Whitby Free Press, 5 Aug 1992, p. 18

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PAGE18,*XrM4msernmcsS.' DNESAY.IUGUBt49 P2' Memers cfthe . Durhuam Envfronmntal Notwork -,(DEN) are prep.r-lnga ra, Guide, Waae R din and RomhWlng booklet whlcli wMieh maeavaliable to householda within the. region. The purpou, le to promote an envlronmental awareness cf tbe need to reduce, ieuo. and recyle. Information wil be provlded on4 compOstn' lentvs t iou:'od aadoswat;and the. locations of rentairpar r-euse.andrecycng centres. To date, fizndng fort« iect bas been receved fm ottCanada,, Tkst' and tii. Regfion cf 'Durham. fDEN lu alec conidering uellng lirnlted advertiaing opace for businesse witii eltiier'an environmentally friendly préduct or serviet offer. To discues placing an advrtsemntorare interesed, in md srosi.eU420-2612., you avsny sugpeLons or ,kno of ny ompames within the regln that should b. ited in tbié guidee aU 420-5625. . LEG... AL ... ...i .......... CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY EXPLANATORY NOTE SETTLEMENT HEARING REGARDING ZONIýNG BY-LAW NO. 2957-91 By-lw No.127-92 was pasdb &htyTown Counci on Januar 2191adamends Zonig y-a N. 65 to place the residentia Harbour laie lands at the south end cf Brock Street South,, Whitby in a hcoiong zone and to zone the nakad and open space areas of the development The Mnlaty cfMunicipal Affaira fled a Notice of Appeal againstBy-law No. 2957-91. The pmrpose of the Settiement Hearnnp s to consider the settiement of the Notuce of Appeal fied b te= uns:rfMncia far apanatq ByMa o. 2957-91. The atemnwllincueeinrdtonf moiiations to the By-Iaw whlch would expand the Open Space OS' zone in order to Incorprate a pr and public waikway along the full waterfront of the. subect landga and would re"ce the overali unit potentlalsfrom'a maximum of 830 dwelling units to 734 dwelling units. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario IN THE MATTER 0F Section 34(18) of the Planning.Act'l1983 AND* IN THE MAlTER 0F appeais by the Ministry cf Municipal A if araand< othera against Zoning By-law 2957-91 of the Corporation cf the Town of Whitby NOTICIÉ OF SETrLEMENT HEARING The Ontario Municipal Board requires your attendance at an informal setlement hearing respecting this matter. ibis hearing willIlast approximately one nbour The setlement hearing wilI be held, for t he purposes of reviewing al cf the Issues and problems. The appeal may be .completely resolved, however, in the event that no one appeara in opposition to the By-law, the Board will not automatically dismias tue appeal(s). Al parties should attend prepared te submit evidencé te be heard in favour or againatt he application as required by Section 34 of the, PlanningActL If tla found that a formai hearing la required, the Board will determine the amount cf time needed, thée Issues outstanding -and the notice required. TIME AND PLACE 0F SEUTLEMENT HEARING: AT: Counicil Chambers Regional Headquartera Building Whtby, Ontario ON: Thursdy, the lOth day of September, 1992 AT: 900 o'clock (local time) In the frenoon WARNING: If you do not attend the settlement heaning, be advised that the Ontario Municipal Board may proceed I your absence. You wiIl not be entitied tho anyfuither notice of these procedings and an order may Issue whiclu may affect you. If you wish te participate but are unable Io attend on thia date, you should enure that a represerutative who la authonized b y you te present your evidenice andi submissions attends on yaur behaif.» If any peraon requires assistance or information regarding the seulement hearing or other Board heanng, please contact die Ontanio Municipa Board at 180 Dundas Street lest, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1lES. Telephone (416).598-2266; Fax (416) 979-8808. Dated et Toronto this 101h day cf July, 1992. Pour obtenir cet avis en francais. communiquer avec le.secretaire de la Commnission au (416) 598-2266. DIANA MACRI SECRETARY PR E-PAID WORD ADS (Cash,, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390 GST) - 150 each additional word; (140 + 10GST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.,00 for 20' words;- PLUS GST, 150 each additio»nal word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 89o per agate line (14 agate line s per inch) minimum charge:- $6.00 prepaid, 1$7.50 billed TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PASSUNG 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that due Council of due Corporation cf the Town cf Wnitbypased Bylaw No. 3178-92 on de11 a fJl,19 une beton 34 cf due Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, .P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any peacn or age myapal te due Ontario Municipal Board in respect of due By-Iaw by ling'widUdue Cierk cf the Corpration of due Town of Whitby net later than due 251h day cf Auust 1992 a notice cf appeal setting out due objection te due By-law th de reasons in support cf the objection. The purpose andeffect of By-Iaw No. 3178-92-la te amend Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784 te establish violation and penalty provisions for p ersona and corporations convicted cf conti'avening theéroisions cf du Zoning By-law consistent with duese provided in the Planning Act The amendiment essentially increases due amount cf fine te which a person eud bu hiable te, a maximum cf $25,000.00 on a first convictioand a maximum cf $10,000.00 for each subsequent con- viction and for a corporation, a maximum of $50,000.00 on a firat conviction and a maximum $25,000.0O for each subsequent conviction.. A key map showing due'location of due lands affected.by By-Iaw No. 3178-92 la not necessarysince the By-law changes the text of Zoning By-law No. 1784 and wilaffect aIl lands throughcut the Municipalit. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT <668-5803). DATED AT WHITBY THIS 5TH DAY 0F AUGUST, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 CORPORATION 0F THE DUSPLAY'ADS UN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphios) Regular îdisplay rates apply - 94ý per agate une. Minimum size 1 columfn inch $13.16 CONTINUOUSN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99'» PER CQLUMVN INCH. GSTis extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DEADINNE Monday noon prior to-Wednesday publicçation. 668-0594 Please check your advertisement for errera on due firatday cof publication. The Whitby- Free Pres will not be hiable for' ' failure te publish an -ad, orý for typographic errera in. publication, beyond the cost of the space eoccupied by -the errer up te a maximum coat of the insertion. The Whitby Free, Pres reserves the rnght toeclassify or reject ail advertisements. a.CORPORATIONOFTH >T0WN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOMïIE that the Council of the Corporation cf the Town cf Whiby assd yIaw No. 3177-92 on the 131h day cf July, 1992, under S=en34of he Planning Act~ R.S.O. 1990,0 . P. 13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or aec may appea[totee Ontario Municipal Board in respect cf the B lz ing witiu the Cierk of the Corpration cf the Town of Whitby.not Sler than the 25th day of August~ 1992 a notice cf appeal setting ont the objection te the By-law and the reasons in support cf the objection. Thepurpose and effeot of By4-aw. No. 3177-92 la te amend Zoning By4a No.2585te establush violation. and penalty provisions for pemsons and corporations convicted cf contravenlng the provisions cf the Zorung By-awconsisttwith those provided n'due Plannin Act The amendaient essentially mocreases the amount of fine te whlch. a Pemon could be lhable te a maximum cf $25,000.00 on a firat onviction and a maximum of $10.000.00 for each subsequent con- viction and for a corporation a maximum of $W0O00.00, on a firat conviction and a maximum $25,000.00 for each subsequent conviction. Akympshowing the location of the lands fece by By-law No. 3177-92isànot necessavy since Mh By-Iaw changes due text cf Zonlng By-law No. 2585 andwAll affect ail lands throughout the Munipality. FURTiIER INFORMATIO REGARDING TIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED 5VB CONTACTING THE TOWN'5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (68-5803). DATED AT WHITBY THIS STH DAY 0F AUGUST, 1992.' DONALD G. McIAY CLERK 0F THIE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 44 Y- a- -- m j.

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