-WH1TY FREE PRESSWEDNESDAY, ÀÙGtJTri,19912, PAGE a Seual assault charg laid A doctor at the Whitby Uqrgent Care Clinic was arrestedFriday after, a patient alleged she was teuched înappropriately. Police eay a 28-year-old .Whitbyý women wenit te, the clinic April 5 ýand later ýcomplained about tle treatment she rocei- yod.< police inestigtated, and arrosl.'-* ted Dr.,,JeMfey IPereria, 34e,-of Brampto. ,,He's -been chargod with soexual assault and will appoar in .Whitby provincial cutop.4. A taste oqfti&e gract outdor Memorable boat t np for Whitby couple, AALTER LOTHIAN answers questions from Dorothy Handley-, who's trying to figure out, just who she's supposed to be in one of the games at the WhRby Seniors' AcifyCentreps rement Picnic in. the Park, held at Heydnshre avion. Photo by Mark Reosor, Whltby Free Pross A retired Whitby couple weren't. expectinig that .an out- door, overnight .«a dvonture' in Canada'sNorthwe'stTerritories would be part of their five-week tour. 1 I the middle of their recent tour, Ruth and Keith Middleten had'flown from Yellowknife te Inuvik, andwere te- take a three- hour boat trip on, the Mackenzie River te ýthe smail Inuit settle- ment of Aklavik. They -and three other touriste were te briefly 'tour the com- munity, have lunch and thon return tebinuvik the sanie day. They didn't evon make it te Aklavik. It was the first such trip by the boat s two operators, and on the wide Mackenzie River, with its numerous islande and chang- ingjandscape, they got lest. They plannod -te refuel at AIclavik, but since they got baot on what- Ruth' calîs the <'labyrinth» o f th e river, the out- boaîr engine ,ran p..oà ut. ,of gas. ýWhat's wre, here was _no radio aord. But the operaters, said -thatý Search and 'Rescue. would be notified .when .the :boat party didn't return, by theiroected 6 p.m. araI tfime.,But. Search and, Rescue is based-in, Edmon-, ton, ise they were.toldte expect a long ait.. èW. eren't 'panicky, -but a bit approhnsive,» says.Ruthi. - ,- eh boat was, pulled .'up on one of the 'small islands - «ýW. :.couldn'tsit.on the ,ground,ý it -was,, always iwet, -mushy, îmucky.» Thé weather ' was warm ýdurig' the day, and cool at* night, if you, could caîl it-night -- tIi. sun didn't go down at alI in this far north location.The're were mos- quitoes, but theèy, ýweren ' too bothersomesasRuth. Life jackets wereý hung in trees SO the stranded seêven could bho detected, and'a fire was made frompussy wiîlows. Lunch, at 7:30 p.m., consisted of caibo)u hamburs- what was tobeîlunch at .laivik --. and later' the,'seven -a*ttemà ptod te Qdid't sloopmýuchw.say Ruth of their stay" at what theyi called the 'Delta Iinl At 2:15 a.m., a rescue plane located the party. A messageà was. sent and another.boat, it lots of gas, was dispatchedte rescue the sovon. The Middletene arrived'at In- uvik- at 8:30 a.m. -- lmost 15 hours 4éyond their oxpectod returu tieand just minutes beïfore their buswas scheduledi té beave for theirneit .destinatio. Itwas realy an adventuro...ît could have been far. woree,»1 says Ruth of the oveérnight ca éot ý,he sad the bgt ide back te Iuvikinlu e lety of jokes told by-the reéliovod touriste. As.,for -the',firsttime 'boat oprtr,«They juet' wainted'te die ý-(of embarrasment)," says Ruth. I CHILDREN from Kids Campus Day Care Rachael SmaiI heip Eva MoDougali (Ieft). .vislted Falrylew Lodge Friday for a bingo and Alexandria Kasprzak check their I game and party. (Above) Fairview resident cards. j Photo by mark Reesor. Whltbv Fr00 Prou Local res idents jin MS bike tou Whitby rosidents will be aznong the participants i the Noranda Foreait Multiple Scioro- is 150 Biko Tour ini the Peter- boroug area Aug. 22-23. It is the tiret time the MS Society wil hold a tour in the Peterborouah area. A tour will also b. lield in Brampton Aug. 15-16. As Of last weelc, there were 375 ri ders reg istered for the Peter- borough four, with as many as, 500 ridera expected. The MS Society welcomes volunteer help for the evont. They ostimate 200 volunteers will ho needed :te help with the fundraieing event.. The Peterborough route han been designed for more oxperien- ce yliste. The tour begins a the Orono f a'-unds, and cyci- *sts travel te Tiont University i Peterborough for an overnight stay on campus at itudent rosi- ROTR I dences. ThIe next day, cycliste return te Orono for a barbecue wrap-up party. Ainyone volunteering will receivo training lunh, refresh- monts, a Bike Tour T-shirt and an invitation te the Saturday eveningdinner/dance. Last yearls Toronto MS 150 Bike Tour attracted 1,300 cycl- iste, and $800,000 was rais»ed -for MS roeaârch and service Pro- granis. For mOre, information, cali.1- 800-268-7582. DO YOU HAVE A* BROKEN SPRING "WATER ORI DUSTILLED DURHAM BEVERAGE' GROUP 1l Stanley Crt. Unit i'l (Next To WheeIiee), 666-9271, 1331 04 71 07 il