-5455. BOARD AVAILABLE. New barn and arena. Full facilities. Excellent care. Beautiful area. Lessons, training and, traiboring availablo. 20, minutes north af Whitby. $2001 month. (416) 985-3397. ERROL'S APPUANCE REPAIR Weshers, dryers, f ridg os. stoves, microweves, etc. major- credit cards accepted. 432-7734., Mon.-Sat. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auta insurance because-of age, poor drMvng record- or suspension ai icense? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the oaeto go when your ba.nk says 'O"Serving Whtby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS - Ilst & 2nds ta 95% of value. Alil property types, prime rates. Quick. service and approvals., *CeN CiyCan Financial Corporation, 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickening. oven,- fan. 668-397'5. FRIDGE, STOVE, asking $350. Washer & drer, $300. Portable dishwasher (sits on counter), $125. Bar fridge, askng $125. Phone 430-7450. WASHING MACHINE in- very good condition, runs well. Asking under $50. 728-5207. TrOO LMN lN? WANTfAPIKMP? ordc t lalod#Wspefr htSpea.pt FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality., Mape, beech. Weqll-seasaned. Vey dry. AIl split. Honest measufement. Free delivery. Try the best quality. 416-753-224&. Sewing MachineRepairs AlMakes- Complote Tune-up $39.95 Reconiditioned Sewing.Maéhines from $59.00 TOPUNE SEVWNG CENTRE, 571-1385 400 King St W. Oshawa CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east af Orano, 4th Concession lino, 7 km. east, of Hwy. 35/115. $I.easanal campg raund. Beautiful., $887 (1992-93). 1-416-786-2562. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA -3 bedraom,, fuily furnishedi, air conditioned homes'. Paols, hat tubs, beéaches, attractions. Child- ren welcome. Less than, mateL $275 wveekly. Photo. 683-5503. PORCELAIN DOLL CLASSES jbeginning Sept. '8, Tue sday.,& Thursday. nights, 7:301ta 9:30 p. $50/10 classes, plus supplies.' New q!reenware available, ,Marhia, Tippy, Shay, Nicholas. Phone. Denise after 6 p.mf. 432-7900. STAINED GLASS COURSES beginfning September. Sundance Glass- Studio. Cali for details. 430-1727. CALL'A PRO! -' FOR WIEN IFE BRINGS YOU A SIIOCK OR TWO! - .Jst check theCaLA PROseMton andilà tthe pos dothjob! You eon compae and choesefrhm the seMvces youlfind thee« YARD SALE. 701 Hylland St. (20 fI. off Gardo n St., south of Hwy. 2). Lots of household.furniture. GARAGE SALE. 416 John Street West. Saturday, August 15, .9:00 a.m. ta 2:00 p.m. SPAt4KY's Property Maintenance . Resldoential and Commercial. Lawncutting -ta .-general -mainten- ance. Garbee disp~osai service. Qdd lobs. Seniors' discounts. Jlm,ý TREES FOR SALE. Buy direct from a grower. Maples, locusts, 0as birch & Colorado spruco.. Delivery & installation available. From $49 ta $199. CeNl Willowgrove Nursery, 655-8553. Ianandi garden service government Iioensed professionals speciaing in property maintenance tree anid shrub pruning, landscaping FREE ESTIMATES 434-.9428 623-9711 SELLIýNG?,' BUYING?9' STARTI1NGýQ VOUR OWN BUSINESSD The classif ied pages gives you all this -and more.. Savinig and making money is wvhat we're ail, about! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-61111 i ~ .. ; .......... RETAIL SPACE FOR'LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 -am. ta 5 p.m. ............................ . M- MSý 1