PAGE 24, VWMTBPMREPRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUT 12,1992 SAIT TERSA.Wakln d DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my PORT, WHITBY- Nice, ceaé tance. Al ages welcome. Reason- able rates. Childproof home home; Palmerston Public Sohool one-bedroomn apartIments available fenced ,ýyard, f irst aid.. Flexibl area. Before' & atter sohool 'Sept. 1 and Oct. 1..$575 monthly, hous fr siftwoker. Rceltswelcome. Phone 666-2172. ail inclusive. Apply at. 110 Victoria and references. 668-5464.1 St. W., Apt. 5.666-0271. -Perry Hou se Day Careé Centre Ltd. 1Z9 Perry'St.,Whltby 668-9476 QUAUTY DAY CARE ln loving home for chIldren attending.St. MatheW's or, Ormiston Scois. Befreatter achool. Also, hot, nutritiaus lunches provided. 668-8302. EXCELLENT QUAUTY day care ln a sale, happy environment, prvided .bW a caring 'mother of 2, wth previaus nursing background. Lots of indoor & outdoor activities, integrated into a stimulating learning- proga.Nutrtiusmreals & snacks. Park & achool* within 3 blocks. References available. 666-2242. A-B-Os AND 1-2-3s. Lots, of gygles and dirty knees. Let My references be your peace of mmnd. Oel now for September. West Lynde area, -minutes from schools. 2 years, & up. Lisa, 668-0054. LOVINO DAY CARE provided by former pediatrlc nurse/asslstant. in large, sale play ares. Park across street. Closeý to sohools, ibrary, etc. Fully ,baby-equped. Falingbrook/Bassett area%,nWlb. Please phone 430-3563., DAY CARE AVAÃLABLE ln my home. Safety, fresh. air, lots of toys, dally outIngs. References. Ages 2 to 5. Anderson/LofthouSe. 668-7025. WEST LYNDE MOTHER of one would love to babsn y aur child in my home. AvaiabIe fuit-timne. J udy, 430-8670. BABYSITTER REQUIRED- for two girls, ages 7 & 9, before and aff or school -Garde/Dunfdas. Ideai for high scho student. 430-7853. SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES availabie et Bon Voyage Motel. At HWyl12 & 7, 2km north of Brookiin. Gall 655-5308. LARGE BASEMENT ROOMI bachelor - kitchenette, sink & stool., Large storege area. Share shower- & launiry. -' Non-smoking, female pref erred. $,400. 430-3366. GENTLEMAN, non-smoker, furnishêd bedlsitting room. Own bathroom. Availabie Sept. 1. Please evemessage on tape, 666-5149. WHITBY, FURNISH ED ROOM, ceble, leundy, share bath. Kitchen Prive!leges. F/room. Quiet, working maie. $90/week. 666-1618. e mpete Bats.r*o Renov*IL*fionsU buying fo r qlion orwrs Wher ceree Povre os. 668-0594 e !uIIIllln 'ors ing yofllIlullhIIaIrNIIli LANQSCAPING i by Ln UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1 980- Ouy Gniio n & proess 1naDesgn jinteorlckng Brick Drivs, Patios, Walks à *Retaining WaIIs .od Fending .WoodOoecks E Fre Corrplitvegetmales 666-9690 Demëk DutkS Specializlng in tex & retirement planning sirie 1986 CALL 434-6119' FOR AN APPOINTMENT. UJNIQUE, l" 112 BEDROOM artnaval0be ept. 1. InclIudes fridge, 'stove, air cnd., and ng for two.Hait price for f irst month. 430-2075. APARTMENT - 3-bedroom& den. No pets. Street parking. Toronto pager #379-7082, Whltby CENTRALLY LOCATED in quiet residential area, of Whitby. Minutes from shopping, schools, ibrary and buses. Two-bedroom apartment in* newly redecorated triplex. $678/monthly, plus hydro. Phone 723-1386. OSHAWA - MARYIADELAIDE. Exceptional, dlean, quiet triplex. Large, main floor, one-bedroomf apartment available Sept. . '1. Includes utilities, parking, cable. Separate entrance. $650. First & last. 721-0919. WHITBY ý- SPACIOUS* 3-bedroom apartment on main loor of house. lm quiet residential. area. Includles frdge, stove & laundry facilities. Avilable Sept'.-t .$795 per month. Calil 668-3011 (messae) or 666-3883 eves. & weekendis. I-BEDROOM APARTMENT available downtown WVhtby. $598 per month. Includes hydro, heat. & water.- Available August 't Also Irîcludles frldge& stove. Please cail 728-9679. Active Carpet_&Tlle mnc. Commercial and Residentiai Sales Cus!om Installations 576-7847, FAX 576-7029 - 843 King St. W.,.Oshawa Just West of Thomton <Sa6uth Side oflng Greenood Gardening &, Maintenance ( -LAWN MAINTENANCE - tREE ESTIMATES -RESIDENTIAL. à COMMERCIALJ LANOSCAPING * TRIMMING Caîl us how amd Save up to 10Mo on your sea*sonal graus c'uttlng contmact. (416) 7219496' PICKERUNG SPAClO.U<S 3-BEDROOM APARTMVENTS 4 applian'ces *close to GO. transit, Pickering Town ýCentreý, Immregiateýoccvpancy FROM $795 PER MONTH. Cali 420-6305/635-2919. or visit renhtai office at 1480 Pickering Parkway, #1 10, Under'new managemen1t NORTH WHITBY 1BRAND NEW bright, .2-bedroom asmet Separate entrance,",4.pce.- bath. Close' to transit. No 'smoking. Backyard. Utiities-& cableInlu- ded'. Availabie Sept. 1. $725/month.- Jeff 'or Robin, 430-1972. BACHELOR APT. in beautiful country setting. 8. miles south of Uxbridge. Private entrance and bathroom, combaination bedromlliing rom.%Il furnished. Cali after 7:00 p.m. 649-'3725. WI4ITBY BEDROOM brick bu a",low* In quiet established nelo bo.urhood. lncludés fridge, stove,.washer, dryeri hardwood, carpt, ndblinda. With 'fully finished basement and' 3 piece bath. Fenced,,yard. No pets.'$1.045 plus ùtilitle. s. . ýEvans, 655-3047. BROOKUN - CENTURY HOME, Ca ood" location. 3" bedroomaé, 2 ha, 5 appliances, garage. Lare lot. $1,100/month-+ý utilities. Refer- ences required. 655-4305. MAIN FLOOR, 0FHOUSE -3 bedrooms, broadloomr,,backyard& deck..Stree't >aklng. No ,smokers, po pes.Toronto p- ager #379-7082, Whtby #430-78e2. WHITBY - SHARE spaclous new home wlth'one or two, others. No, pets. Non-smoker. First' & lest. $450/month, everything. included.' 666-8590., CROSS-CANADA MARKETPLACE>' 1 T1 FAST- UTS EASYI ONE CAIL, ONE BiLL DOES*IT ALL. . COMING EVENTS HAVÈLOCK COUNTRY JAMBOREE PARTY wilh Ronie Hawkins, Good Brothers. Ma Wisemian. Jfrn. Jesse. Adt& Porme. Tony Sumsiom,ý Aug. 14. 15. 16, 705-778-3353 days.,705-778-5206 nights. MAJOR DOULTON. MOORECROFT, MARTINWARE. Hummel Dsptay end Sais. Fnit Canadien showin~ International dears. Bingeman Parlk Corvention Hr ilichner A . 21, 22. 23.information 519469-3786, 604.535-184Fax: 604.5350652. ST. JACOBS CRAFT SHO1W AND SALE: Ssturdsy. Augusi 22. 9cm.- Spot; Sunday. Auguit 23. 10cm - 5prn. Aduits 82.50. Aron& fuit of cratt St. Jacoba Aron., foiow Hwy. 80, north of gichaner.Watarioo. CAREER TRA ININÃ" LEARN AUCTIONEERIN o it the Southwestern Schoot of Auctlonuering. Naît Close: Nov. 21.27. Information, contact: Soutrwestamn Ontario School'of Auctkwn.ring. R.R. 055. Woodîiock, Ontario, N4S 7VO (519) 537.2 11~ TRIUCI< DRIVER Ironig AZ end DZ courses. sFio air braki; dangerous goode. defensive drIvIng, 1o book and border crossing. Rodgers Schoot. bOnarto'e aidait.Cai 1 -100668-003t, PERSONALS Ladias ln Orient sait correspondance w/ingie r ti^emen. THE FRIENDSHIP OFFCE Box 5246 Stn. ,Caigr% Aibeta 12H 1XS. WOULD YOU LIiCE 10 correspond with uncttcchsd Christian people acros Canada: Ait denoninations eil'nstionalitîea, for companionship or'mariaga? Asiigrovs. P.O. Box 205,Choe,. B.C.. V08 I MO. FOR SALE WHOLESALE.PRtCED croit supplies: baskets, faces, florst, etc. Over 2000 stock I toms. Fre* catait-ogue. Coli,403) 652-1516. Crymbi CroIts, f or maiing Infomation., INVISIBLE FENCING The original and proven dog ccntinrnent syctam. Over 150000 doge stand behtnd Invisible Fencîng. Indoor-ond outdoor systama. Guarsnieed. 14300661-6286. EMPLOYMEÈNT OPPORTUNITIES WE NEED A MORTGAGE DROKER or moiasiaste brokr to oct ce ortggeagent IntIIsres. Cafl Iniransicon Financtot Group 1.600.26861429*sà k foi ARE YOU bstweenlthe egos 0f 19.30? Enjoy travelling end fsrm tifs? Conat the intematIoNIa A d lutural Exchange Association, 150t'- 17 Ave. S.W.,. Caigary. AB, -T2T 082. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OOVERNMENT SEIZECYSURPLUS VEHICLF.S U.S. end Canadien iow os8$100. BMWa. Caditacu, Choya, Fords.,Mrcedes. Porichos, trucks, vans. Amézing BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programe (Fedeao & Provincil) for your new or ssisting esioNbusiness. Infomation 514) 937-2422 ext. 98. EDUCA11ON AL OPPORTUNITIES L0G BUIL.DING CAREER. Pot Wofe Log Buiding Schoof careor courses boginntng Septomber 21 et, Tonwsek 82200. four-woM $1100. one-week $350, 613-2534631 OlItlami ro. > MORTGAGE MONEV FOR HOMEOWNERS. Psy Off Bis, Cradit-Cordai Stant New Business. Exemple:, Borrow $10.000, Repoy 8100.00' Monthty.,No Ouaiifying Haisses. Intransicon Financial Tol-Freel- 800.268.1429. HELPWANTED- Wneed Ioutooileyà gfts forC«& MGifc. No" NVE-S.rT D E IVERIES, no collectionCatii PRESSMAN, FOUR VEARIS' ccd or béat set web eriance, for position on hoastset wsb Windsor orna, aon resurna trn confidence, Box 1150, WVIndsor N9A A DREAI CAREER. SuccesssMuissai. wfimiwith c prvntreck record oeeok 2 approved lndvida to se tcertal astsbilshed stores ln your smo. Expeci Io eam ca minimum of $950 1Io81500 waekiy. trainirng Wrovidad. n diitsales. arous ioplicants oniy, SBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FISHING TACI<LE. Autà oted equtpmant 10 manufacture Iesd producis crilfoating jighecd. Includes finished goods. work, in progros sndrow moteriste. Fari 807-274-2432 for fulr rinformalon.' EXTRA INCOMEI 0mow baitworms lni your baiement orgoroge. Odorloes opeaslon. Low Inveolmnent. Market guarenisadi Fr.. informatIon. Eorly BIrd Ecoiogy. R.R.01, Snithviiie, Ontario,, LOR ý2A0. (416) 643-4252. _____ STEEL BUILDINGS'- B3EST BUILDING PRICES- Sioed Strsitwaii Type - not quonsot . ý32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10,276; SOx9O 915.882; 50x126 822,972 . other sizes ovolabto,.. Final ,unwer ciersnce - Paragon -24.I-tours .1. b00-263-8499. THE BEST BILDING OPPORTUNIT-Y 0FTHE VEAR, DONT MISS ITI Many typee and suzes. LARGE. SAVINGS on prs.sîzied ciârigtitwcils. Exemples3Ox45S5S,764. 40 x 90 $13.999. Buy fromn ONTARIO ,MANUFACTURER DIRECT sand save .... CaiiBUILDINGS 'R'US'1-8004685422. STEEL BUILDING S WhysalUefor second boit *hon you con buy the vary >beit for lhé soin monoy. Foroun your txddng ned, caltI FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS< A-Z PRE-ENO. BUILDINGS INO. Purin, storog. Commercial. Industriel. New types, stolwood. quanset. ciadi . For .tnevolu, oction &, snswrs. Wsily<416) 626-1794 FR88 brochures.CIp.savo MUSIC 140W TO PLY POPULAR PIANO. Nowhcme shiu coures. Fat. easy rnethod.,Gueranteedi FR E Information. Write: Poputar Musia, Studio (SA)& 103- 1054 891.s. Keîowns. 9.C. VIY iZI 1 -8-6674050 Extension 770. MISCELLANEOUS A LEGACY-0F LITERATURE FOR YOUR CHILOREN, -for fras Information. send etfddracsed *Wnped envelope: MRP Educationol Consultant, Box2303, Walksrvilte, Ontario NSY 4S2. 4-BDROM REAL ESTATE' 4EROMCOTTAGE. Idéal hunting. fishing. moocer deor. speciried trort. 165 acres, 40 mites f ram el SI&. Marie, Ontao. Cati 705-254-5588 or 705. 750-M6. Your ad couîd appoar ln communIty n.wspapera in Ontarlo,,or rght acros Canada, I Ilor any IndIvIduatProvince. Spaco ls Llmited, so Caîl This Nawspaper Todayî BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSSCANADA MARKETPLACE"@ To meach a wider mar*el, advefise thioughot 1the ogà onial m.m.berhip oflthe 1 Ontarfo anCanadian Community Nwspap.rAssocios." Cotrai. Ontario 55 nespaprs- $160 for 25 Words - M OnWiarro171 newspapers . Ofor 25words nAit Canada 572 naî pprs - $974 for 25"irods i For further InformnatIon please caîl the Whitby Free Poess Cîassîfîeds - 668-594 --Speciaiizing in -Early Chiidhood Education. For Poaceof <Mnd. HOUSE/PET SflT~NG LICENSED * BONDED*INSURED II-Aveyourrzes athôme -- Wihus. u CUTUWWTC EM1 1 .1 - - UN Financial oricept Group -3 a