PAGE 6, <WIUTYPRJEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1992 The only Whitby Newspaper o wned and. operated by hity rsidntsfor Whitby resident!1 Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N,., Whitby, Ontarlo LIN 5S1 Phone 668-61111: Toronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Anderson --P u bli s her Maurice Pilier -Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class, Postal Regist-ration #05351 'i Tirne A SummerContest of Architectural 'Identification Each weecç the Whitby Free Press will publish a pictuoe of an a Cùrchtcurld iWhilby (including Brooklin, Ashbum and Myrtle). A dra will bema de fromthe oerrect eà iies.he'winne's name and die' corretidentificaiionwiâibepublidin thenext week's Fre e Press. IfU oucan identify ths picture, submit this eIntry"ta the. WhtyFréeePrcs, 131 Brock StreetNý,WbilbyLUN 5S 1 T innrwllkseecenext Tuesday at 10:0 a.m LOCATION.' Naine Address ýý Phone Number- *320 St. John Street West st. Mihacis aWdmiath in daNown nToionto. LAST WYEEK'SVWINNER Ruth Anti Palmeér Nen weWks prmzdonacby Bras Ddgb1s. To the Editor: Copy .of."letter to EclWards.",- Mayor. Tom Dear Mr. Edwards: ft 'hascorne to my attention that the Town of .Whitby has denied the AIDS Commitee of Durham the opportun t tar ais. ud a h Hideaway bingo hall.fnsa h The g rounds cited were that since t h e AIDS Committee of Durham n maintains offices in Oshaw ,thoy -do* .nat ,qualify. Surelyan, organization which serves; the entire réglon would be welcoms to conduct f undraising in <ourtown? ' Itsounds' taI me like a thinly vs'lsëd" attempt ta avoid controvsrsy. hseme in the sleepy Town -ofWhltby that HIV/AIDS ls still a politicalhot potato. lnstead of denying this, organization access ta fundrlsngý, we, shoulId be faing over. ourselves, ln an, effort ta ensure the AIDS Commttee's survival,: and aiiyto provide qualKy service. Sadly, t he need ; for' AIDS CaMmittees in every community is growing steadilly., This disease .makes ,itswayé nto our lives and Into, the ,familles,'who -are our neighbou'rs. The 'not, ln my backyard'. stance that the1 Town of Whitbyý has taken (bI eniglh committee use of the- bnino alli)eis flot only niaive, but R is oneG which could 'prove regrettable. Perhaps this matter could bear, reconsidieration. ' The AIDS Committes stands to lose one of its funding sources if h 'does flot raise $6,000 by October. Or, maybe, the Town would Ulke to make a corporate donation? - KsaryF. Grace Whltby P.S. Note that the,1 AIDS Committee of -Durhamapears on page 115 of the WhityCmmunity Services Directory. TaI1k about wa ste To the Editor: Recent headlines made much of the expense of Quee9n's Park MVPPs' use of accommodation close to the Legislature and the use of an OPP -helicopter by the Premier. For the benefit of your readersI1 list the foliowlng waste of Ontario. taxpayers' dollars by.the dynasty that rulèd this province for 42 years: o$600 million -for oýne-fourth lntsrest ln* Sun Oit' Co. .(since. a fraction of its value);, *$0million ta croatea luxury lodgs Ir! the,,..wilderness near Kge'nora (Manaki Ladge) sold to ýa United States' buyer for $3 million' when nobody could afford ta go there;' *$35 million, for ýan" experi- B RETVan Pelt,ý with the heîp of Janet Bro w n, took' advantage of a rare ýbit of.' sunshine ta try. out playground equipment at'Heydenshoreè Park recently. ,Pooby MSk Reesor, Whhby Pro. Pre8s mental complex in, Germany for rai transit-, systemrs,,. (dropped sudidelnly with no explanation); dolar figure ever releaseci on the cost, of sending hundreds of OPP, off icers to, an" electrical camponients- -plant. near London, Ont. -t Intimidate female -emploype on a legai strike (Rocdk Manufacturing) - < this :good corporate citizen emptled the plant with transports in the middleaf the night andI fled to Mexicoassoon as the free t'rade deai-came Into effeoct; In a so'-called austerity- move, the heatth minister at týheýtimie <Kelth Norton)» closed about 14 hospitals ln- small tawns acrass' Ontario, putting an'added strain on larger centres (flot ýýta mention travel 5xp5fl o0f' alling Ontarians Wha had to drive 50 miles or more in some cases). There was much mare, but they must have gone out in the blue box -Icannat find themf... Jlm McLoan Ajax No more.,flags. To the. Edltor: l'd welcome youar help in explalning that 1 d not have an Canadian flags for free disribution ta residents af 'Durham canstituenc'-y. là nthe past coU'lof weks,, my consituncy. hasbeen deluged -wlth flag- requsts. Apparently some news media spread. the message that anyane wanting.,a. Canadian flag could phan the MP and ask for on. Whils that might be a nice idea, it J ust -lsn't:so. Each, year, the govemment provides every MP wit h 75 f lags - 3-f.b6ft. "and sultaN. for use an ,an outdoar flagpole; "In m case, about haf of tihese are committed -annually ta .local groups and organizatians . For =examplei, ans Canadian -Leglan brnhfiles a flag at eoch of-the several communfty war- memrorlals ,n its area. 891 PAGE> i '~ 1' soth edo.. Naive' attitude