WALKOUT BASEMENTI For Only $198,8001 Open concept In famlly room and kitchen. Shows Ilke a-,, perfecdt"10". 3 bdrms., centralair. Pleasecai Rosemnary Brown 433-2121/66843504. Hall of 'Fame, Centurion'- 1987t , i1988, 1989, 1990, 1991M AOU A BAD YEAR FOR,,REAL ESTATE? 1 ýHAVE'SOLD. 52 HOMES THIS YEAR MY RECENT SALES...' -1 *715Clarence -12 Days .1191 Augsa -22 Days e63Greenbush-l4 Days 1l461lOHara - 28 Days *42 Waywell' 9,D'ys .171',Meadow -52 Days * 63 SgarMape -0 ays s 704 Gibb - 61 Days. *,RR#1 Milbrook - 107 clays The old adage that,20%/c of the salespeople seil 80% cf the prodluct'seems to stili hold true. RESULTS .FOR:VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS ARE JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY- 43,3-2121EU ASK FOR, ROSEMARY ______R I * -I Mndrew Woc£id A RARE FIND - BROOKLIN, 4bedroomn famfi'ly home on 1l.25 acres with'trees 'and a spring fed pond: 200 amp service, hi-efficiency furnace, 2 bahromsrefinished kit. *cupboards, somne new Windows, redecorated throughout. OnIy $1 69,900. ANDREWWOOD, 436-18009, 655-3169. 44ntdrew q./00o( BFROOKLIN BEAUTY, ON COUNTRY, SIZED LOT 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen with walk-out to covered deck, new Windows and exterior doors, rea rm' with airtight stove, hi-efficiency furnace. New fenced yard. Qn)ly $,156,900. >ANDREW WOOD. 436-1800, 655-3169. GREAT VALUE - $1 49,900.' North-west Whitbyý location. 3 bedroom bungalow. Large. eat-in kitchen. Finished basement with 3-piece bathrom, rec.room and extra bedroôm. BLAIR BUCHANAN9.436-1800. THE FORM ER Cadbury- plant.,on Chamnplain AVe. haé been va'cantfor' almost five yeýars, but that' boutto change. Du-'ûrham :C ollege ii buying the former' chocolate plant and Newsite" of skillsi PROM PAGE 1 The province is toaspend $62.9 million in a variety of projee>ts for aine universities and colleges as paârt of the' first phase of a 11v *ar $2.9 billion capital pro- .gram, ta, support jobs and econo- ,mie restru'cturing promote com- munity and, social progress, and, préserve the environment . « The entire sIlls training pro- gram will, ho relocated ta, theý plant, approximately 145,000 square foot, which wiIl ho knoýWn as t he D urham Region Skills Tkaining Centre. An area in the new centre for' autamated manfcuig wva rovide manufacting ecno o(yprograras using te latest tehology, including .omputer-, aided desîun and roéotica The exnsting kills training area at the ýINege may be rono- vated for use as additional cîas- rooms. William Neilson Ltd. bought the plant from million rla 187 later An, the J equipment toaa renovating it to bouse its skills tra iliIlg program. The existing. skiIIs trainingarea at the college wiliI be used for'additiônal class- room space. Photo by Mà k Rootsor, WhItbv Fr0. Pre" tain ing progra LCadburyfor $6.5 ýAbout 400 jobs were lost at the, and ten closed it time of closure as William Néil- ye, movinig the son ý:Ltd., wanted. ta streamline plant in Toronto. operationas. 40 Caada',125 0 medais'for Ontiaorjoridingý A commemorative modal will .mark, the 125th ônxesr f' the Confederation :ef anda Forty of the medals wll.be, awarded ao deseringOntario ridingreident. Te medals âre expected ýte b. delivered between Sept. -i -1and' 120 AYS CARGE A*ORDBE: eHL AYE IWIA.BM SRAGE. ePROPtC CONTAINERSERVCE ELECTRONICS I-ANDUNG SPECIALISTS À ýmMo v1n g Systéems Buüs: ýOshawa (416) 728.1603, Nobody ects ýOur Wins mild, medium,, hot orho'ney.garlic" Which ever way you ýlike themn. and rnîow-. Nobody ,Beats OurRbs a full rà dk of m:'eaty barbequed back ribs You'fl ove Them! .ANDRSON &MANNING > 666-4923 Dec. 31, 1992. Ontario riding. MP René Soetens is inviting area residents ta nom'inate s ûuitable candidates for the, ,honour. Nominations should be submiitted ta bis Ajaic office. Nominations will b. reviewed bya committee of citizens, headed b4y Seetenrs, that will aid in the selectioný process. "People have always honoured those whose'talents, values and actions bentefit the. ommunity," saiîd of these "The presentation o hs medalswill ensure a tangible and lasting wpiy'io paLy tribute ta the peolwjZose achievemnents Ihave benefitted' their- fellow citizens. The fact that these medas were cre,,ated on the themne bf Canadas 125th birthday enhances their importance." Sce there is no standardized nomination form, people inter- ésted in nominating others should provide' a writt en 1explanation >detailing that person's achieve-, ments. * Geeralguidelnes advise that recipients should 'reflect -the dvrenature. of Canadia'n hk soclety and that the medal should ' be' awarded, ta persons from different professions, ethnic origins and Cultures. Cood candidates will alo be marked *by aëccomphiments, that h ave been,'appreciated by, large -segments of the populationÎ. ROTARY CASHCAIMPNAR$ KýfJuil.1 070545 - ..~.x;."» -A a à a. i j j je,» --à « a